>Hm, Rippetoe...He's a PHAGGOT!
What did Clarence mean by this? 11:37
>Hm, Rippetoe...He's a PHAGGOT!
What did Clarence mean by this? 11:37
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SSturds btfo by the swole Elliot Rodger
why did you type faggot like that?
Clarence always types it like in his videos that that's why. It makes me imagine his voice more easily.
Because faggot is a bad word
Because OP is a god damn faggot.
I-it's because he does it like that I swear. ;_;
is this mong an irish chink or something?
what kind of shit genes do you need to be that ugly?
>The kind of genes that make you into a polish fatass.
hi Mark
Literally who? Sage
oh sheeiit someone insulted daddy Rip
>Literally who?
Rippetoe is author of shitty program Starting Strength
rippetoads btfo
its from misc, because they censor word
nigger = BBC
slut = sloot
faggot = phaggot
Doesn't take a genius to reach that conclusion.
Mark Rippetoe, a fat retard who was never particularly strong but who thinks he is qualified to give advice to lifters - then proceeds to give bad advice to lifters and design bad routines.
Wow what a cuck forum, why would anyone go there
cause mark rippetoe thinks "every athlete including olympic lifters can benefit from starting strength as it is written" with lowbar squats
>shit genes
>snatches 190kg at 100kg
lmao cope