What ways have you programmed chin ups into your routine that have given you the best results? I keep pushing and going at it but I’m plateaud really hard on 75lbs at 195ish bw for like 2-3 post your backs too if you want n-no homo
i just got a bar at home and did they erryday. occasionally my repcount went up. it was pretty cash
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Program them properly and they will go up. Try a bench routine but for pull ups. You'll probably get away with slightly more volume.
i feels I might try a few body weight chin up days when my grip isn’t rekt. How many sets would you be aiming for? And did you try to balance it out with extra tricep work or is that mindset kind of retarded and ocd?
Thanks man is there any that you would recommend? I feel like I’m pretty intermediate
I have my chins programmed into tm, on monday I do 5x5 with 80% of my 5rm and on friday try a new 5rm adding 2.5lbs every week. I'm 5'9 175lbs do 5 reps with 85lbs added
That’s badass user good job that seems really intelligently programmed
You're probably not truly intermediate, coming up to early intermediate. You're not that strong.
Try Greg nuckols bench intermediate medium 3x a week for pull ups, or even the russian bench routine.
i fucked up my sternum bad from these, i think it's a mobility issue
hopefully i can do them again one day because they're super fun. I was at 90x3
I do 5 minutes of bodyweight chins at the end of every training session, which is 3 times a week
o shit
>samefagging this hard
I'm not sure you know what that means, you fucking newfag
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