>all the people doing jumping jacks
>as many males as females using the yoga mats
>insane spike in the number of disgusting gooks and smelly poos
>I literally saw a male with fucking crocs in the gym
Pic related
ITT we discuss interesting NYR aspects of your gym
some dyel cut off half of his thumb cause he tried to squat 3 plates without any warmup. it was funny to watch the staff scold him as they dressed his wound
10 women all wearing the same pink tank top and yoga pants. All on the treadmill at the same speed...
There's this one pajeet who just started at my gym who both smells, walks around aimlessly and uses his yoga mat as a safehaven when he starts getting irrationally embarrassed about squatting in the smith machine
>uses his yoga mat as a safehave
W-wat? Like a make shift fort?
>tfw nothing changed since the beginning of the year
only been back twice and it's usually quiet around lunch time anyways but let's hope this stays the same
>Only twice
>7 days already
user, I...
>one really hairy bitch
>like really fucking hairy
>she actually fell asleep on the bench once
Mfw home gym and the only person bugging me is my dog
I go to a YMCA
>retarded young kids wandering into the weight room against the rules, will jump on every machine to do one rep each then get bored and go on to the next thing, constantly breaking the machines
>the hordes of geriatrics who manage to fuck up their form on machines that are basically designed to be as idiot proof as possible
>high schoolers constantly putting garbage rap on the radio, trying to lift way more weight than they should to impress retarded friends, one of them gets seriously injured every year (been going there for about 12 years now)
>the old homeless looking dude who wears an american flag leotard every day
>the actually homeless dude who moggs on everyone's baby weight and doesnt give a fuck that he's homeless, refuses all assistance and has no interest living indoors
>the guy with downs syndrome who always hits on every girl he sees and can outlift everyone except the homeless guy with his retard strength, still has better form than the high schoolers despite being literally retarded
>the soccer mom who brings her horribly deformed retard child in while she runs for 2 hours on an eliptical, every 10 minutes the abomination lets out a scream like it wants someone to give it a merciful death
>ALWAYS at least two Mexican women somewhere arguing with each other in Spanish, at ALL HOURS of the day
>African from Africa immigrant guy who's always fucking laughing about something
Better go to /x/ for that glitch in the matrix
>walk into gym
>extremely silent, maybe 1 or 2 people max
>no one hogging equipment, no gym thots, no one doing meme exercises, etc
>mfw homegym
>home for the holidays
>put up enough weight that I'm not mistaken for a resolution lifted
>things are good
>until bench day 2 days ago
>about to hit failure
>go for one more rep
>it's cools there are safety racks
>miss one of the racks
>bar is now about to crush my face
>oh fuck
>mercifully the weights slip off the bar so I'm free
>get up weights everywhere on both sides
>qt next to me looks over
>you okay user?
>helps me rerack my weights without me asking
>says she didn't see why happened and shows me where she caught a medicine ball to the face a week ago
She was nice about it, but it was still a massive blow to the ego.
Worst part was she wasn't there the next day when I was doing 4pl8 deadlifts for reps.
See all 75 of the ellipticals, treadmills, and memecycles are taken.
Turn the corner, see all the squat racks are open.
>Everything went better than expected
> Walked into apartment gym this afternoon
> Only one there
> 4 different sets of weights are unracked and scattered around
> All of the benches are bunched up in the middle of the room
> pl8s are out of order
> One of the ceiling fans is bent so now when you turn them on you feel like it's going to fly off into orbit then crash on your head
> wet wipes everywhere
I think they had an orgy
On the upside tho
> Home for holidays till jan 4
> Go to neighborhood gym
> college qt3.14s home from school everywhere
> Go to center of gym
> do a set of muscle ups
> mires, mires for days
> True liftan bros compliment me
> Hot grills say hi to me
> old farts and highschoolers are fuckin pissed
>retarded young kids wandering into the weight room against the rules, will jump on every machine to do one rep each then get bored and go on to the next thing, constantly breaking the machines
>the hordes of geriatrics who manage to fuck up their form on machines that are basically designed to be as idiot proof as possible
>high schoolers constantly putting garbage rap on the radio, trying to lift way more weight than they should to impress retarded friends, one of them gets seriously injured every year
>the soccer mom who brings her horribly deformed retard child in while she runs for 2 hours on an eliptical, every 10 minutes the abomination lets out a scream like it wants someone to give it a merciful death
>ALWAYS at least two Mexican women somewhere arguing with each other in Spanish, at ALL HOURS of the day
>African from Africa immigrant guy who's always fucking laughing about something
Christ, why are all YMCA the same.
>uses his yoga mat as a safehaven when he starts getting irrationally embarrassed
>barracks has it's own gym
>everything is old and the shitty crimson paint is peeling off
>moto posters of wars all over the wall
>"PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY" in scrawled in brick red on the wall
>no one is ever in there
>can blast music as loud as i want on the old ass sound system and no one is around to make it weird
i love it
we'll all make it user
Marines? Surprised no one else was there
it's usually got at least 1-3 people in it, but we're a small as fuck detatchment and i only ever go at weird hours due to my schedule.
>>African from Africa immigrant guy who's always fucking laughing about something
To be fair, anyone would be in a constant state of joy after getting out of Africa
Suburban Ys?
I find my urban one to be pretty chill, but I've been in other ones that are just nuts.