

i keep fapping to my ex gf despite her breaking my heart

got super big and sexy and use it to manipulate and humilate girls of all kinds

One time in middle school there was this autistic kill who said her favorite game was God. Really freaked everyone in the classroom out.

I confess that I need to go to confession, but I'm afraid. For real.

I’ve skipped every workout this week.

I can't stop watching shemale porn

I've broken NoFap 3 times this year, including yesterday (shit was cash)

Time to do NoPorn, son. That ain't healthy.

One time on a cruise ship there were some children playing on the deck. One of the children got too close to the doors and when I opened it, their fingers were caught underneath and two got torn off. Their parents whisked them away so I never found out what happened.

My conscience is clear but I occasionally wonder how fingerless Kenneth is doing.

I can't stop increasing my back-burner tinder sloot collection while simultaneously successfully swooning my oneitis ex who was actually good to me and enough time has passed to try again.

Delete this

Not only did i break my nofap today but my noporn as well. Dark times are coming for me the next few days.

I had Chinese late last night breaking my IF schedule...

I've been lifting over 5 years but when people ask I only say a little less than a year

I am addicted to amphetamines and raving.

Back when i was 10 or so i had recently discovered masturbation and so i couldn't stop doing it, in my youthful lust I ended up molesting my younger cousin by having her sit on my lap while being erect and touching her non developed breasts, I deeply regret this and constantly hope that she was too young to remember this and doesn't affect her the same way that it did me when i was molested.

I ate a croissant today and coffee creamer when I'm trying to go low carb fffff

In real life im a mma fighter, i have a good laugh with the lads and seem like a sound bloke.

I secretly like watching skinny dudes fuck my fiancee

I'm freaking out bc I'm going to a birthday party later today. My family will think I'm weird bc I won't eat any cake.

I failed nofap yesterday after 15 days
I'm also letting a girl affect my mental health

Pics please


I was supposed to lift 6 * 3 with 5 minutes rest and I did 6 * 3 with 6 minutes rest.


im conflicted on what routine i should do for the next three months. do i do starting strength, take up boxing, or a number of bodyweight exercises with some dumbell exercises at home

im skinny ass bitch
and retarded ass fuck

yes you are

I like working out at home better than going to the gym. The tools ive cobbled together make it difficult to progress smoothly, but its much more comfortable than dealing with strangers constantly. I say this after going to public gyms for a year, now.

Home gym comes with its own pitfalls, though. Being at home has made my lifting schedule more lax.
Its always there when I need it, so I dont have to plan an entire day around transportation and prep.
Theres also distractions nearby. All my shit is stored in my closet, so its easy to goof up my rest times since I train in my room.

I might return to the gym after the worst of winter is gone, but I cant shake the feeling that its not the best place for me.

Thanks for reading this blog post.

why isnt it the best place for you? you should break out of your comfort zone, meet as many new people as possible

Looking at ordering take out right now

I actually wanted to fast today but I'm not doing too good right now and will order something

Probably a lot of Chinese food,....

Hunger comes and goes, son. That's your ghrelin thinking for you. Don't do it.

Excuse me, failed?
Just keep going. Double the distance. 30 days next.

me too, I'm feeling like shit


I have nothing to confess since I don't regret anything. ...but the catholic girl that you sent my way, she should confess to being a two-timing slut. You should really keep an eye on her, because I sure won't. She broke my heart, she did. I gave her everything and she just didn't care.

A little more than a year ago I dislocated my kneecap badly.
After months of rehabilitation I'm finally ready to hit the weights tomorrow morning. Can't wait but yet I feel nervous...

nothing wrong with that as long as you can keep her out of your mind otherwise. Stay strong

I am the cause of a broken a relationship of +3 years between a coworker and her exbf. Feels bad man.

Haha kys weak fags, day 7 for me and haven't cracked. Haven't even gone to a porn site

I feel like she will come around eventually.

When I think about her I get so fucking horny. The next time I see her I’m sticking my face in her ass. She just needs to stop being a thot.

I tweaked my lower back and I'm afraid to diddly

Isn’t Veeky Forums defined as a porn site though?

I've been sticking to Veeky Forums

I don't think coming across a pic of a scantily clad woman or even just seeing a nude counts as breaking your streak

I saw a qt at the grocery store today and I didn't even give her a "y-you too"

I was so hungry during my workout that I stopped it halfway through to go eat.

Broke my carb limit twice, and fapped four times over the weekend.