Good for him. Already he has someone to kiss.
There’s literally nothing wrong with being gay
Yea but it looks funny as fuck
oh no no no no no NONONONO
Someone should do an impression of Scooby getting fucked in the ass and put it on Vocaroo
You can just listen to him grunt in his workout videos
You need to learn difference between gay and fag
Scooby is gay, but cool one
Like Freddy Mercury
Do you think he gives himself enemas or does his bf fuck his asshole dirty.
I will never understand how a guy can be attracted to a guy who looks like a guy, but each to their own obviously...
peter thiel is a homosexual man, scooby is a faggot
Love is love! We need to make sure and respect all types of love!
yes there is, aids wouldn't be a thing without gays
damn, scooby's head is fucking huge compared to his boytoy
whatever you say fag
To be honest, I am just glad that Scooby is happy :)
He seems like a very nice guy.
Scooby's home workout programs helped me lose weight, attain ottermode, and now athletic mode. He can cornhole whatever he wants I guess.
thought that was Jason Genova on the right when I looked at the thumbnail, would have been pure fitness kino
did all of you have someone to kiss on new years eve?
I'd rather be a khv than a fag
Like you have any say in whether or not you're a khv
literally nobody gave a shit about gays until /pol/ became a thing, /pol/ pls go
>scooby is gay
the hats, the videos, the lying about not using steroids - finally it all makes sense.
I like scooby, he helped me out a lot.
May Allah guide him away from his sodomy lifestyle.
>nothing wrong with being gay means nothing wrong with being pedo/bestiy
you strawman like a liberal and are likely a closet homo
it piss it shit i bob paris gayenning