It's obvious that tattoos are almost always terrible and only found on fedora-tipping degerantes, but are there any Veeky Forums-approved tattoos?
It's obvious that tattoos are almost always terrible and only found on fedora-tipping degerantes...
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Do whatever you want retard. Don't wait till you get validation from your Veeky Forums e friends
they all look bad always
while art is subjective what makes even the simplest tattoo look good is the artist every line must be perfectly straight the fill and shading uniform and lastly proper fucking color matching
something 95% do not have any of
tl;dr don't scar your body while handing over a shit load of dosh to a hack
>friend got a tattoo of jesus on his hand
>doesn't even realize that tattoos are considered a sin in the bible
I'm fine with most tattoos, except on the face. It's piercings that I don't like. Nose piercings and the ear piercings with gauges especially.
Why would I give a fuck what someone else wants to get tattooed on them?
>tattoos are degenerate
this kind of mindset always made me laugh. You fuckers literally jerk off to anime and trap porn and try to convince yourself "feminine penises" are a real thing, yet you think others are degenerate. Lol.
Tattoos are for Jews.
>Veeky Forums is one person
basically, you all parrot the same shit
>be atheist
>try to educate christian on his religion
>doesn't realize that the christian church has no issue with tattoos and that you can just go ask a priest to verify this
protestants not even o nce
yeah ok retard this is Veeky Forums, why would anyone take anything on this site serious? holy shit how old are you it just dawned on me that you actually believe in anything that is said on here
shut up
>be atheist
My nigger what
>Boards don't have cultures
Reddit isn't one person but it's overwhelmingly made up of liberal weenies
A Brand of Sacrifice is the only acceptable answer.
Quads of truth
>but are there any Veeky Forums-approved tattoos?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Hell no.
My crush loves tattoos. If things ever work out with him, then I'll definitely get one or two. I've always wanted one anyways, along with a simple right ear piercing. I wouldn't get a big tattoo though. I'm into words or symbols. Full drawings not so much. Also I'm a linguistics enthusiast and a polyglot, so considering something in a foreign script wouldn't be that pretentious (but it certainly ain't my first option so far)
Let's talk about Veeky Forums disapproved spots.
I, personally, don't like tattoos on the chest or abs. Why ruin some of the best show off muscles?
all that groks is god?
show us your titties
>but are there any Veeky Forums-approved tattoos?
Yeah, this one is just for you
I agree 100%
If anything, tattoos should be placed specifically to show off and accentuate the beauty muscles.
show us your pussy
I'm gay, and he's exclusively bottom, so no boipussy either.
Yeah! Do you grok? :)
Not showing my boobs
>lifting to be muscular
>hide muscles under tattoos
Or as winston churchill said: You don't put stickers bumber stickers on a Ferrari
There's your answer faggot.
>do wat u want, its ure laife !!:DD
tfw the shut in neets on a ACTIVITY LOCATION forum are less retarded amd have more impulse control over such simple decisions
>my obviously bad decision of paying someone to draw stupid shit on my body is not bad because some people on that canadian iron lifting forum fap to traps and make ironic feminine penis jokes
is that tattoo from something? i swear a character in a movie or tv show has the exact same thing
Kamina from gurren lagann
that's it, thank you
What does Veeky Forums think about my tattoo? It's a small one on my left wrist
>this NEET shut in thinks he’s a Ferrari
Just cuz your mom says you’re a Ferrari doesn’t make you a ferrari
I think they're dumb as hell so I don't have any. Women think they're hot as fuck though for some reason. I haven't met a woman that isn't turned on by tattoos for some fucking reason.
You're confusing Old Testament for New. Tattoos are absolutely allowed in Christianity.
pretentious af
I will tatoo a Roman Imperial Eagle on my upper chest
puting a tatoo in a muscular body is like puttin a sticker on a ferrari
>*retard cant comprehend*
>haha ur not a ferrari u looser
epic tough process newfriend, please go back
You just parroted some shit. Was it the same as all the other shit?
>2018 years after Jesus
>thinking Christians have to listen to Jews
#NotAllAthiests amirite?
Leviticus 19:28: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you. I am The Lord
Though otherwise the Bible is fairly ambiguous, as even this could be interpreted to mean that tattoos are only sinful when they are made to honour the dead.
You shouldn't talk about yourself like that user, it's bad for your self esteem
Veeky Forums here
I don't approve and i'm a 100% sure lit generally wouldn't approve as well.
What he is saying is you are probably closer to a Toyota yaris than a Ferrari
The only way for tattoos to be good is you just turn your body into a Lisa Frank sticker book of random shit you let an artist tattoo on you.
Like go to an artist, ask to see some of the tattoos they've made and want to do but haven't and pick one of those.
Or be like here is $300, do whatever, no dicks/extra dicks please.
if you're a bouncer or something tattoos add to the look and you'll get so many drunken club sluts that you will grow to hate them
but yea i think they're dumb
...and ss.
Look up what Leviticus is and then feel shame for being this retarded
And you will get laughed at
This desu
Someone piss in your cornflakes?
i knew somebody who saw a symbol in a dream, and he had that tatoo'd on his ankle. I guess that's pretty cool
Where is this tattoo. I've seen you post it about 5 times now and I can't tell I if this is your belly or ass.
I didnt think I've ever get tattoos but then I got fit and the stretch marks on my arms were really angry looking. Definitely had my genetics working against me, my ass looks like I barely got away from a tiger. I ended up getting some ink to just cover up those arm scars.
Protip tho, stretch marks make you bleed like a motherfucker if you get then inked.
skin changes as we age, get exposed to sunlight, etc. which could affect the colors.
OP is eternally rektd, the quads never fail.
bumper stickers = tattoos
can be removed = permanent
>I believe but only the parts I want to XXDDDD
Popcorn needs more salt, I can wait.
I wonder what this poor developmentally disabled man meant by this
>Trusting humans rather than the bible
>Why are you Christians doing this? It's a sin!
>Yeah, in a different religion
>What? Just because it's a completely different set of beliefs doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you too! XXDDDD
Churches (a.k.a. false religion) don't dictate God's standards. God dictates his own standards in his bible.
Not believing in a code doesn't make you exempt from it's consequences, nor does it invalidate illegality.
let's not pretend it's not the case
I just made a new religion, just now, in which replying to my Veeky Forums posts guarantees you go to hell. The only way to save yourself is to get a minimum 3 day ban.
Well? Hop to it.
Massively tipping post. Consider suicide you fedora atheist nerd loser.
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."
Tip harder.
>but i dont think x is part of z that I need
>the entire equation is composed of variables and no actual numbers to solve for any of them
>therefor the entire question is unverifiable and can't actually be used to prove or demonstrate anything
>user accidentally made a great analogy for why he's full of shit
Like pottery
The code being untrue and/or unenforceable is the (main) thing that makes one exempt from its consequences, and invalidates illegality.
After reviewing the evidence, I've found that what the bible says is true, thus I ascribe to the code.
believing in adult santa clause
I'll only get a tattoo if someone else pays for it. No way I'm paying hundreds for some faggy skin art.
Gurren Lagann is my favorite anime of all time but this tattoo has never once crossed my mind. We are reaching levels of cringe I didn't think were possible.
Jesus died to absolve all of our old testament sins. The old testament sins don't apply any more. Why do most people fail to understand this?
Not even Christian, but the entire new testament was about not being a piece of shit amd that all of the old rules don't need to be followed.
>After reviewing the evidence, I've found that what the bible says is true
Please share this evidence.
The laws of the Old Testament still count, the notion that they do not comes from Paul. Paul is a usurper, he never met Jesus. Peter knew what was up. Don't cuck Christ by listening to Paul.
>Rule 1 says Rule 1 will always apply regardless of what any other rule says
>Rule 2 says Rule 1 is invalidated
This is why most Christians have no idea what they actually believe
no u
Tattoos are awful.
>Old testament
Does it matter? Most devoted christians are good people with moderately reasonable values and views.
u tell em big guy
In modern translations, this banished inscribing yourself with words of the devil.
Leviticus also says it’s illegal to have long hair, eat pork, and get divorced.
Modern Christianity does not follow these rules for reasons that are too long to get into.
A little bit. The US is infested with people that want regulations and laws based around beliefs that they don't fully understand, all while partaking in things their belief structure wouldn't permit if they had bothered to study and learn. For example, Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins but many Christians have no problem getting obese while demanding evolution be banned from science classrooms because Jesus would've totally had a problem with it.
Yes you can literally do whatever you want with your life. There's nothing edgy about it, stop seeking validation about your decisions on Veeky Forums
The only acceptable tattoos
What's with the Unknown on his right arm
>haha user you got that S thing from 5th grade tattoed on you!
>n-no it's from a japanese comic book..
>haha you didn't even draw the S thing right!
That looks pretty good imo
>t. history fag
tfw booked an appointment for a left sleeve
It's gonna cost a lot but I've been contemplating getting a sleeve since I was 16. I'm 28 and the design I had in mind hasn't changed. Hopefully no second thoughts kek
A lot of them look completely terrible. SOME look good but the people who suit them are rare.
Like most of the insecure autists on Veeky Forums (in fact, on Veeky Forums in general) you've used a deliberately terrible example to make your point.
And before you start, I agree that tattoos look trashy and will go out of fashion in a generation, making people with them look trashy and outdated, with no way to do anything about it.
But that doesn't mean that some people with tatoos look "good" in the eyes of many at the moment. The same way guys with long hair and flares looked great in the 70s, but would look like fucking idiots now. At least you can bin clothes and get a haircut.