How the hell do military men stay fit eating canned flour and what looks like vomit?
How the hell do military men stay fit eating canned flour and what looks like vomit?
Do any of those people actually look fit to you?
they dont. military fags arent fit. the only people who thick they are are low iq retards who suck military dick
Also you can buy food yourself but you don't really have access to any cooking equipment, sometimes you'll have a mini-fridge and you're only making $700-1000/2 weeks (E1-E3). Any food you buy comes out of that budget
>Le literally every single $ is just free spending, waste it all on dip and 36% apr mustangs good investment :)))
>Fuck saving in the TSP or stocks or down payment on a house or a reasonable 2014 Honda Civic you snatched up for 5K in good condition etc
Ignoring the one with the bitch tits
What's your definition of Veeky Forums? Is it just being very muscular? Then no they aren't very fit. Is it having great aerobic or cardiovascular endurance? Then yes I'd say they are very fit.
Kenyans raised on that retardedly poor African porridge are the best runners in the world.
I'm confused on the point you're making. Are you saying that being good runners isn't enough? Then what is enough to be Veeky Forums? Especially since diets have changed radically what seems like every year (Mostly because $$$ changed hands and it's actually super healthy to eat soy all the time)
>Are you saying that being good runners isn't enough?
For me to consider someone fit? No, that's not good enough.
> and it's actually super healthy to eat soy all the time
Commit suicide.
Prole detected
You are fit if you can run fast and long. Fatties can lift, but no fatty is gonna be a good runner. If you cant run you really might as well kys desu.
Ok I get where you're coming from and I get it. I'd consider someone who has great aerobic capability more fit than someone who is just muscular and only does like 20 minutes of cardio a week.
I'm just saying that societies diet changes frequently, most likely because someone paid the gov to say that eating soy is actually really amazing so they can milk money out of us, I'm not saying it's actually healthy.
That being said there's a ton of actual animal estrogen in cows milk. So I never got this meme about soy boys when in reality the biggest culprits are most likely all the plastic literally everywhere (Btw BPA-Free type plastics have been shown to produce a very similar estrogen effect) and pollution of drinking water.
It's not even enough to avoid plastic, milk, soy now a days because even foods you buy are pumped full of god knows what.
Most military personnel aren't fit. It's actually a growing problem. Their docs don't know Jack shit about nutrition either. If they wanted super soldier's, they'd rather just pump them full of pills vs. Do it the long hard natural way. They don't deal with your poor health when you're older, they don't give a fuck if they destroy your body in the long run; they just care about getting the most out of you for the time being. You are their property when you sign the papers
The quality of life of enlisted is garbage compared to officer. But going enlisted is being a better option than going school -> Officer just based on how ridiculous tuition is getting. I watched my old school jack up the price of tuition by 25 fucking thousand dollars in just 5 years per year while increasing the amount of people they would enroll while they didn't increase literally ANYTHING else so more people paying more for less shit
It's a huge problem in the USMC. The absolutely nonstop rucking and running has people leaving after 4 years at like 22-26 years old with destroyed knees and fucked up backs. They're showing signs of arthritis as young adults which is messed up.
Army seems like a similar issue but they're also the fattest branch, so I don't know how they can run and ruck almost as much but be substantially heavier on average.
Navy and Air force are the way to go if you don't want to destroy your body but Navy has the highest suicide rates so guess chair force is it
You don't really need a good diet to be "fit" i.e. being able to do pushups and run a couple of miles.
>The few, the proud, the marines.
Taco tuesdays eat for the rest of the week
Wonder why navy does? Long times on a boat with no vidya or exciting things to do?
I got a buddy in army who loves it.
>Tfw 25 should just sign up for officer tier
>Oh wait student loans, RIP
just fake your death mate, that is one of the easiest things to do, did it three times at 31 years old
If you're serious, how do you go about doing it when the powers that be have every detail of your life on record?
Average American soldier is in horrible shape, even infantry. Most of them are slightly above dyel tier at best, POGs are occasionally in pretty good shape because they get to spend a lot of time at the gym
>not realizing they pay off your student loans
user, if you want to go to the military and you have loans to pay it's an even better reason
This user is right. It's dead easy. Just need to type up a suicide note/list of demands, crash a car into a wall and leave it with a few of your teeth in the wreckage.
>tfw want to join military just to get free housing and other benefits
>Can't due to anal fissure
Persons other than grunts, pleb
Got a lot of buddies in the military, several family members too. Each one bitches about training for their fitness tests when they come up. Bitching about running three miles and shit.
Militaryfags are fit in boot camp, but sharply decline afterwards.
What's the rucking and running actually for? What good does it do for combat performance? Literally all the soldiers I've spoken to have said that they never had to run more than a few hundred yards at a time outside of training.
Every single one of them is a cod playing pog.
I'm not sure about America, but I was in the best shape of my life already when I went into the Royal Navy. I had to be to even stand a chance of getting in.
Had some great food, too.
I bet even some aesthetic fitizens would struggle to run 3 miles, the difference in endurance demanded between 1 and 3 is surprising
Military PT and diet isn't designed around bulking and gains. It's all endurance training which is why most military men are skeletons. It's highly advantageous in a combat situation to be geared for endurance rather than strength. Not to mention logistically it's much easier to supply soldiers in the field with a 2000 calorie diet than it is to provide 4000 calories of gains fuel.
If you can't go outside right now and run 3 miles/5km non-stop you are NOT fit.
That's the point he's trying to make. If you just want to bulk and make aesthetic muscle gains you're going to struggle in endurance tasks. A lot of people on here actually discourage running because it burns away calories but doesn't increase muscle mass.
In BCT you eat well over 4k calories a day and still lose weight. I went from 200 lbs to 155 in 3 months. Afterwards they basically pay you to eat. I like getting best scores on my fitness exams so I workout everyday.
And you have missed my point. Veeky Forums no longer equals fit.
You think you can be aesthetic without cardio? It's part of the fucking deal.
If you think can bulk and cut your way to a lean muscular body without running/swimming you are only fooling yourself.
I'm fucking done this brown type of sloppy joe looks like straight up feces
And you missed my point. I was just pointing out that you were basically agreeing to the person you replied to.
The chow halls when I was in basic were fucking dope, the ones in my job training place were fucking shit, the ones in Korea were pretty shit, the ones where I am stateside now are pretty decent.
Go back, read his post and mine again, then rethink your posts.
Dullards wasting my time.
Field rats and MREs really arent that bad. Its MAYBE 5% of my diet when not deployed. I'm a married Sgt in Marines so I have a home and kitchen but the chow hall has pretty decent options if you dont eat the burgers and chicken fingers every day.
Tldr: Military stays fit the same way everyone else does you fucking idiot.
You need that endurance. You ever tried walking around all day with your weapon and heavy gear and suddenly had to run at intervals? And then get up and do some more?
9 year vet here, army. Infantry
Typically army guys are "fit" most of us after a 3-4 years are broken requiring knee surgeries, physical therapy and what not. Nutrition is a huge issue as well, field rations are shit and army cooks and dining facilities are crap. Assume anyone he has any sorts of gains are juicing
They're skinny as shit though,. mate.