i did this for 2 months sold 2 weeks ago.. now doing the same thing again... farkin life

shh. target level .0075 in 2 days

>goes down a little

It'll do something - Crash hard. Did you get shilled into buying ATH bags. Sell now dude.

Hahahahahahaha exactly

Can some meme lines specialist tell us what to expect? Ty

This coin has no real utility just a eco system for icos which we have eth for, and a open community of needs you fell for this meme hahahahha muh 100 per neo muh 300 per neo

Don't care what it does as long as it makes me money. Bought 67.5 coins at $7.50. Still hodling.

Just wait till China forces Korea to use NEO , bye bye ETH

What, why would China even care about NEO?

It's a bear trend now. I expect it to drop to $30 by Monday.

they don't, but shills like to hope

look at waltonchains NEW box mining interview, that's a example of a real investment with a real usecase and blockchain in the real fucking world not your fucking matrix land

no it's not lol

You're blood will feed my greeness filthy brainlets
seriously though how is anyone this dumb

I'm not confident enough in it to sleep. I feel like it's 50/50. Which sucks, because these rumors seem like the kind of rumors that should have made it 2x by now.

IF your to stupid to research history of China and your a investor you should stop.

I just want money tho. This is already working. Why would I do something else?

The rumors are unfortunately absolutely stupid and unbelievable.

retard news on monday, we two news around the corner. one is neo news itself and second lift off ico ban some time next week. if you able to hold fucking one week . u get 2x or lucky 3x.

the rumours do not do shit anymore because people want to see real fucking results and not want Da Hongfei is spouting BS

exactly. buy and hold now or forever feel like a dumbtard