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I think he is implying steroids by this video.
he wants to go up to 245, wouldn't doubt of roids at this point unless bloatmaxx
this is what I wanted for christmas
I didn't notice until now that he sounds exactly like Chris Pratt
i love him no homo
He's extremely handsome, n-no homo
Oh shit you could be right. If he suddenly gets huge he can just say it was his "new method of training" that did it.
Uh oh, is my nattyking's honour faltering?
>there are people who think this guy is natty
>deadlifts everyday l
>GOMAD all year round while remaining low bf
Its just genetics!!
i honestly think that eric would tell youtube that he roids
he is like my hero so i would be disappointed if he didnt
>cookie cutter
just outed himself as a disciple of BIG FUCKING LENNY
>Trying to make it in the WWE
>Making social media posts admitting drug use
I wouldn't be shocked if one day he was jacking it in the streets of San Diego.
look at this shape. you know how much he lifts, and he is been doing it for more than 15 years. Explain to me how does he have such shit shape if he is roiding.
Hulk Hogan got caught roiding
Look at that shit shape, he clearly doesn't roid!
His would look way bigger if he roided, simple as that. The guy has been lifting for 15y at least, much of that time while doing sports. He sure looks big, but compare Bugenhagen to any other guy at his lvl who roids (such as Brian Alsruhe), and you'll notice the difference.
He sounds exactly like Kelso from that 70s show.
i don't give a fuck about the literal-who clown you just posted, a roider who can decline press 200kg (450lbs), incline press 150kg (315lbs) would never have such shitty, inexistent chest buges in that pic. His traps are also fucking small for a guy that can rackpull 1200lbs, and his legs are thin, for a guy that does so much heavy pulls and can squat 150kg (315lbs) for 20 reps.
you are ridiculous
Low volume lifting (1 rep) daily is doable as natty. Especially if your not doing any other lifts.
even more reps is doable. there are several guys following his "mindset" thing, only doing 1 exercise for 1~2 weeks. at the beginning its like 3x5, as you raise the weights and starts failing reps, you lower the number of reps, there will be a point you will do 3x1, then eventually, the workout will be working to your 1rm. thats when you switch exercise
>deadlifts everyday
he literally does not deadlift
>but muh jefferson lift
not the same thing
The hell was he on about? He just rambled for 13 minutes about fucking nothing. I love the guy but there was no need for the video.
I'm ninety percent sure it's him trying to lay a foundation for his kayfabe.
>The hell was he on about? He just rambled for 13 minutes about fucking nothing
t. Brainlet
not really
He truly is a genius trapped in man. Should I pity him or prostrate myself in support? I can't make up my mind.
how do you build a foundation, according to eric? He talked about that but never explained how
>He talked about that but never explained how
It's not complicated. Aim to deadlift 225 before 700. The whole message of the video was about pacing yourself for success.
I was on the UW wrestling team with him and everyone was taking clen back then among other things. He's never been natty idiots.
Natty or not, who gives a shit? He hypes me up and i think he's a cool guy.
>I was on the UW wrestling team with him and everyone was taking clen back then among other things. He's never been natty idiots.
Yeah, and my dad owns Microsoft.
Shit, guess I have no choice but to believe you.
If used it before he's clearly not using it has been a while