>high IQ for a woman
So what, like 80?
The nose knows
Isn't it high IQ people in general, since they generally know that having children pretty much means the end of your life.
Sooo... fatter women are dumber? That's all that pic shows
At first I thought the title was
>Children have higher IQ than women
"Intelligent" women are just slightly higher IQ and the jews make them think they are hot shit intellectuals and as such shouldn't reproduce as it isn't "cool" and cats are cooler, or talk about how quirky and cool and original they are for liking pets more than kids. After all they are the easiest target being more cast away from their peers and exposing themselves to the internet where the hugest propaganda machine works.
I'd rather spend my life with a brainlet girl and have brainlet kids than spend time with an unsufferable brainwashed bitch
>inb4 butthurt virgin
Someone tell me how a high IQ has an evolutionary advantage in a state of nature. Anyone?
>Implying the MSM doesn't want people to breed so they can dump more bodies into wars and the workforce.
Must be nice being a goof.
>t. Useful idiot
Technology is propelling us backwards
I would have stayed the same if we kept the technological level of the 1800s instead it drops because ultra-tech disproportionately benefits literal retards and mongoloids so now they breed more than Smarties.
t. 158 iq on state-given test when I was in elementary school
>Are annoying shits while growing up
>Take forever to grow up
>Give very little back
>Cost a fuckton
>Fuck up your schedule
Reality is that the government needs to make a program where we harvest the best genetic material but then the kids are raised by surrogate mothers, and those with low IQ genes or lack of nutrition discarded instead of continuing to reproduce
It doesn't, as long as you can breed and defend yourself and your family (and your kids can too) nothing makes a difference. In fact being sort of dumb is an evolutionary advantage
Really? You really can't figure out how increased problem solving abilities help in nature? Lol
Butthurt virgin.
>people are somehow getting dumber in an environment where they have to process more information than ever
Exactly my point. High IQ people technically have no advantage over those with physical prowess and high sex drive. It's depressing to think about, but it means that everything is working as intended. Overpopulated third world hell holes vs. dying western cultures.
In a state of nature, physical > intellect. Problems in nature are usually fight or flight situations and climate. Neither are impacted by intellect as much as physical ability and fortitude.
>tfw to intelligent too have children
IQ is highly correlated to country's development and social class, which are both also highly correlated to natality
But guess what? Correlation is not causation you social "science" study trusting retards
I've taken a mensa test and I have 3 children. AMA
Are you serious? Like really?
The world is has dropped by like 4 points in a single century
Why don't you use your unlimited access to information to Google that?
World IQ*
why would you give your money like that? Surely there are still things you would have liked to buy instead
Are you insecure?
>test that is literally designed for the median and average to be set at 100
>hurr bro the world iq has lowered
stop making shit up
>the ability to employ abstract reasoning and problem solve isn't useful outside of civilization
That couldn't possibly be due to an explosion of 3rd worlders that have terrible diets and shitty educations.
>actually believing his own bs.
We are literally more intelligent as an entire species than we have ever been.
ultra-tech doesn't benefit literal retards, welfare does. the state literally encourages the dumbest people to breed by offering financial incentives for it and then actively tries to attract more dumb people to put them on welfare and use them as a voting bloc, which the smarter people have to pay for, making them less able to have kids. This isn't even accounting for anti-natalist propaganda (often Jewish, but not always)
absolutely wrong look up the flynn effect
>The world is has dropped by like 4 points in a single century
Nigger you what? In 1920 70% of the world was fucking illiterate.
Intelligent people in general are less likely to have children.
Who has children at 20 these days?
Not the people trying to go to uni/college and get professional jobs. Who then go on to focus on their careers and will either lack time for children or missed relationships.
It's not fucking rocket science.
Point to where I implied otherwise?
Technology increasing life expectancy and successful fertility treatments skyrocketed birth rates which is lowering the average IQ because they are inbred and stupid, AND beginning to occupy other countries where their nigger Genes are sploshing into humans
>We are literally more intelligent as an entire species than we have ever been.
But literally that's factually untrue and you can literally find out yourself by literally googling world average IQ over time
Found the nig nog. I think in the beginning the most important thing was social IQ and convincing people to be on your team and not against it. Battle technique too. Building shit that will support your whole tribe. I hope your genes don't get passed down. Holy shit
what in the world gives you the idea that the two are mutually exclusive
ultra-tech doesn't benefit literal retards
>Athens, Greece 100 AD
Weak babies are left to die by tradition
Dumb and incapable men work as slaves
The sick die as nature intended
Obese children grow up with enlarged hearts but are kept alive into their 60s by modern medicine
The actual braindead are kept alive and have human rights
You are making it up, average IQ is 100 by default
Show proof for that statement
you are making shit up
That's just so untrue. Humans are without a doubt the most successful species on earth and the reason is because of our superior intellect.
The power to communicate, teach, and collaborate is what makes us an apex predator when physically we should be completely unable to.
>Reading has to do with iq
again, they would have no way of paying for these treatments without welfare.
Give me a reputable source.
Also you're being a fuckwad. There are more kids in school that ever before in our history and we are less poor globally than ever. As a SPECIES we are more intelligent.
How many people couldn't even bloody read 200 years ago?
>white and Asian (highest racial intelligence) birth rates dropping
>Muslim (factually over half inbred) birthrates increasing
>People trying to convince me the world is getting smarter
I'm actually done with this thread
This guy gets it.
Oh I see.
You think IQ is the definition of intelligence.
It always amazes me how someone can self proclaim to be intelligent, but have zero reasoning skills.
Also. Source please.
>Expecting someone who can't even read to somehow be able to develop intellect
Or is your next point that education is irrelevant to IQ too? Because that's wrong.
smart and strong person > strong person
>can self proclaim to be
You are butchering the English language in your attempt to sound educated.
>Develop intellect
Oh okay it's bait.
>these are the people who believe IQ is a reliable way to observe intelligence
>(((the state)))
This is why society is fucked. The smart people have less children and at a later time (having kids later will lead to lower quality offspring). So then the stupid people end up having lots of healthy kids. Ted was right. Nuclear war when?
You’re wrong read a book no offense
men have bad taste in women? shocker
Ted was smart, but he definitely wasn't sane.
I recommend that you watch this documentary
A woman not having kids is liie a male who goes MTGOW
Both are seen as undesireable losers and have the SMV of a cow.
>its all the Jews
white progressives are the true believers. Jews are just dishonest and manipulate the system to serve their ethnic interests. you could remove all jews from America/Europe and white progressives would be doing the same shit they're doing right now.
All movements and ideologies that your white progressive lap up and latch onto were invented by jews, lefties are called usefull idiots for a (((reason)))
>"it's not my fault for lying! It's yours for believing in what i say!"
>(((public education))) and (((wealth))) makes you intelligent
I wish I could go back to being this blue pilled
IQ doesn't mean shit for women - they don't need to be smart. They just need to be able to look after children and keep the house in order. They can defer everything to their husbands and fathers, they don't really need to think for themselves.
>tfw to inteligent to fight or flight
Give intelligent women incentive to donate and/or freeze their eggs and make actual sex education mandatory. Problem solved.
>Post retarded shit
>Get called a retard
>Post jew shit
Truly the master race
High taxation and government sponsored equity has created a situation where idiots who provide nothing to society can breed endlessly because they have no shame and can get welfare for their nigger children, whereas intelligent people who make more money have to pay all their excess wealth in taxes for the welfareniggers, and so have to save to have children.
No, a high IQ correlates with a lot of bad stuff health-wise, low fertility for one. It's rather dysgenic, actually.
Found the guys with lots of kids.
Im a woman with an iq of 135, and I want to have kids, just not yet I thought. Reading this article made me scared that what if one day I wont get a boyfriend, or a husband, or kids? Statistically that is what is being said. This article really makes me want to jump on the next guy that hits on me. Honestly made me realise I need to not be so picky and just choose a decent guy.
tldr: this article has made me drop my standards WAY lower
yeah, this trend may be true but the person who published this, Satoshi Kanazawa, is a quack who not only was banned for mal-practise for a while but also is banned for submitting papers without it getting peer-reviewed
Thots are expected conform to male social roles now and give their childbearing years to higher education and corporations. Also smarter people are more likely to sterilize themselves so a child doesn't interfere with careerism.