So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming

So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming...

Yes im a female
Yes im a gamer girl
Yes i workout
Yes im a personal trainer
Yes im a forklift operator
Yes im a part time model


no i wont date you, i only date fit white men with a good education like lawyers or doctors.
You see girls like me have standards and dont waste time on less intelligent workingclass guys


Kill yourself

Fuck off with your bait

fuck off dirty whore.
literally nobody cares about you.

I want to lick that chest acne

>being personal trainer
>only dates lawyers and doctors

You should kill yourself.


In earlier iterations of this bait the instructor at least looked good. Sad.

You fucking assholes you cant even get a girl like me. Im out of your league

Why would someone with chest craters post a picture of it online? Also why is one titty chasing the other one around her back?

Ohhhh, her tits are big empty bags of skin because she used to be really fat. Got it.

Who would even want a sausage thigh like you?


onlookers, OP is a shitposting male


>workingclass guys

lawyers and doctors are still technically working class or at best petit bourgeoisie

Do you have to post this same thread every few months? Like do you not have literally anything better to do?

pretty sure the thread would just be filled w/ "AHAHAHHAOAOJHNABOBAOBAOBBHOOHOAOHOAHOAOHHAHHAHAHAHAHHA" if she did that

Also, op, assuming this isnt bait, which it probably is, no one gives a fuck.

>i only date fit white men with a good education like lawyers or doctors
>belly tattoo
>laminate flooring
Honey the only dick you're getting is big, black and poor.

Not trying to be mean, but... say you're a part time model?
A model of what? Polo shirts?
...because no makeup short of paint, is going to cover up that acne.

...but I'm still miring. You're twice the man that I am. ...which is a bit gay. Are you sure you're not gay?

I ignore ignorant haters

You get to b8 and i get to masturb8