What's your best deadlift, Veeky Forums?
What's your best deadlift, Veeky Forums?
615lbs raw conventional
240lbs single mom, with a condom, doggy.
1000lb sumo
135lb conventional
Squat is 345 but my bench is something like 190. But I just started benching regularly, so I should get to 1/2/3/4 pretty soon here.
currently 0, best 515x1
nice user
275 conv
390x5 raw/beltless
(5'10" 175lbs 37 yo)
440 lbs conventional, 455 lbs trapbar
21 y/o 5'9" 175 lbs 2 years training. Desperately clawing my way to 500 lbs.
325lb double grip 1RP 3 months in after quitting dope doing hard on cardboard milk pints and "free" rehab food @ 5'7" ~180lb.
(17 180lbs 6'0")
So far only 265lbs for 5 reps.
Don't know what my 1RM might be, going training again tonight so anyone wanna rough guess and ill post results if this is still up?
post pic of ur quads
600x5 conventional deadlift, 655 sumo
335 x 1
150 x 1
I deadlifted for like 2 weeks and was at 225 lbs.
395 lbs x 3, before going to Snap City and having to restart at 185 lbs.
Breh you'll get there just do 5 rep sets placing 5lb on the bar each week and you'll make it.
203 x 2
240. Definitely my proudest lift to date, haven't been able to get anywhere near it ever since I stopped doing deadlifts.
225 for 4 reps whoops.
374 x 3
275 x 5
Exactly 400 lbs, achieved last month. Now train to hit 440 till march.
310 x5. They're lagging behind, have 1/2/2.5 and this on deadlifts. Gym bruh thinks i need to pyramid them and use chalk. How's that work? 3 at say 135, 2x 140, 1x145? Although i also hear its best to them in rapid succession.
*kgs bottom weights
Used to rep out 455lbs like nothing at 16.
Then I got a pilonidal cyst, and that put me out, and some other shit too.
I’m 20 now, and finally able to do them again, and am slowly gonna work up to 600lbs for 5 by the end of this year.
How much does the bar weigh?
You don't count the weight of a loaded bar because the force of the plates pull down negates it.
200kg / 441lbs w/ straps
been lifting for 4 months, 20, 6'0", 100kg
20kgs (45 burgers)
69 skeltons
625lbs 5x5 Snatch Grip
495 10x5 Regular.
My growth plate is fucked up in my right arm and I lose grip on anything narrow
the fucking memories m8
only time I ever beat the game on hell difficulty was with a fishymancer
Ah, so make a day of just diddies? On a A, B alternate every other day plan. Okay, once my gains slow i'll throw this in
225x8 but my ass begins hurting really bad so i have to stop every time.
500 @ 158
Sumo because I'm not a peasant.
160kg for 3 reps and I've been stuck here for a few months.
I only count 58. You e-stating skellingtons faggot?
and here i thought the tyrannosaurus rex was left in the cretaceous period
You mean normal?
>very shit quality recording
I've returned.
140kg (308lb) for 2 reps.
Can someone critique my form to make sure im not going to snap my shit up if i keep going the way i am?
that looks fucking awful jesus christ
if you cant tell that by yourself you might as well stop lifting at all
I did 250kg/550lbs in a powerlifting meet.
I was hoping to get 260 before Christmas but injured my back.
Still a newbie DYEL
130kg for 2 with chalk
230 kg w straps 82 kg bw
I got up to 3pl8 plus 10lbs per side a while back, but then depression and a back injury hit me hard and i'm just startinf up again. Wish me luck lads.
I don't know tbf, it's been a while since I deadlifted conventional. I can sntach dl 180kg for 3 tho.
just came back from the gym
286 x 5
185kg @ 65kg bw
raw sumo
week 2 of weightlifting and up to 3pl8x5x2
(i cant progress now because i didnt realize i would need to buy more weights so soon)
Is adding kettlebells to my barbell a bad idea?
I am a bone violin
405 conventional 3x10 touch and go with straps no belt
545 max @ 198lb
805x5 when I was 18 but got in a car accident and only do 355x10 now
Holy shit nigger your hips shoot straight the fuck up before the bar even moves
450lb neutral grip
how does it work?
Like when you hit 5 pl8 dl do balloons drop and someone deliver you a qt gf, or do you get a letter in the mail, or what?
seeing as everyone here is just gonna rip u i might as well give u some tips.
when u set up and bend over to pick the bar don't drop ur hips. make sure your back is neutral - think chest up. retract scapula more and engage lats squeeze abs and glutes
I haven't been deadlifting much recently. Pulled 365 yesterday, was pretty quick off the floor. I could probably hit 405 fairly easily but I'd have to work at it to hit mid 4's or 5.
>135kg x 5 squat
>140kg x 5 dead
I lift 405 conventional, but this double mini-maxi band iron chain behind the back deadlift is really over 600 easy.
725 on a 13" raw conventional, haven't tried from a standard height since hitting that, I do a lot off odd lifts as I do strongman not power lifting.
405 x1
255kg for 1 conventional.
For reference if it was off these, standard height would be in the high 600s I struggled for the 725 from 13" so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get it from normal, soon though
315 lbs x1
Thx man
made me feel better about my 220 x 5
thanks breh
Good work user
390. So close to 4plt before fucking up my back and living in snap city. Now diddys and squats are a no go. Can only do good mornings and front squats now.
Mfw will never reach 1/2/3/4 in my life
515 conventional with hook grip
Really want 600 this year and pulled 565 off of a block that positioned the bar below the knee
410x3 I need to get more weight.
>tfw home gym mustard race.
i only do trap bar
158 5'10.5
484 lbs conventional
>16 short of 500
End me