>husband reveals he achieved a high rank in tai chi under a famous master and was teaching classes
>he said he'll teach me
I had no idea he'd done that. Veeky Forums, is tai chi good for gains?
>husband reveals he achieved a high rank in tai chi under a famous master and was teaching classes
>he said he'll teach me
I had no idea he'd done that. Veeky Forums, is tai chi good for gains?
Other urls found in this thread:
Was the little backstory detailing your gender really necessary?
Homogenocide when?
Yes, entirely.
>is tai chi good for gains?
what type of gains?
I hate women so fucking much.
OP is actually gay married, but keep on resenting women because you're too gross to get laid.
maybe op is a faggot?
That doesn’t give us anything about the gender at all. Op could be a straight female or a gay male
Going to the effort of saying something neutral like "partner" or "spouse" would be weirder.
it'll help with balance and flexibility, but that's about it.
It’s like yoga for people who aren’t complete faggots
Is it better than sitting here browsing Veeky Forums? Yes, definitely.
Is it a substitute for the gym? No.
could just have made the OP "is learning tai chi any good?" instead of blogging
So, not much different from the bodyweight progression I do on my off days. I'll try it anyway, looks like it would be fun.
In the context yes, because God knows we'd all be laughing if they were looking to take lessons from a woman on anything
>how do I get gf?
>husband reveals he achieved a high rank in tai chi under a famous master and was teaching classes
Did you marry our boy Hemingway?
>Tai che
So basically yoga without the marginal benefit yoga provides through flexibility
Literally the most useless martial art ever concocted by gooks crawling around opium dens
>inb4 soft white unremarkable pol tards bandwagon this post, kill yourselves
Your husband is a tryhard get a divorce
He's already married and 'cultivating mystique', it just happened to slip to you because he tries to cheat so much and uses that gay line on women that reject him as he shuffles the ring around in his pocket
then someone wouldve asked "why the fuck do you wanna learn tai chi" and she/he would have to explain it anyway