No "muh annonimity" bs, 90% are shut-in neets
Faces of fit
Veeky Forums was right. Neck curls, minoxodil and a haircut. You look like a fucking marshmallow.
Shave that stuff between your nose and your mouth and fix eyebrows, and you are good to go.
Dyel? No offense.
Holy shit, it's Captain Sparklez!
Loved your Minecraft videos!
What's that dirt on your upper lip and chin?
This is not /r/RoastMe but dyel+manlet+0.01% genetics+etc
Not fitness related, reported
Fuck you Alex.
The season finale was literally the worst thing I have seen in any cartoon.
You ruined your legacy you fucking Hack.
havent shaven in abit, its an older pic but i stay clean mostly
Only onions make me cry.
what is your ethnicity?
Ukranian Shlomo
UK pls go
you like like you're straight out of 2004
Posting the best pic i have
I hate my face
Charls Carroll
mirin jaw line elf bro
reporting in, please no bully
why the hate? also green eye master race
>quadro quads
Am i a facelet Veeky Forums?
OHHHH SHITTTTTT hope wasn't waste
You look like a failure, unless you are maried and have children i would consider suicide
looks like u reg gaygen and pretend your a top but deep down u btm
you should cut bf, its not set in stone fi you are ugly or not until you can see your fucking jawline. Stop being a fatty and lift and you will be more then fine
>That 30+ year old fat fuck who's trying to get his shit together look
Where have you been the last few years? What have you been stuck trying to accomplish?
I like your face
Your eyes are like two black holes
They scream: "I LOST ALL HOPE. KILL ME"
pretty close desu
>this much projecting
after I proposed a week ago
we’re all gonna make it boys
Greetings Veeky Forums
I'm on a cut right now, but lots of people are saying I look pretty intimidating now that I started to work out.
It's good to know that lesbians browse fit. Which one are you
Phenotype theory confirmed, fuck you look like brother and sister
you look cuter then your gf
Post some body pics
Pls report
Guess there’s no point blocking out my face lmao
Congrats on the engagement.
Are you wearing makeup?
Recovering skelly here. Used to look way worse before I started trying to take care of myself
>we're all gonna make it
thought you were bladee for a sec
hey nice glasses man
you look like destiny if he wasnt malnutritioned
Congratz i eat this on a daily basis because i'm fat huehuehuehuehuehue
I wish i was a lanklet i could get so many gains and would take more care to gain only lean muscle
idk who that is
Gained 20 lbs from going vegan, never again. Keto all the way.
I fuckin hate my face though. Buy Nintendogs Switch'd in stores July 7th
I love your work
How to fix asymmetrical face
Is ukraine a nice place to live?
Lookin good brah
Keep on acquiring those gains
Occasional acne green eyes master race
lmao, I’m the dude on the right brah
Nah but thanks
no it’s a Snapchat filter plus I’m on accutane so my skin is pretty much flawless right now
Lol’d it’s a weird pic but she has a jawline of the gods, if we ever have kids they are gonna be fukkin chads
how much food was that and how long did you have to eat it
Is this show legit?
a ex sc2 player who rages at little kids on the internet
How long lifting? Would you like some head, no homo
Ayy man u wanna build some muscles?
You do?
That's good man, you found the right channel TMW
2 pounds of fish, 2 pounds of fries, and you get 45 minutes to finish. I did it in 13 minutes.
Damn your girl is a cutiepatootie
You're a tranny though
lee hardcastle?
okay yeah i take back the robbie rotten pic
your girl's a qt
I like the humor and the action
Most of you guys look like you don't even lift
your mother looks quite young
>mirin jaw line elf bro
>I like your face
Thanks bros
It's really nice to get some compliments
>why the hate?
I got bullied a lot during high school and never developed an healthy amount of confidence
I suffer from severe self hate and fear of rejection desu
>Occasional acne
Yeah, it's an allergic reaction
I have to change my bed sheets every 3 days or it gets worse
I have some ugly acne scars on my face
You can't see them because the photographer who took this pic shopped it a little bit because it was for my passport
>you guys look dyel
>doesnt post a pic of himself
>doesn't post picture
sick projection brah
6 years. Started at 13 doing power/Olympic lifting for 4 years and I’ve been doing Upper Lower splits for the past 2. And no thanks I’m good.
Fragile ego has been shattered
I've eaten bigger snacks. Which country are you from that that is considered a food challenge?
who ugly as fuck here
That are some David Bowie tier cheek bones
thanks brah
just babbyface plus accutane giving me flawless skin now makes me look even younger I’m 3 months from 22
it was funny though lmao
Fuck you why don’t you post your body
that’s my fiancé
body pic
5’6 160lbs 4 years lifting
I'm back 18/180/6'
USA. I agree with you, I thought the challenge requirements≫44234823 were way too easy
>21 years old
>getting married
laughing my fucking ass off. i'll give it 3 years before divorce and you come back here posting in a "feel" thread
what's it like being 10 and 22 at the same time?
also nice bod man looks like you've completely made it now get off Veeky Forums and actually live a happy life
yea and my girl is 5’3
sure pham
I am I barely come here anymore it’s all worthless advice and the jokes stopped being funny years ago
Shoo shoo jew
how european are you? Nice eyes btw
>no bulge
Like I said, a tranny, with shooped pics
>so insecure that he posts body pictures on Veeky Forums
>that include his face
>as well as the face of his girlfriend
>while getting married at 21 years old
this poor girl. i give it a year tops before she cheats on you and ditches your mongoloid ass
What branch are you in? Is your girl civilian?
Stopit user-fampai, you're making me blush
>y-yeah, I don't come here
>still attention whoring with pics
kill yourself
sure pham
>tfw morbidly obese since I was a young child
>never managed to get below 25% body fat
>never seen my face not covered by fat and chub
I wonder if I'll ever get to see my true face before I die.
would fuck
You don't seem like you need to be told this, but just ignore the douchebags. You're doing good and height can't be helped, only beaten.
Your manlet body makes that dick look nice