Nurgle-Eats-A-Waitress Edition
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There must always be a /FPH/
Nurgle-Eats-A-Waitress Edition
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There must always be a /FPH/
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Someone post the reddit thing that had this full post.
Here you go user.
did they ever catch or id this fat ass?
These threads motivate me to not be a fatfuck anymore. I will earn my body or die trying.
>there are 10 year olds eating salads and lean protein
As opposed to what? Fucking candy?
Do it user!
don't take the lazy way out and blame it on genes\
>can you believe she's the same size she was in high school?
>I know, I'm so jealous too!
Reminds me of this
fucking mongoloid burgers
Do you think that the tramp snapped back and hurt her when he feet broke through?
Damn well know someone got hurt there and it wasn't the fat chick
So that's how that works
size 6 on the bottom, 26 on top
looks like she has 2 baginas on her back
should be exterminated
Based glenn
>doesn't carb load during the set
Never gonna bloatmax that way, son.
wtf is she stealing?
holy fuck based daddy
Halloween Candy.
A family left it out with a sign saying take one, but they had one of these door bell cams, so it was caught that a neighborhood fatty got there before the kids and took it all.
candy from children.
>smaller fat
>super fat
They have their own system
>your avoiding of me to the point of fearing me and being intimidated by me is triggering to me
Thank god playing the game of fatlogic is entirely voluntary
I'm sure she's just such a joy to date. Lol
She's actually got great face genetics desu, shame that she wasted them on a fatass body like that
>some of them dont even go up to my weight
meaning youre fucking fat holy shit
I don't have anything against fat people, despite having browsed fit for years. I find these threads funny, but don't actually harbor anger, resentment, etc. toward fat people. But stuff like this is annoying.
>Because you, as a cis gendered man are oppressive by existence alone and this must be atoned for by dating and admiring people who don't fit into your idealized conception of beauty.
Like, a guy could never fucking get away with this shit without being called entitled. And I agree, nobody should be entitled to anyone else, it's not healthy. But the double standard. What the fuck.
fat people deserve to be oppressed
this is S A T I R E
absolute madwoman
Standard scale goes to what? 300 isn't it?
I wonder how much training it takes to achieve super fat 2 and 3
most ive seen go to about 330
Fuck so she's that big. What's she tip the scales at now?
wikipedia says 370 in the last season
>using Wikipedia as a reliable source.
Gtfo you stupid piece of shit.
Is it?
I read this every time I'm about to do a tough final set.
>refusing to moderate my consumption is resistance to capitalism
really activates the almonds
>not wanting to go ultra fatstinct
I once recommended some Bolshevik dickhead in a FB group that they should hunt and garden their own food and donate the rest to a food pantry rather than go vegan.
They called me unrealistic.
what show is this and how can I watch it kek.
>train under hermit
>he helps you unlock Ultimate Fat, at the expense of not being able to go Super Fat anymore
My big fat fabulous life on tlc
>It's ok to have diabetes
Diabetes absolutely sucks though. I've got shitty gestational diabetes, which is basically just type 2 caused by pregnancy, and it's awful. Thankfully it's incredibly easy to manage by diet and exercise but why would anyone think that it's "ok" to permanently fuck your pancreas to the point where you have to poke yourself 4 times a day and inject insulin if you can't learn to eat?
what is fps (except frames per second or first person shooter)?
Fat people Shame (?) I think
Fat people stories
Man imagine being that thing's dad. Imagine the disappointment.
That's a really unfortunate fat distribution
Is this avoidable at all
Fatire more like right guys?
Oh yeah of course. Thanks.
This. Armchair ""communists"" make my fucking blood boil so hard. I understand that separating entirely from the capitalist world is unrealistic, but eating at McDs, buying the latest Iphones, and dying your hair every weekend is the antithesis of everything we stand for. These faggots will get the gulag.
communists are all gay retards
>posting leftypol shit on /fph/
Boy is this gonna go well
does anyone have that pic of the fat guy staring at someone eating doritos that says something like "every time i eat a chip he stares at me"
I saw it earlier but can't find it.
Talk about top heavy, its like the fucking blueberry birch from Willy wonka
Fucking gross, just imagine the smell. At first I didn't even know what body part whas that, just looked like a bunch of skin and fat
Kek. Genuinely wouldn't mind calling her that, it's hilarious.
>I ruled over a giant Galaxy
she definitely still rules over the giant galaxy that is her body, I'm worried what will happen when she and the Milky Way collide.
>planet fitness
the fuck is this shit? This is "I reject your reality and subsitute my own!" tier.
It's some weird fetish wiki some dude started that became popular when Funhaus and Rooster Teeth affiliates discovered and mocked it.
*Whop whop whop*
That's the sound of the helicopter
god why?
This video makes me hate fat people
Everyone around her just enables and babies her
i just hate that she gets paid for this. shes such a fucking embarrassment
Yes and no. Age and weight play a factor of course, but it's primary cause is your body's reaction to the hormones the placenta is producing during the pregnancy.
Okay. Because everyone says it's good for the baby to gain quite a bit of weight during pregnancy but idk how much is so much that it might cause fucking diabetes