should you approach a girl at the gym? most girls say they dont want to be approached but you should never ask a fish how to be caught right?
Should you approach a girl at the gym...
jesus dude fuck off
If you are attractive then they'll be happy.
If you're unattractive then you're a creepy weirdo.
Literally don't unless it's your college gym. You can approach them in the cafe if your gym has a cafe or social area otherwise fuck off.
It's this. If you're an ugly fuck, no fucking girl anywhere wants your ugly ass to say one fucking thing to her.
This is true. Gym thots will approach you. If your gym has a cafe or lounge area that would be exceptable but make it natural have a reason to be there. Dont make a b line for her like some trog
>should you approach a girl at the gym?
>go to the gym
>do your work
that's all you should be doing.
It’s not advisable...but maybe after her workout. Maybe. If I’m in the middle of a set or on the treadmill, back the fuck off man I’m here to work. Though it’s unfortunate, what the other anons saying about age/attractiveness is true.
T. Girl
there was this girl that was fucking looking at me. we made eye contact like 4 times, and she was always looking first. I didnt approach because of people saying you shouldnt but i really feel like i should have
she either smiles back and u could approach
or she looks away super fast.
if that happens, u may encounter her again and she may try looking again and was shy first time
just go up to whatever shes working out on and ask "are you using this?"
then say "haha I know. so what are you doing tonight?"
works like a charm
This is actual good advice OP, listen to user.
>asks you to spot her on bench
basically this i think, if you catch a look then smile
you ask if she's here to work out
I find that girl don't like you unless you touch them a lot. They're like cats in that way: You have to get in there and show them that you're a nice guy. You can also get behind them on the treadmill and chase after them a bit. They like that.
See, this is what I don't understand about Veeky Forums girls: What do you want from me? To be more fit than you? Do you want to be ravaged in best by a mighty beast like a normal woman? ...or have you somehow misunderstood who's supposed to be doing the ravaging?
Cats don't work like that you mong. That's a sure way to get your shit clawed up real good.
only if you're chad.
you should if you're genuinely interested in her. there's nothing in the gym rules that says you can't talk to other people in the gym, but there's probably a rule that says you can't stare down girls while you touch yourself
>that would be exceptable
Pretty much this. However if you're lucky and you randomly get into a conversation with a woman give it your all. You'd be surprised how far you can get with a woman if she enjoys talking to you.
I think you're replying to bait. Anyone who's owned a cat know that immediatelty touching an unknown cat is a potential recipe for disaster.
What? I pet like every cat I see. Even neighbour cats around the street will approach if you know how to treat them. I guess some people just aren't pussy magnets.
Fuck off with your reddit tier threads