>Today at work
>Too much of a pussy to say anything to qt hispanic girl who likes me
>Finally muster up the nerve to say "Hey femanon I read your name tag."
>Felt like a total creeper afterwards
>Normie friend gushing over my body tells me that I should join the Olympics
>Somehow use this as an excuse to start talking about My Little Pony
>Start singing My Little Pony baking song to him I shit you not
>Mfw lifting didn't cure my autism
Today at work
Pls leave Ovi and Kuzy out of your MLP autism
Holy kek user.
Brony is a hell of a condition
>I read your name tag
Well... ...at least you gave it your best shot.
>join the Olympics
Do you work with other retards? Is it some kind of charity outreach nonsense where they round up spastics and give them menial tasks?
Never gonna make it
Basically I was too beta to ask what her name is like a normal person would do so I just read her nametag and randomly blurt out "Hey (insert name here) I read your nametag" when she was nearby.
You tried, and that is all that matters. The best you can ask for now is a quick death.
Well to be fair I'am 6'0 200 lbs with visible abs. I've also had another one of my normie friends say the same thing to me. I probably look a professional athlete to them since they don't even lift.
>this thread
God bless you, user.
>baking song
Cupcakes? Come on, literally anything else is better than that.
So just tell her you’re overcoming dyslexia and reading her name tag was a big thing.
Then she’ll find a way to help you study
>she didn't have a nametag
Thanks, op. This made me feel a lot better about myself.
incul in cap pld
The fucking autism on this board never ceases to amaze me. Normal people don't ask someone's name, they tell them theirs.
>Hi, I'm user.
>Hi, user. Nice to meet you. I'm Guadalupe Chimichanga
Is this the first fit meme of the year?
>hey, I read your name tag