Goodbye sweet gains

>Tfw home gym got taken away
>Tfw no money for gym membership

>he didn't save some good boy points for emergencies

tfw I could probably take her in a fight

What happened


And OP you'll just have to do calisthenics till you get yourself sorted

Divorce got finalized last week wife got house plus 600 child support and 600 alimony a month house contained my home gym

Ouch you got burnt user I'm sorry for you

>Gets house
>Gets a bonus 1200 a month
>feminists will defend this

She gets all that, what did you get to keep?

That's not how it works. The man doesn't get to keep anything, nor should he expect to. Equal rights baby.

Asked for my record collection ended up only getting half tho still got the rest of my 35k salary

what is her ig

>get a simple power tower
>get a dipping belt and +- 80kg in 20&10kg plates
>do weighted bodyweight shit
>still make gains


Damn. I will never get married in America


lol hope you get a raise

>>"Land of the free"
This will never stop being funny to me
However, I am sorry for you OP. Getting screwed over like this is terrible.

The only thing you'll be taking in a fight is this woman's strap-on up your ass. Faggot.

So they didn't even bother to split your assets 50/50? As in, she compensates you for half the value of the house?

You must turn to Islam my bother. Had you done so you would have been protected as a man form those filthy women kaffirs.

You should skip the country and refuse to pay anything.

Don't end up like Brendan.

>OP's face when

Seconded. OP is either lying or a pussy. Anybody in the situation OP described would be on the brink of suicide, they would not be accepting it like this


>starting PCT
>down with influenza for a week
>then the holidays
>then work gets crazy, 16+ hour days, no weekends or sleep, no time for decent meals

Already lost 12-15 pounds and i'm getting weak af

Give me 1 (one) good reason why you haven't had her killed yet.

I think we are in trolololololand.

He's got kids. Maybe suicide is not the answer.

Just buy 80kg worth of plates, a barbell, dumbbell bars, and a pull up bar. Second hand for cheap, cost me £90 for all that.

Better than spending £300 yearly on the gym IMO, I don't bother with machines anyway.

Tfw never getting married

>that feel when you are banned from your home gym

>Tfw home gym got taken away

You shouldn't have grew a vertical weed garden in your squat rack, then.

Talking about the horrors of modern marriage is the one thing MGTOW gets right.

>35k salary
>losing $1200 a month

lol what the fuck, did you just decide fuck getting a lawyer?


haha where do I sign for this fight? haha as a joke ahaha just to see what happens.

With calisthenics, everywhere is gym.

> hahah lel XD
fuck off

OP I’m curious, can you give a short summary of what happened so i can avoid it? (If that’s okay of course)

He got married.

>loses job because of depression
>can't pay alimony
>gets thrown into prison until he can
>now has to lift just to stay alive

shoulda done SS faggot

You should've just killed the bitch. Or got a prenup.

Shit nuggah, that's rough.

I've been through splitting money after my parents died. Never again. Any whore who wants my hard earned cash dies.

That chick is coal burner. You're welcome.



>western women


OP didn't get a prenup because he likes being cucked.

How do you know she likes teh bbc? Didn't see anything about it on insta

this enrages me

>thinking prenups matter

all her post are gone but she posted before with a black gentlemen talking about their relationship.

fuck i'd watch that film

Maybe it's a good thing I can't speak to girls


>find a tall thick branch on a tree
>Find a suitable set of rocks
>fill some water bottles and two fabric bags of equal size.

There you go OP i fixed it for you.
Time for you to finally learn how to do muscle ups into dips and then into hanging leg raise.

remember to wear a helmet and knee protection.

Eh maybe its just that i dont live in shitmurica so I dont deal with this stuff.


Shit like this makes me wonder how a woman you had a kid with, decided to take the plunge of marriage with, can turn around and destroy your anus like this. Leaving you with a measly 35k salary, 1200$ a month to her, not even giving you your entire record collection. Did you cheat? What could cause such vindictive, evil shit like this?


I'm sorry to hear that man, hang in there

His Blacked-account

Or rather, they continue to share the account

Fuck getting married like holy shit fuck that shit

Bro, sorry...

Here's what I did. Save 4 of the largest cans from canned foods (#10 cans) and 4 of the next sizes on down. Get some thick sticks or buy some dowels, screws, Portland cement, a 5 gallon bucket. Use these to make yourself some dumbells. I did and started lifting weights a month ago and have results already. Take your time and collect these things to do it. You'll make it, good luck and God bless.

user, break in and steal your gym back? I mean the roastie cunt stole it from you, take it back, 1pl8 at a time

if you have a gf, and get her pregnant, is there any legal binding document that could force a girl to get an abortion in the case of pregnancy?

So you're gonna hook us up with her right?

Not in America, it'd set precedent and no judge would want to touch it. Too much bullshit when you could keep doing domestics and drug cases for plea bargains, or auto lawsuits with fake injuries.

So basically if i get my gf pregnant on accident through all contraception the only option is to be at her mercy?

Knowing straight people, they probably never actually loved each other. At least in North America, straight people are way too fucking eager to get married.

Yeah. Like I said I doubt there's something ruled hard and fast on it yet but no judge will want to deal with that

What does love feel like user?

She’s a woman. That’s all you need to know.

Who is this?

IMO, romantic love is like, Friendship Plus. All the support and honesty of a best friend, but with more intimacy, emotional and physical. Genuinely enjoying the time you spend with someone else, respecting them, and honestly wanting them to improve and succeed, as an individual and also with you. Sometimes, two people can love each other but can't be together because it would get in the way of their growth as individuals, which can eventually build resentment and stagnancy. Straight people seem to have a problem with that last concept., but that's what I think it is to love someone.

Receiving/accepting love is a different feeling. It kinda takes some trust from you, to really accept the reality that someone else loves you and wants you to be safe, happy, and successful. But once you accept it, it's a good feeling.

I think straight people are taught to seek love way before they even have a chance to love themselves which sucks balls. People are learning, tho. We seem to be moving towards better definitions/standards of love, which is good.

fake and homosexual, no one can afford a house with 35k

Fuck off faggot

>600 child support
what the hell?
why is this always so much
do divorcee's kids weigh like 500lbs and require 5 meals a day?

I'd honestly kill her and then myself, if I can't have it, no one can

fuckin hate this weird jock strap underwear meme.

hahahaha sorry about your shitty life bro, not really that's fucking hilarious RIP

>only pay £150
what are you doing?

who dis?

have you considered an ak47 solution on your wife? i know i would pay her a visit after stealing my house.

>>Tfw home gym got taken away
>>Tfw no money for gym membership
You don't have 10 fucking dollars a month?

You are paying alimony cause you inhibited her ability to work, boo fucking who.

600 dollars a month for child support is fucking nothing you worthless cunt.

Go fuck yourself with your tears as lube you cunt bitch

Making more than you, cunt

Skip to step 2 and kill yourself

You worthless cunt

found the cuckolds raised by single mums. whiteknighting fucking faggots, off yourselves.


teh bbc? what does british television have to do with a divorce.. this anime board gets more retarded by the second

Wow btfo

Hm... I think you can retrieve your home gym, it is completely possible. WTF is this bait.