I bench 280lbs and I hate women because they are evil, subhuman, narcisstic freaks who perpetuate lookism, heightism, racism, and various other evils and cruelties whilst simultaneously claiming to be "kind" and "moral" in comparison to men. How can you claim that you wish for humanity to live hand in hand with peace and love for everyone of you treat 80 percent or more of the male population like shit?
ITT: how much you bench and why you hate women
I bench 300 lbs (in feels) and hate women because 290lbs of that is due to their insolence.
I bench slightly over 2pl8 for reps and I don't hate women. I don't hate an animal for doing what nature designed it to do, which is to seek the alpha male and look down on incels
I bench 290 and agree completely
I bench 355 and I hate women because of their narrow and selfish perspective on things. You can sacrifice all your dreams and spend your whole life working to support a woman and your kids and she'll divorce rape you anyway because being a single girl just sounds fun. She saw it on TV.
Funny how the weakest bencher in the thread cares about women.
I bench just under 2pl8 and have no issue getting approached, laid whenever. Therefore I don't have a bitter little blaming complex like OP lol
But yet men commit most murder, rape, robbery, overall crime. Most pedos/losers are men.
Right and black people commit the most crimes. So we can agree that niggers are evil too right?
I bench 70kg and I don't hate women, only slags and cheating wives
I bench 4.5 pl8 and I’m a virgin
Tell me you have a vid of this bench
Men commit the highest levels of atrocities, every sort of violence and crime is mainly performed by men and they are consistently ranked as more sociopathic on every psychological scale. Moreover, men have been beating, raping, and abusing women and children for centuries to no consequence. There are women who get their heads cut off for BEING raped and 13 year olds who have to get their vaginas sliced up with no anesthesia (equivalent to cutting your dick off, can never feel sexual pleasure again) because men like you think this about them.
Wanna see self-centered, lookist, heightist, racist, self-centered, narcissistic? Look in the mirror.
You forgot handsome
So how much do you bench?
I bench 180lb because I have a shoulder injury and I don't wanna hurt it. Injury caused by a woman too kek.
I don't hate women.
Funny how you believe that anyone on fit benches 300 lbs or even 280...
I mean this entire thread is autistic as fuck but please tell me you're baiting because this is a really stupid statement.
This is the same line of logic that full blown racists use.
>I hate women because they're bigots
>By doing so I am a bigot that hates 50% of humans for being born not male
You hate women because you're an ugly, tactless virgin. You'd have the same exact opinion of males if you were born an ugly, tactless female instead.
Men do most.
What a surprise.
And yet you can't actually refute it
How much do you bench bro?
I bench 150 for reps, I don’t hate women at all. There are as many shit women out there as shit men.
I love women and have been blessed with many romantic and sexual opportunities in life. Nothing is better than holding a woman you love, looking into her eyes and resting your head on her chest after a long day, the smell of her hair and body drives me nuts, it’s true bliss.
>I bench 150 for reps, I don’t hate women at all
Bitch, you ARE a woman at those numbers
Fuck off roastie
At least they're honest about it. And they have a sense of loyalty. That's important.
Men are romanticists pretending to be realists, while women are realists pretending to be romanticists
Big difference between blacks committing a higher % of crime vs men committing MOST of the crime
I don’t think you understand numbers...
Those things are done in muslim counties.
Most of them are non-white.
So no men ,just apes.
fuck off back to pol virgin
funny thing is you started lifting to get women, unfortunately heavy weights dont change your neanderthal face and autistic personality. WOMANS FAULT!
fuck low iq poltards
So how much do you bench?
I can bench 290 for a single and hate women because of lucy. Lucy was my prom date junior year. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I later found out that she only went with me so she could get to go to prom a year before she was eligible.
265 lbs and I agree with everything you say.
Thats /r9k/, pol likes women if they arent roasties