No amount of cutting or bulking is taking away my jetpuffed nipples and man tits. Should I just kill myself
No amount of cutting or bulking is taking away my jetpuffed nipples and man tits. Should I just kill myself
You now they have surgery to remove gyno/fat from the chest? Results are usually fantastic.
Is this gyno? Some said yes some said im just a /fat/ fuck so idk. But isnt that expensive?
grow chest hair to cover them up
you look fat as shit try actually cutting for more than 2 weeks
I cut for like 4 months. How can you tell im fat from just the shot of my chest?
Because you have titties from this angle and are asking about it here, you're most likely fat. Are you sub 15% bodyfat, do you have abs? I also put on more fat on my chest than other places on my body but it's literally nothing but fat, it goes away when you lose bodyfat you just need to keep lifting weights and doing cardio. Mine went away completely with age/ staying in shape
Yeah I have abs, I'm right about 15% BF. And this doesn't feel like fat, like its squishy but its feels like tits not cellulose. My nipples are also super sensitive. Should I see a doctor
How old? Not an expert on this but I think you should feel something hard under your nip if you press into it if you have gyno. I'm pretty sure my nips were more sensitive when I was finishing puberty but it didn't last long.
Make some actual fucking effort to build muscle and lose fat. Lift at a caloric deficit for a while and get your body fat down then we'll see if you actually have gyno. 90% of people who think they have gyno are just fat fucks.
the pic on the left is what gyno looks like. You can actually be sure it was gyno based on the before and after picture and the fact that he has lower body fat than average.
18. Yeah its kind of like a rubbery ball at the back of my nipple. The nipple feels almost like its filled with water or something. Sticks out from my shirt like a party hat
i have pretty similar shit and my doctor said it's not gyno just fat
My doctor said it might be gyno but he seems like a shill trying to trick me into a 7k surgery
Today I learned I have gyno. Great.
I'm honestly not sure, if you're concerned about it I would ask your doctor just to make sure. I'd still keep trying to lose fat to see what's good because losing fat there would still make it less noticeable if you were wearing a shirt even if you had gyno
Don't listen to your ashkenazi (((doctor)))
I'm pretty sure I have a mild case myself, my chest looks somewhat like the left. I don't have health insurance and won't for a while and don't have the savings to pay for the surgery so for the time being I'm fucked. A combination of cutting and building more muscle has made it look a bit better but it's still there.
Will do. Today my macros were 20/50/30 c/p/f, the lowest carb ive been in a while. Trying to push for keto
Hes got a jewey nose too
But so do i even tho im british n german
You have a good build, i wouldnt even worry about it tbqh.
It's also 6000$ and not covered my insurance.
Keto is w retarded Reddit tier meme diet, and chances are you got this from drinking way too much milk and eating those pollutants in meat get fucked desu.
Google milk mammalian estrogen
get a second doctor's opinion
you know becoming a trap is an option. halfway there already with gyno
A real hero. Checking this out now.
so is it over the counter or....?
yeah let me just go get a prescription for that with no healthcare
yeah just be an ungrateful asshole
>yeah let me just go get a prescription for that with no healthcare
You're so fucking poor you can't afford to pay for a doctors visit and a prescripion AND you have puffy girl tits?
Yes, you should kill yourself. Too much pussy dna in you, there's no recovering from that.
expecting a guy with gyno to be able to grow chest hair
Damn, I remember this guy. ATIWAB. that's what people used to call him. Instantly remembered those letters. What's he been up to?
so this is legit, and won't give me cancer, right?
I'll check it in half a year more of working chest and see if it's not gyno.
First of all, you act like a doctor will just write you a prescription for what you ask for. Like I'm just gonna pay a small fee for a visit and get the exact medication I request. I'll say that someone on Veeky Forums said I need to take this.
second, I got out of the military to be a full time student, my income is limited even with a part time job as well and the VA doesn't cover shit like that.
yeah it works EXACTLY like that, you go to a doctor like a big boy, with your big boy titties and tell the doc what drug you want prescribed to you by its name. He will see your nips when you take your sweater off and tie it around your waist.
One thing i have noticed, is you military guys are almost 100% ignorant about what went on during your service for the rest of the world you are inevitably going to return to.
You can't go a single day without posting vegan propaganda, huh?