What job does Veeky Forums work at? Going to college real soon and don't really know what its like to have a job and lift at the same time. How do you manage both and how much money do you make?
What job does Veeky Forums work at...
I'm a NEET. I had to move back in with my parents when I broke up with my gf. I'll find out Monday if I've gotten a new job as an adult education teacher. pray for me bros
>wanting to be anything but a NEET
I get paid by the wagecucks to lift and be happy, it's great
Good luck with that man what'd you do to get the job and how much money ya making?
DONT GO TO COLLEGE. Its a fucken debt trap made by the jews. You want to go to technical school then become an apprentice in a sought after trade. Less and less people are doing it nowadays so there is less competition and you can make big bucks if you are committed.
How much does the NEET life give you out of curiosity?
Being a neet was cool for a while but seeing my parents kill themselves working long hours really had me guilt tripping
I'm going to a community college so the 1st two years are free becuase I live in the same city then taking a transfer program to a uc. What trades make moderate money to live on? Cali cuck btw.
There was a teachers shortage so its a government funded training program. if I do 12 months of work in a ghetto school I'll earn €18000 and get my qualification handed to me.
What ciriculum you teaching?
1,4k a month. Since I already own my home and car there's literally not one reason for me to work.
IDK im aussie. Look it up for yourself, see what all the states are short in or will be short in in the near future. There should be info on government websites and be prepared to move to a better state.
ugh, teaching in the eu. fuck that.
Thx for the info doods real stressed out about this thinking of being a cop but scared I'm gana get shot on the job on my 1st day.
Level 5/6 IT and digital media.
I had thought of going into the armed forces but at the end of the day I would rather be a neet than die for merchants.
What are good trades to do?
I feel you man deaths a scary thing not sure if I want to just throw my life away to avoid college.
>I feel you man deaths a scary thing
Mortician here, the scariest part is how filthy the average household is desu
how do you get 1,4k???
Electrical, HVAC, Builder.
My uncle actually does this and rents our garage. I feel like it's good pay but not enough for a house maby like an apartment.
By applying for early pension after some wagie threw himself in front of the train I was driving and pretending to have PDST whenever they try to make me get a new job.
Just graduated with a bachelor of arts in history.
First job out of uni is at a brewery. 35k a year entry level, get to take home a twelver a week. I don't know whether to climb the ranks here or go back to school for my B. Ed (which was the original plan)
Balancing Work, Lifting, and School rn. Going to school for my EMT-B and working part time retail for the lulz till I start working my summer groundskeeper job again at the local cemetery
also in Australia plumber now earns the most per hour out of all the trades because no one wants to do it. How does 110AUD / hour sound annon? pretty sweet right? and here in Aus tradesmen have so much work they just don't show up sometimes if they don't feel like it.
Cleaning pipes sounds real nice and all but is the money worth cleaning shit all day?
Entry level SWE at Google
I work at a cinema and it sucks. There's no fixed work schedule so some days I work nights and then I could end up working the next morning, which is like 12 hour after my last shift finished
so basically 150k a year and 100k in stock options at 22 years old, ,multi-millionaire by 30
par for the course on fit
>software dev
>age 23
Student gym's going to be a tard fest
Pretty much spot on with the numbers, doubt it's par for the course on this board though
did you read the post?? 110 DOLLARS (AUD) per hour.
I work as a consultant in healthcare, started college as an architecture major.
Bottom line I had no idea what I wanted to do when I first started college. Completed with an english degree, became an EMT, worked full-time, volunteered full-time, and was taking a full class load for pre-reqs. Shit sucked but it set the stage for where I am today. Really wish I took a gap between high school and college to find what I wanted to do.
I just wouldn't know where to start after getting a diploma for it or whatever you get when you take the class.
I feel like they wouldn't put you on dangerous routes into dangerous places on the first day.
Electrical line work. Tough stuff but if you go through an apprenticeship and hook up with a local union, you'll be a lineman and can make ridiculous money. Only issue is that the people and conditions you work in will make or break your experience
Air Force 2M0X2, Nuclear Missile Maintainer. It can be fun, sometimes I get an entire month off. Other times I work over 15 hours a day. Extremely unstable work, but I get paid regardless of if I work or not so when you go forever without coming in it is awesome.
Same situation for me but I do have a sort of job. I do architectural design with an engineer but I work on my own time and barely any motivation lately.
HR Generalist. Mostly boring but I make $85k. Going to move into consultancy and travel for the big bucks in a few years.
FIREFIGHTER/Paramedic with a 4 year degree in paramedicine.
Mandatory 1 hour in the gym every 24 hour shift. Only work 9 days a month. The rest i use for boozing and women but could be used for lifting.
>be happy
kek why you lyin user
I founded and operate a dairy processing company with my friend. We also do a a shit load of investing in cryptocurrencies.
Finding time to lift can be challenging but there's always time. I don't have a wife or kids so that responsibility isn't something I need concern myself with in my off work time. I train 5 days a week for about an hour thirty.
I just started investing in crypto it seems too good to be true if you have any idea what you're doing. I'm already making profit.
This was my first plan but I found out you need lots of expirence to even get work as a fireman and I have no idea where to start with that.
Working at Lowe’s while taking classes to becoming an electrician
it is. everyone on Veeky Forums is an extremely wealthy genius software engineer. congratulations on heading to be a multimillionaire living in the most expensive area of the world
another commonality on fit is be to like this >44242481 or making over 6 figures working only a few days a month or working an extremely easy desk job
basically on fit, every person makes a top income no matter what the cost of living where they are is. they could live in the most rural part of alabama or mississippi where rent costs $100 a month and they would still make 150k a year
It's not too good to be true imo. It's a massive surge of revolutionary currency being produced and accepted at an insane rate. It's honestly like a modern gold rush and I'm sure it will be remembered that way.
Got into it because interestingly the market price of bitcoin operates with very similar trends as the global dairy market
>you can't be happy unless you're a wagecuck like me
Is it Stockholm syndrome?
Get EMT, work for a private. Volunteer. Get a degree in fire science. Private pay academy.
There are tons of ways to do it, depending on your means and your area. Also travel. Know it is a career and won't happen overnight, but it won't disappear overnight either once your vested and have a resume in arguably one of the most stable industries.
Right now, full time Neet looking for a job, recently almost landed a $30/hour job close to home doing something I like, but I fucked up during a test so yeah :/ still looking for a decent job
mechanical memegineer
>get 2 years of free community college for an associates degree with my general education classes out of the way
>decided to go to local college for computer information systems because I like computers
>program is shit
>transfer back after a semester into my community college
>going to be taking a java course to see if I like computer science, then transfer to a real university in the fall of next year to pursue the major
>having second thoughts about the expenses of college and making my parents shoulder that loan money
I don't know what to do. People tell me CS is still lucrative and to hedge my bets with the major, and that it will hopefully pay off for me, but I don't know if I can handle working all the time through college to pay for rent and food while taking a full course load to avoid paying the extra 10k for on campus housing. Part of me just wants to get another associates in computer science and just say fuck it and bypass the bachelors so I won't have any debt, but im already going on my 3rd year of college and am looking to be at least a 5th year student. This system is broken, what do I do?
What the fuck? Not trying to offend but why do fucking firemen need to go through that?
Chemical technician. I mostly pump chemical to remove Hydrogen Sulfide from fuel products.
>Great money. $26 an hour before overtime. $90-115k a year depending on how much our salesman hustles
>Easy as fuck. I can nap in the truck at most refineries and just check my shit every hour.
>They toss us extra hours like for no reason every time we go out. A 4 hour work day often gets charged as 12.
>Nature of the job means I can't drink or do drugs. My life got better after I had incentive to give that shit up.
>I'm probably gonna get leukemia or lung cancer if I stay with it for more than a decade.
>On call 24/7, so my sleep schedule sometimes goes out of whack and I can't plan ahead for shit since we need to be able to respond to jobs within a couple hours.
I lift when I can. Honestly, I love the job. As long as the oilfield holds the course I'll probably stay with it since I don't have a family. Might retire early or just buy a house in some college town and get a degree if it falls through.
Wish I'd have just gotten my degree out of high school but everything worked out anyway.
thx 4 reading my blog
I'm graduating soon with a batchelor's in software engineering. In June I'm gonna start a job that comes with a free gym. Pretty excited to move from the free university gym to a free company gym.
Diesel mechanic. Mostly do things like overhaul semi engines.
Holy shit that's similar to what I do. Expect I clean it up if y'all fuck up. I'm a haz spill contractor. Great hourly and on call 24/7.
But I'm not a brainlet and can make way more money than any tradesman with my fancypants ivy league degree.
Another software engineer here. Grossed $218k last year at 27. I literally work like 10:30am-4:30pm (or less) most days, including an 1-1.5 hours at the gym.
Pretty neat.
I actually do make over 6 figures, but my job is in no way easy and I'm still crunching numbers in the office at 2am on a Saturday. Maybe there is something to be said for NEET life...
Why don't you hit up the refineries themselves
Fort Mac jobs start at 6 figures before you add in overtime
$180k the first year for me and never less than $200k after that
Of course you have to live in the mac
Cheers, man. I'll pour a tote out for ya next time.
Also very tempting, but I'm actually only on my first year of doing this. Word on the streets is that I need a couple more years under my belt as a contractor before I can get that gravy refinery position.
What do you spend it on? Do you enjoy your work? If not, have you considered doing something you like and make less money?
Start my engineering internship in a week and 2 days. Will be making $18/hr so feeling pretty good.
Work full time in a gun store. It's fun.
Any tips for an IT internship interview? Already had one on the phone and it was super easy, they liked me a lot and are even buying me lunch. Nothing was in depth at all in the phone interview and I don’t know what to expect from a second one in person.
In my final year studying dentistry. Hoping to land a $120k job at the end of it at 22 years old
How did you get into software engineering? Are the free online courses worth it?
As long as you aren't totally socially retarded you should have no problem getting an IT internship. Being able to talk to people like a regular human being is HUGE. Also if things get in depth don't be afraid to admit your shortcomings if you don't know something. Literally just b urself.
I want to become a firefighter, either structural or wildland. I’m currently an exercise physiologist, and my career is so boring it’s killing me. I’m making about $50k a year, but it doesn’t seem worth it to me if it’s keeping me inside and from enjoying my life. I don’t even know where to start though.
>40k as a warehouse coordinator where I browse the internet for 70% of the day. Work 8 - 4:30 m-f.
>Lift after work for about 1.5 hours
Need to go to school or find a way to make more money than this, fuck. I'm starting to see so many people my age starting their careers and it's starting to dawn on me that I have wasted so much time.
Still living at home bc I go to school in Toronto and rent is expensive as fuck. I work freelance and have girls pay $20-40 to send me their nudes and then I draw them
Convince me that 30k in student loans are a necessary vehicle for studying a STEM major and wont cripple me and my parents for my entire life
im an armycuck, its not too bad if you pick a pogue role that ll get you civilian quals
> What do you spend it on?
Up until recently, I've spent all of my extra money on student loans, so a huge chunk of it just went out the door. I paid ~110k over the past three years, but I'm all paid off now. My wife has another 30k that I'll probably just pay off as well, but it basically hasn't been long since I've been able to actually keep my money.
Right now even with my wife not making much money (though she's starting a business), high bay area rent, and spending a lot of money going out to dinner and shit (dgaf about the cost), I still end up with 3-4k per month in extra money that I'm just stashing. I honestly don't know what I'll do with it since actually buying a house in the bay area is fucking nuts.
> Do you enjoy your work? If not, have you considered doing something you like and make less money?
I love being a programmer. My job is maybe more frustrating than it should be (dealing with legacy software), but I'm good at it and I enjoy it and I'm well respected for my skills. I genuinely love programming and computer science and would never want to have another job.
>tfw two college degrees
Does anyone else ever get the urge to escape the rat race and just go full Ernest Hemingway and sail around the Caribbean drinking and doing whatever the fuck you want
See my post. If you go into the right career, 30k is fucking chump change - I paid over 100k in 3 years. I literally have over 30k in my bank account right now.
Health economist at a university based consulting group
A lot of stochastic modelling, evaluation work, and shit like that
I worked for a cruise company in Alaska as a luggage monkey and a driver last year, but the season is over. I'm thinking of reapplying to the company next season and getting them to send me to work in Tacoma. I'm stuck up here and rent is expensive, so I'd like to get out. Also the gyms here fucking suck dick.
About what I expected, thanks for the answer user. Happy for ya
Yeah I really don’t see how paying off loans would be that hard. I can live off 20k a year easy peasy and throw the rest at my 15k I’ll have in debt and I’ll be rid of it in a year or two. I’m sure a lot of other expenses get in the way but if you’re like me and don’t spend much money and can tolerate living in moderately shit conditions it shouldn’t be difficult.
no? do you know what that means?
Going into an HVAC program soon. Took a year off after graduation to save up money; I quickly learned that I can't stand typical 9-5 jobs.
I'm quite worried that I won't enjoy nor be able to prosper off a tradie career, although I heard they can make some solid bank.
If the HVAC field doesn't work out, I might get a comp or software eng degree, or apply for the RCMP.
All I know is working in retail is absolutely soul sucking.
Any tradies have any experience/stories to tell?
you contact plumbers to get an apprenticeship.
Doing a PhD in molecular biology atm, getting enough to survive, but can't save anything. Ill be starting with 4k+€/month when im done.
>get in 70k-100k debt with no certainty of a job
>not a brainlet
honestly I am just biased. I have a degree in science and graduated with honors in civ. eng. but couldn't find a job. Wandering aimlessly through my life. A trade would have been better for me. Good luck though.
>tfw work as a Software Engineer for 60k in Vancouver
it could be worse. I get to spend my leftover cash on guns and ammo.
I work as a software dev for a brokerage firm. Salary is 99th percentile.
Senior studying finance at a state university. It's not fucking ivy league so I won't be working on Wall Street, so god knows what I'm going to do
> Computer Analyst
> $80k/year
I live a block away from a gym and there's another gym next to my work. I also keep light weights and kettle bells at my desk so I can do a quick workout if I can't make it to the gym for some reason. However, if you can't figure out how to get to the gym a few times a week with your (assumed) 6-8 hours of free time per day, you need better time management skills.
where do you live mate??
Nice gig. What exactly do you do for work? One of my professors is pushing me into this field, on the side I am exploring Data Science since my college doesn't offer anything for it.
What sort of skills did you need going in?
How did you guys figure out what it was you wanted to do? I never continued my education after high school because I didn't know what I wanted to go to school for and I refuse to in-debt myself just for the sake of having a degree in something. I'm gonna be 24 in a few months and I'm really tired of working a in a grocery store.
Fitness is really the only thing I'm interested in, and I enjoy helping people better themselves, so I guess I could give being a PT a shot, but would that even make for a good career?
your uncle must be an alcoholic or have some other fucked up life problem. i have a couple friends who are electricians. they absolutely rake in dough and have no college debt.
I do IT incident response at a hospital. The job consists of waiting around until something breaks; figure out what exactly is broken; coordinate with the appropriate personnel to address the issue. I studied computer science and information systems in college. However, critical thinking is the only skill that's required for my position.
>60k for software engineering in a major city
is canada really that fucked? i do a code monkey job in Maine for 65k. I have no college degree and the COL here is low as fuck. isn't vancouver really expensive?
You can go into HR, they need more useless do gooders
>I get paid by the wagecucks
how user? my father is about to kick me out of the house pls help
Yes Canada is mega fucked for being in software. I was making 75k in toronto and just accepted a job for 150k USD in the bay area this month. It's not worth it for me to stay here so I'm moving. I don't even like the US. 90% of Canadians that are any good fuck off to the US for a few years to make money.
Hmm, that seems appealing. Is the salary 80k because of the location? (E.G Los Angeles) or because of your experience in the field?
Any advice you could give for landing a similar gig would be stellar