Hey fit. How do i know how to lift and what supplements to bring with me? Im new i want to make lifting my nye resolution
Heres a video outlining my build
Ignore the title
Hey fit. How do i know how to lift and what supplements to bring with me? Im new i want to make lifting my nye resolution
Heres a video outlining my build
Ignore the title
Theres enough gooks at my gym fuck off we're full
Kill yourself.
White women belong to black men.
Asian women belong to White men.
And black women belong to asian... "men"?
I already joined fitnfast at burwood in Sydney
Black people are trash. You americans were doomed to failure because you were a melting pot from day 1
Make me. You know which gym i go to
Why would i go to sydney just to rough up a chink when i can do it where i am?
I remember when this guy posted his nudes
But i am this guy
Because you wont
Yea ol up while i hop on a train for 5 hours
>train for 5 hours
stay in your shithole
yeah I know, I still don't understand why you did that though
also, are you really 28? I always assumed you were like 20
Height and weight mate.
Long story. I asked for a meal plan and the guy asked for a full body pic so i decided tomsend a full frontal nude instead
Mental illness.
No its not. You're asking for advice and we need more info.
If you're short and skinny I would tell you to clean bulk. If you're lanky and skinny I would tell you to dirty bulk. Either way you need to bulk based on your video.
How old are you? Have you ever done any sports or training?
Also I need a tldr on that video mate. Not watching 50mins of blocked nose stuttering for something that can be condensed to a couple paragraphs.
Jesus. None of what youre asking is relevant
I asked none of that shit. You may fuck off now kind sir.
Thats exactly right, MY shithole
Yeah i mean whatever shithole regional town youre from. Stay there
Fuck me mate, if you're gonna be a pissy cunt that can't do his own research then don't bad mouth people trying to help.
You admit that you know nothing, and it's obvious because you're asking retarded questions.
>How do I know how to lift
If it hurts you're probably doing it wrong.
Look at yourself in the mirror and watch your form. Have a friend watch your form. Video yourself and look at your form. Compare with form videos. And correct your form if you need to.
Pick a lifting program and stick with it. Some suggest SS + gomad, some suggest PPL, some suggest full body split. Personally I did a brosplit when I first began, now I run PPLxULx. Doesn't matter what one you choose, all that matters is you stay dedicated and put in the effort. You're a beginner you will make gains.
>How do I know what supplements to bring?
You need to bulk so just eat heaps. Make sure you get enough protein. If you have trouble eating you might need to drinking a mass builder protein powder to get calories.
You haven't told me your age. If you're older I might recommend supplements for joint health and healthy test levels.
Haven't told me training background, it could influence what lifting program you could use.
Haven't told me weight or height, some compound moves are best avoided by skinny lanky guys until they have a bit of muscle imho.