If you got an ethnicity test from Ancestry or 23andme you can upload raw data to services like Promethease to get a report.
Gives details like muscle type, cancer risk, digestion of certain medications.
Pic related
If you got an ethnicity test from Ancestry or 23andme you can upload raw data to services like Promethease to get a report.
Gives details like muscle type, cancer risk, digestion of certain medications.
Pic related
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Although may not be accurate
/sip/ genotype
Wow that's fucking cool. What did you pay for the test itself?
Test was around £79 when I got it, it's a bit of a ripoff, gimicky ethnicity test. I already knew I was HuWhite
Promethease is £10 maybe
What's really interesting is if you check for the MAOA gene, ie the psychopath gene ie the warrior gene.
>When faced with social exclusion or ostracism, individuals with the low activity MAOA gene showed higher levels of aggression than individuals with the high activity MAOA gene.[45] Low activity MAO-A could significantly predict aggressive behaviour in a high provocation situation, but was less associated with aggression in a low provocation situation. Individuals with the low activity variant of the MAOA gene were just as likely as participants with the high activity variant to retaliate when the loss was small. However, they were more likely to retaliate and with greater force when the loss was large.[46]
>"Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine and are, therefore, capable of influencing feelings, mood, and behaviour of individuals".[47] According to this, if there was a mutation to the gene that is involved in the process of promoting or inhibiting MAO enzymes, it could affect a person's personality or behaviour and could therefore make them more prone to aggression. A deficiency in the MAOA gene has shown higher levels of aggression in males, which could further stimulate more research into this controversial topic. "A deficiency in monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) has been shown to be associated with aggressive behaviour in men of a Dutch family".[48]
I'm safe
I'm going to make it
> Worrier Gene
Run by Jews and openly admitted to including 'African' ancestry regardless of results. Donate your money to the needy next time.
Gonna need a link my guy
I know 23andme does what you're saying but what about Ancestry? I haven't heard anything bad out of them.
what is that in a more (((democratic))) denomination?
this shits pretty cool, thanks OP.
fuck bros
>come at me kneelets
>literally giving your genetic information to corporate interests
What would they even do with it? Fuck off with your paranoid shit.
Confirmed not true. Had a friend do it and he found out his dad was essentially hispanic (Iberian peninsula and Latina America genes) but there wasn't any random Africa thrown in there.
what service did u use in particular for this test? im not sure which is better
it was never claimed that they threw african results into every single dna test
Had mine done. White af
Plant DNA at a Crime scene
It also says I've got a lack of empathy and I'm genetically inclined to alcoholism
>95% white (background: 50% amerimutt, 50% amerimongrel)
>massive loads of autism genes (duh)
>gs698485934895: white long arms (fingertips right above knees)
>XD5723: the want-a-gf gene: positive
>tfw 2R
You're source is a cracked article that states an employee from a certain Dna test company does this. They'd get sued if they named the company. Its Literally fake.
waiting for my results on 23andme
How do you use this website
why would there be plant DNA at a crime scene? like if someone murdered a florist?
Your DNA can be given to authorities with a warrant even if you ask them to destroy the vial they'll send the raw data
No point in trying to mask your identity Google/android has all of kt
i got one done with 23andme and ancestry, neither one showed any nog. shut the fuck up
>got my 23andme a while back
>expecting noble english/german heritage
>literally 100% Irish
>tfw I'm a pure bred potato nigger
>iberian peninsula
unless they gathered the dna from people a few thousand years ago this means he has some african dna.
Not true at all. During and after the reconquista basically all north africans were either killed or left voluntarily . Very few modern day Iberians have North African ancestry.
1% African my ass.
I'm really questioning the authenticity of this.
If you get 1% african then its a lie. They have been caught including that to "shame" racists.
>Southern European from Iberia
>Wonders where he got nigger blood.
You're part Moorish, retard.
you underestimate how hard it is to eliminate interbreeding when you live right next to the other population, especially when there is no regime for racial purity in place. Do you really think no horny spanish soldiers porked moor gals during that time?
It's weird that I didn't save the source but I also remember this. And it wasn't just African, it was also Jewish traces being added to the results.
Hey, nigger. How does it feel to know you're going to be among the first against the wall when the revolution comes?
you are mad that you are a nigger
another mad nigger
you can easily align the genes yourself in some other tool to check it
fucking niggers man don't know what science is
are you saying subsaharan is the only type of native african there is???
protip: USD, EUR, GBP are roughly the same.
i.e. if something's $50, you'd probably be willing to pay £50 ($67) or €50 ($60) too.
others that are also similarly valued: leaf dollar, autralian dollar, swiss franc, singapore dollar
you are a fucking retard
remember that one drop rule and go neck yourself
See They don't add 1%. These companies have thousands of fucking samples to analyze it's all done automatically
Nice try, you can just admit you have no clue about what comes out of your own mouth. And say hello to your ancestor Mgumbo
There's a Cracked.com piece on someone who worked at theses dna facilities and it was pretty much just letting you know that they are a fucking joke. From adding African ancestry for keks to other bullshit.
>The very idea of considering the source is now too much to ask of internet-era kids
Annnnd we're doomed
it's a load of bs. they sent in two samples from twins and they came back really differently.
same lol
u spund like an idiot
>hurr durr its impossible to add 1% automatically based on a set of criteria durr hdururr
>Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would’ve been fun to throw a “10 percent West African” in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. “Since we couldn’t do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add ‘< 1 percent’ to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren’t lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it’s a one or a zero.”
Did you read Fucking brainlet using cracked as a source from anonymous testimony that doesn't even say which company neck yourself and stay on /pol/
I want to check if I have genes which increased risk of cancer since more than half of my family has/had it. Would this be a good way of checking if I'm carrying the genes?
If so, 23andme or Ancestry?
if your relatives got cancer early that's a reason to worry. if they got it when they were over 60 then that's just a symptom of the current state of medicine. cancer is what most people eventually get when you keep curing all their other illnesses long enough.
Genetically you weren't meant to get autism, but you grew up on Veeky Forums, so what do you expect
>trusting the jews with your dna
>trusting the jews to tell you the truth
Reminder these tests are wildly inaccurate and anyone that pays for one is a cuck that pissed his money away.
The founder, Anne wojcicki, is the former wife to Sergey Brin, the Sergey Brin that founders Google with Larry page, and is currently the ceo. Of google. The biggest datamining database on the planet.
Idgaf i still bought the damn thing
He's asking for promethease results which don't do that
They did it to a notorious person to mess with them, it was a specific person. It's still shitty and kikey though.
5 of 6 aun'ts from my aunts side got it before their 40-45's. (2 during 20's) Both my granddad and grandma from her side passed got it around their 50-60's and eventually passed away from it.
So yea, really want to check at what risk I am, been thinking about this alot lately.
Is 23andme the way to go for this? Don't want to check with doctors n shit
* 5 out of 6 aunt's from my moms side
They can synthesize dna now to an extent that is recoverable forensically? wow
I did ancestry and I’m expecting the results within the next 2 months. Long time to wait but I’m pretty stoked!
Sources are linked in the article.
tl;dr: Typically American political bullshit.
>giving your DNA to the botnet
>1.5x increased risk for Coronary Artery Disease
>higher frequency of atrial fibrillation
>hypertension increases risk 3.75x for sudden cardiac death
>1.2x risk of coronary artery disease
>increased risk of exercise induced ischemia
>increased risk for heart disease
>1.3x risk, coronary artery disease
>1.8x increased risk for high blood pressure
>1.3x increased coronary artery disease risk
>1.3x risk for Heart Attack
>common, but 2.2x higher risk for heart disease
>1.4x increased risk for heart disease
>1.5x increased risk for heart failure, at least in Amish
>1.34x higher risk for myocardial infarction
>1.03 increased risk for coronary heart disease
then again, I already had a general idea that this shit ran in the family.
>paying an upwards of 100 dollars for some shit company who been proven to falsify results to lie to you
why the fuck do you even care about ancestry down to percentages? if you're clearly a spic, or white, or a groid, then that is what you are and that's that, finding out your mongrel genes are 5% irish, 3.5% danish, 16% swedish, etc doesn't mean shit
yall niggas gay