Too much back rounding?
Too much back rounding?
Deadlifting in sandals is ascended
hinge from the hips
man fuck off with your sandal/deadlift combo shit
does your lower back hurt after or during the lift ? do you feel too much tension building up in your lower back ? if so then yes, if not then no. I figured out most people on here are little bitches and formnazis just go hard and listen to your body. but since you are a beginner maybe you dont have the experience to do that so maybe try to have a perfectly straight back all the time.
Personally I dont see it as a problem but others will say too much, I think the important thing is that the lift feels safe and your back feels good afterwards.
>these are the 14 year old DYELs giving you advice and arguing with you on Veeky Forums
the absolute state of this board
No back pain
I know that the back rounding stems from lack of hamstring mobility. Thanks for the advice
>knee wraps
>shit tier deadlift form
these are unironically the people giving advice on Veeky Forums
oh my god please leave
top kek, I might actually try that out next time I deadlift to trigger/confuse dyels when they spot my 4pl8 sandallift
You're quite tall right? My back looks about as yours, until the past week or so. What you need to do is really hip hinge as much as you can, and then bend knees a bit. Your torso will end up almost horizontal to the ground and your shoulders over/slightly in front of the bar, but the back will be a bit straighter.
then work on your hamstring mobility and try to keep your back straight but aslong as it is not excessive rounding or your back starts hurting a bit I dont think it is too bad. just be honest to yourself and if you feel too much tension building up in your lower back during the lift abandon it and dont grind it out if something feels wrong.
also do you try to "pull your chest up" as you start the lift ? because that could be one little cue that makes your back a bit straighter.
>Lifting in sandals
Are these the madmen slinging out advice in the /vegan general/
No I don’t give any advice
>he doesn't deny going to the vegan general
I’m pretty sure the sandals are leather but ok bud
>still doesn't deny it
please please post pics of your bare feet.
Why would he? That's where the best gains are made
This advice is really dangerous. Sure it won't be a problem if your form isn't perfect for the first year or two BUT TOU WILL get injured eventually.
Also spread your feet a bit and go down a bit more with your butt. Not perfect but probably won't injure you until you fix the mobility issue
I see a massive disc herniation in his future
lets see them twink soles OP
if you cant figure out a safe way to do a movement after one or even two years you deserve to get injured. anybody who doesnt constantly try to tweak and improve their form on the big lifts for atleast the first 2 years is a retard anyway.
retract scapula and flex lats and traps before and during your pull, easy fix desu
Yeah, way too much. Move hips down, knees forward, bar should lightly scrap shins, move back in a straight. Make sure you are flexing your core.
>diddly in berkenstocks
I hope this board never dies