He spent all day on Veeky Forums and discord

>He spent all day on Veeky Forums and discord


what am I supposed to do instead? what do chads do all day?

sundays my rest day fuck off. I also have no social life outside of work.

They spend their time trying to do things with other people.

At one time I had NINE Veeky Forums threads open in separate tabs at the same time, updating for new posts. It kept me busy.

i got to a point where i dont enjoy anything, i cant watch a show or play videogames because i just dont have the motivation


Please kill all the cringey anime overwatch meme epic friends depression xanax soundclouds estronauts.

Yes the most successful and promiscuous men I've known spend the majority of their time focusing on doing things with other people irl.

Watching football with my wife and cats, and cleaned out the hallway closet. Overall not bad. She doesn’t know I lurk Veeky Forums tho

same, i think its depression but thats a cookie cutter self diagnosed excuse for laziness

Yes, but not THESE guys. THESE chads browse anime and fap to porn in shame.

Fair enough. But not Chad then. No matter what you can lift you will never be a Chad unless you can make social gains.

yeah i dont think im depressed, i mean im sad because alone and bored but i can get hyped for my work out, i think i just need to find some show i actually want to watch or a game i actually want to play


I have never been part of society, and I never will.
I am an apostle of THE GODDESS. The Goddess of Rape and Death!

I can't fucking wait till college comes back
everytime I don't have classes my social circle shrinks to me mom, brother and dad and they aren't the kind of people who watches movies and shit like that
I don't want to fucking talk about the woman who got shot by her husband or any of those shit in the news

Yeah desu whenever someone on here says they're a Chad I find it a little funny. A "Chad" wouldn't even know what Veeky Forums is m8

No I didn't. I went to the gym, read a book, studied, cried myself to sleep

I went out for coffee for lunch and got groceries too user..I also watched YouTube and downloaded some pr0n for later, then tried to check on my prostate massager tracking.
Yeah like Sportscucking
what bullshit, who cares about some imaginary game and it's rules.
>studying on a sunday

I didn't specify a certain activity. Just that Chad's generally surround themselves with other people. That's a fact.

I'm so chad that people stay away from me, because I'm too chad.

I lived with a Chad, hung out with people he knew a bunch of times. You get bored of that if your not an extrovert. When you get older you'll stop caring so much about social status.


Why are you a namefag?

Is that you in pic related?

can you desxcribe what it was like with him and his friends

i have no friends, how do anything with other people?

Depends which friends.
His female friends where empty and trash they where mostly Stacey's aside from some chick who wanted to get dicced by him. His male friends varied, a couple of em where alright we had drinks together. His gf was some arts major, actually less vapid then his many stacey friends but it was all an effort when those people where around. Mostly we just hung out with a couple of my other housemates.
He was into sports obviously, we played frisbee a bunch of times and had some bants went out drinking it was better depending on who there was, but I hate clubs and the downtown scene.

Chad on his own is usually chill, especially if you engage him in any topic of his interest even as a curtosy. Really only basic social skills are needed. It's Chad's friends that change the dynamic as to what kind of time it's gonna be. He moved on somewhere else, and honestly I'm happy about that, maintaining a friendship like that becomes a lot of work even when it's not that much effort on paper. I wanna play vidya, talk with people who get nerd shit and workout a bit but I don't wanna pretend sports interest me because they don't.

>ywn have a cute anime gf

Why even live lads

We will all have a QT gf one day user.
In the meantime we must learn to love ourselves so that others may one day love us back.
and get Veeky Forums of course.

Why the hell are you here?

What is wrong with you

>why the hell are you here
Because I'm getting Veeky Forums
>what is wrong with you
I dunno a little of whatever is wrong with the average Veeky Forumsicizen probably.
These are vague questions, and I ask the same of you now.

Mom said I couldn't or she'd throw me out.

Veeky Forums lurking it is.

>He projects his own shortcomings on a hawaiian halloween hologram symposium forum

>I ask the same of you now.

I'm a rich manchild. Never decided to become an adult so focused my life on other things

What happens when daddy had enough of you?

>What happens when daddy had enough of you?

You misunderstand, I live alone and in a big city far away from family. Yea, I'm rich

But not from family money and more so what I achieved on my own

>vacations with my parents
>no friends
>tfw no gf
>no gym, only dumbbells
I lift at morning and read at afternoon, I have no hobbies so the rest of the day I'm shitposting in Veeky Forums

It's Sunday. Not much else to do


He spent all day on mixer and discord.