Post your hands, handlets
Post your hands, handlets
Too embarrassed. My fingers are are skinny and there is no sight of knuckles or veins on them
Not gonna post but they are very small, 196x91mm
Damn thats a sexy hand
Handlet reporting in...
What on earth is that tattoo
What the fuck? Why is your middle finger not longer than others? How mixed are you?
Friendly reminder your fingers are the only way other people can tell your penis size.
>you'll never grow past 18
Digit ratio yes, not hand size.
Post arms mmmm
I stopped growing when I was 11. 5’10 and small hands even for a manlet.
post size, I bet you mog me and just have BDD
>large cock
>small hands
its a hard life lads
That was my hand you replied to.
Mine's fucked
My cock is longer than my hand. Which is a good and bad thing.
Am I a handlet?
Mine isn’t, and I have small hands. There’s nothing good about any of it...
itt: soft handed weaklings who think going to the gym four hours a week makes up for the deficiency of a sedentary job and lifestyle
Average drinking cup for scale
You have incredibly hairy fingers
You can't derive size from an out of context picture.
Well, I never trimmed them.
Put some sheets on you animal
a-at least I'm white
Why you gotta make me hate myself even more?
Fuck. we all have low-test ring finger ratios
Who said hand size
So your hands are average then.
Its longer, the picture just creates the illusion it isn't. Im 100% white.
Am I low test
Isn't that what we're talking about?
Yeah and I came in here to tell everyone it's meaningless
Get on my level
Ratio checks out
> He's not going to make it
Get out of my faggots in denial lifting website plz
Natty test is a meme
Take the roid pill
Well, tell me how it is.
You're low hygiene
Manlets, the lot of you.
Sorry for the broken necks, I'm at a relative's and on my phone
High test digit ratio senpai
High test ratio is ring finger longer than index.
Handlets btfo
>stunted growth
ok kid, there are other signs of endocrine dysfunction other than a small dick you know.
I’m a guy, but I don’t deny I’m a faggot. Traps are gay. Sorry...
Fuck. I've been high test all along
This is a chick or a sexy cute boy Mmm.
What does this mean? My ring is longer than index on both hands.
>All of these callusless hands
Am I literally the only person on this board who actually lifts?
What are my hands?
Are they feminine/masculine?
Or just freaky.
what jutsu is this?
What happened to hands like these?
This is fingers together
I’m just some faggot
You're gonna make it bro
>long fingernails
>brown skin
At least you have the ratio I guess
They look feminine from this picture
i literally have womens hands but a large dick so hah
I'm Italian and not a degenerate nail biter so what are you trying to say
Thx bb
too bad
Here is more.
Too long fingers desu, also feminine
wtf really
I knew I had masculine hands
Also right.
Yes, looks a bit feminine. I think it's just how slim the fingers are.
It's about the ratio of the index finger to the ring finger, my man.
likes men
likes women
likes women
Time to start doing daily plate pinches
Yeah I was told when I was in 5th grade or 6th ,that I have a pianist fingers.Yeah my hands/fingers are much skinnier than most men.Also they are softer,how come?
Fingers together. Am I high test, Veeky Forums?
Do you moisturize a lot? lol
Fucking BURN IT
No ,never my hands have always been like this.
I have never played sports outside of 3rd grade football after schoo.I do workout at home tho.
You have my hand
Am I high test?
Also my fingers are slightly crooked when they are together, anyone else have this problem?
stop biting your cuticles
Yea mine are also crooked.
Its normal.If it doesn't hurt its ok.
Every time I post on a thrad it dies.
I'm cursed guys.
>The only way to make your nails shorter is to bite them
Do they have nail clippers in Italy?
Reply to me again and I'll scratch your eyes out.
I like that shape of hand
pretty aesthetic hands
Thats really bad tattoo....
cant claim to have aesthetic hands if you post a picture of only half of your hand
Got the length.. Just need more girth
That keyboard is fucking disgusting