What's the weirdest shit you do at the gym that works?
What's the weirdest shit you do at the gym that works?
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I do kettlebell swings as a squat warmup
that's about it
I fuck a curlbro in the missionary position not for pleasure, but for brocreation
I do that alan thrall squat warmup where you kind of do little hops and land in a squat position
find anyone squatting and make eye contact with tehm through the mirror for their entire set. once they're done i back away slowly never losing eye contact.
I met my gf(male) like this
I like doing Pendlay Rows, not exactly weird, buts it not really a lift most people in the gym do
Reminds me of one of Murphy's Laws of Combat:
>If it's stupid, but it works, then it's not stupid
Jump shrugs to warm up for hang cleans.
This was just plain weird.
>lifting belt
>smith machine
>front squat
>beats by Dre
Pretty sure I'm the only guy there who does zercher deadlifts. They feel great.
Rack pulls above the knee. Its obnoxious when you put a lot of weight on and people give you weird looks. The lower trap gains are rediculous though
i have never seen anyone in either of the gyms that i go to doing pendlay rows either so i always feel like people are staring
I do those as part of Stronglifts 5x5
now that I think about it I don't remember seeing people do pendlay's at my gym before I started doing them with my friend
Were you the squatter or watcher
I did those for the first time a few weeks ago and people stared but it made my back really sore. Definitley park of my routine now
Seems like good hip mobility
five sets of bench then with the SAME BAR five sets of squats. People are already looking then after i do FIVE sets of deadlifts WITH the same bar again and then leave by the time im finished everyone in the gym is just staring at me in utter shock as to what im doing
Do people think weighted chin ups are weird? I go to a gym with a bunch of geezers so obviously I'm the only one doing them
Watcher. Approached right after the set was done.
you dont do pendlay rows? imagine if your mother is being trapped by a thin cylinder of sort of heavy wood and you're seperated from her by a waist high fence.
oh whats that? you cant get the wood off? guess you shouldve done pendlay rows faggot, now your moms dead
From the floor? Probably the best overall exercise in existance.
Not relevant to the thread at all, but I love this picture. I use a burner number and send pics of cats doing stupid shit to my friend at early hours of the morning acting like he's my vet and I'm concerned for the health of my animals.
kek, does he know its you?
Not at all, really. Well, depends on where your mobility is at. If you're looking up at really good mobility, you're already past kettlebell swings doing anything for your hips. If you've never thought about mobility before, they probably warm you up a little.
When done correctly, kettlebell swings are just an explosive hip extension out of a regular old hinged position, they're just easy to do a lot of.
i would do weird like semi-yoga stretches that look really weird
like stand on one leg and bend the other one backwards and balance forward
i autist level walk back and forth in the stretching area to warm up, get hyped, and have my water at the end of the area so i can walk back and forth from where i do my stretches and poses while getting a drink of water
i bring a thermos to the gym, and put ice cubes in it so water is ice cold entire time
umm and do like 200+ reps of everything and had niggers literally applauding me when i was doing my regular daily routine back in the day, dont do that rowing machine anymore because id get so many fucking blisters
...I do an exercise which I have called, "Squaty Hoppies".
I do them in parks at night. You're basically just broad jumping around, but instead of getting full extension and then standing up after landing, you never leave an ATG squat position. So you hop without passing parallel, and land back in the squat.
I just hop around like this. It gives me a killer quad burn, hip stretch, ankle stretch, metabolic distress, but no DOMS. They're amazing.
No clue. He'll post a screenshot on Facebook every time I do it and ask who the hell is texting him asking about their cat.
I sent him this with the banana pic:
>Doctor, my son gave my other cat a banana and he made this face. Is he allergic to bananas? Are cats even allowed to have bananas?
that probably looks fucking retarded but sounds like its effective
Sounds pretty good, literally would only do them past 10pm though in fear of looking like a retard
This shit right here.
The neck and trap gains are godly.
I know what you mean though with he high weight. I go up to 7pl8 and it just feels weird, like everyone is thinking you’re braindead.
I've got a bench but no rack to do pulls from, would it be possible that I put some boxes under my feet so I can stand and use the bench to do racks?
Jefferson Squats. Got into them rehabbing a knee injury and kept them in the rotation.
Do you want to die?
I dunno about that. I wouldn’t do that honestly, as I’m paranoid of something going very wrong.
Plus the boxes gotta take your weight plus the bar.
Play it safe, user.
Or if you want to fucking kill yourself do it.
I do "situps" (and "side-to-side" turns) in the contraption people use for back extension.
Hearty kek
I've been coming in and out of uncontrollable fits of giggling for several minutes now after reading this and imagining waking up in the middle of the night to that kind of shit. Got any more examples?
6 or so pullups about a minute before squats, in theory to get blood flowing and oxygenate my legs more thoroughly so I can push harder
When I get under the bar and I'm a little bit shakey/vibrating but feel solid under the weight, know I've done it right and it's gonna be a good set.
Neck curls.
the looks I get doing this are gold
I do kickers, I do fucking... twisters. I do my uppercuts
If I could get proper depth, I'd start doing this during busy hours.
Floor presses make me feel like a fucking idiot but damn they are good.
I sent him that one of the cat shitting standing up and sent him a big long spiel asking him if the cat had colon cancer because he was afraid to squat down because it seemed to hurt his ass.
The next night I sent him another one of another cat pooping standing up. Said that my other cat started doing it, and if the kitty litter I used was causing my cats to develop colon cancer.
I do 3x12 on the pec-deck, going slow on the eccentric as a warmup before dumbbell bench.
sounds like it looks really stupid but gives a lot of strength out of the hole
that cat looks strong as fuck
is he doing an inverted row here?
people look when I do face pulls on the cable machine. They're not even that weird. I just go to a super normie gym with nobody serious about fitness
I do them to warm up my glutes / better glute activation. It works bretty good for hip extension.
apparently squatting to fucking depth while all the quarter squatters and mongs stare at me like I'm doing the weirdest fucking thing ever.
Good shitshit
Snatch balances confuse people.
Probably weighted chin-ups.
this is brilliantly funny
Jefferson rack pulls.
I mainly do it for a god tier upper back/trap work out and it helps me with my grip strength and core strength.
Jiu-jitsu conditioning. People have no fucking clue what I'm up to and I never explain. They think I'm a mentally challenged monkey man. To date the only words I have spoken to anyone there have been yes, no, hi, thanks, and hungry.
I do this too, just not with 3 pl8
>not knowing what GPP is
>wasting time doing specialized conditioning when you could be doing skill training
My back, delts, arms and abs exploded after starting to do this: youtube.com
1st entry for 2019 new year comic
>he skips squaty hoppy day
i want to lift there. looks nice.
Is this you?
I do a super set of tricep push downs and reverse curls.
No resting between sets, each set goes up in weight. This take up the whole cable cross machine.
Shit works, but damn it feels commoner.
>1 am, walking home from the club after girls night out
>wasted as fuck
>pass by the park
>muscular guy, about 5'6, hopping violently towards me
>start running as fast as I can in my heels
>trip and fall
>let out one last scream before getting hopped to death
This and floor presses.
Banded hanging knee raises
Chinese oly gyms all look comfy as fuck desu
Low bar squats
If I go with my gf, she likes to do this tandem ab thing I taught her.
Lay with your head between your standing partner's feet, grab their ankles, keep legs straight and try to touch toes to partner's chest. They catch your legs and throw them towards the ground hard as hell. Stop them just before they hit ground. Has gotten some weird looks in the past.
Decent lower ab workout and is more fun that doing six inches. Plus I get to look up her shorts.
the only strangeish thing i do is ring pullups in place of regular pullups
muh elbows
I do 10 sets of 8 hammer curls with the rope attachment on cable machine, shit makes my forearms explode bros
kek i used to do this when i started working out in the gym
hit on women
i wish my ankles were that mobile
Do block pulls. Find something that raises the weights up off the floor
holy fuck you absolute madman
I’m having trouble visualizing this but it sounds really useful if it is how l think
This shit is super fucking helpful
neck training and yoga
Holy shit, my sides.
Floor press? Don't you mean the handstand push-ups XD
delete this
user I'm just like you right now. This fucking user made me cry of laughter I can't believe what I'm reading
kill yourself reddit
Someone please cap this. And user please send screenshots.
>thinking thats funny
I do deadlifts
pretty rare
Ditto for jerk recovery. It's honestly the only reason I have it programmed.
I got to planet fatness so pretty much everything i do is considered weird to other people and get stared at. Im pretty much the only non hamplanet or WoW skelly there.
bro tier/10
Get rock hard and swing my dick around the locker room
bulgarian squats
>no homo
I went there a few times. Last time I was doing 5pl8 on the leg press and it was going down as quiet as they like so I got bitched at, if they have that much of an issue just put gel pads or some shit on the rest so it cant bang.