>slow metabolism
Things Fat People Believe
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that's a thing though
its true though, doesnt make losing weight impossible or anything, but shit sucks
lost like 20lb in a few months, got pretty cut, started "lean bulking" and im putting on fat real quick again, along with muscle granted
whereas some people can eat a similar amount of calories and put on minimal fat and mostly muscle. if I ate less than I do now though, I wouldnt be getting stronger
>muh slow metabolism
Fat people burn calories at a higher rate. Fake news
ok cool bro
Do some basic research and you will find that you are coping. Overweight people burn more calories because it takes more energy to move their fat pathetic bodies
I was never overweight in the first place faggot
my metabolism is so fast, after i eat it takes like 30 minutes until i can take a shit
is that good Veeky Forums?
What OP is likely referring to is fatties who think that their “slow metabolism” means that for some reason their body puts on more weight than someone with a “fast metabolism” who eats the same amount. This isn’t true and is simply a result of fat people having this delusional idea of the amount of food they’re eating compared to other people.
What you’re talking about is just genetics when it comes to ability to put on muscle.
>believing food goes through you in 30 minutes
>mfw I sat through this thing
tl;dr Buy magic algae
>Gain muscle mass and eat a healthy diet to regulate metabolism
Explain that jew
it's a thing because fat """people""" eat shit all day. If they were eat healthy they would have normal metabolism
>inb4 strawberry prices
>meme diets work
>raw food diet
then what would cause you to believe that fat people dont have higher metabolisms?
because the only logical reason to believe that is cope
>muh genetics
Oh no my slow metabolism means I have a BMR 62 calories lower than normal. Guess I should just give up and eat shit all day.
And they hardly move beside goong to mcdonalds
Once I'll get fit she will love me
>slow metabolism
I wish i had a slow metabolism
I have the opposite problem
>blacks are people
>virgins are people
wtf im with her now
Well, you're a pussy who can't get pussy, so it makes sense.
le epic burn xD le upvoted
>being so butthurt about the truth