>I eat 4000 cals a day
>I bench 2 plates for reps
>I've been lifting for years
>I've been roiding for a year
>I lift heavy 4 days a week
and I look like fucking this. Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm 6'0 210lbs.
>I eat 4000 cals a day
>I bench 2 plates for reps
>I've been lifting for years
>I've been roiding for a year
>I lift heavy 4 days a week
and I look like fucking this. Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm 6'0 210lbs.
too fat
>4000 calories a day.
gee, i wonder what the problem could be..
Do you understand the concept of calorie deficits?
>roiding for this
>roiding for a year to only bench 2 plates for reps
do people seriously do this
>I lift heavy
No you don't, you're a lazy fag who's either buying sugarpills or just eating like a fatass without lifting.
good luck getting your life together when you're 50
>only 4000 calories
do you understand that being lean is the key to looking good? theres a reason why bloatmaxx is a meme.
>lifting for years previous to taking roids
>2 fucking plates
>and I look like fucking this
>I eat 4000 cals a day
There's your problem.
>I bench 2 plates for reps
>I've been lifting for years
>I've been roiding for a year
Fix your programming. You either have a consistency problem, or you're not lifting often enough. The whole point of taking steroids is to be able to lift more frequently.
dude i just started lifting in october and i already bench 2pl8
literally what the fuck are you doing
this, cut about 6-8% bf, figure out your angles/lighting in your picture and you'll look great
roids not only helps efficiency of muscle gained in bulk, it also will let you cut mroe fat without losing muscle
>2 plates
Thats only a plate a side user minus the bar , so you are benching 20kg ? Or do you have 2 plates on one side and empty on other side ?
2/10 bait
He didn't say how many reps. He could be doing 10 x 10 german volume training or some shit. Plus not everyone lifts for strength.
If you're rousing then do a bro split since you can get away with that
>900 test for 1 year
>looking like that
Want to know how I know you don't lift?
want to know how I know you're a broscientist?
Dude, most 18 year old natty curlbros are doing 2pl8s for reps in my uni gym. I don't train for strength, but i can rep 10x2pl8 pretty easy after doing PHUL/PPL for 3 years.
>roiding for this
Want to know how I know you look like a DYEL?
>this thread
>be me
>just added 11lbs to my 2pl8 bench in two weeks.
>eat 2500-3000kcal
>been to gym 5,5 months
>still feel like its newbgains
>ohp 1pl8 for reps, pushing 1,5pl8
>squat and diddly at 3,5pl8
Im 5'9" and have a 8" benis and live in sweden.
>lying on the internet
manlets, when will they learn
op here just pinned my test and ordered pic related, downing a litre coke as a pre workout then hitting chest today I need to get big I need to I need to.
Kek, I've been lifting natty for 5 months and already have 2pl8 bench.
>roiding for that
I think you look fine op , when you cut down you will look amazing.
No, you don't.
w h * t e
g e n e s
your e eating pizzas and fucking coke as a pre workout? you best be trolling you fat fuck
here's my program
thats a 7 day week
workout are normally 12-20 sets for big muscle groups and 4-12 for smaller muscles
Normally start with a big compound and max out for 5 rep sets then do accessories
What have I done wrong?
jesus christ.
>pic related
More volume.
Do PPL Rest PPL Rest if you're roiding.
You have 3 rest days a week and is roiding lmao
you look fine but you seriously need 1) hit those abs with heavy loads; and 2) do a cut
try alternate day fasting + liss + yohimbine
I bet you'll look ripped in a few weeks
My test is 250ng/dL and I can bench 2plate after half a year of lifting.
Just need to add that you're a pussy for doing that little volume while roiding
Like based swedebro here I do more volume than you, although I also have a 8" dick so that might be it.
Vad bänkar du MANNEEN
>not everyone lifts for strength
what's the point of lifting then?
ok so I need more volume how's this split
that's a 7 day week
I don't track the weight I lift and lift mostly just for pump
You need to track the weight and use progressive overload
>roiding for this
Lmfao bullshit. You did not start benching 2pl8 in less than 3 months.
maybe he was a big guy to begin with, and not a skelly
>Roiding for this
Way to take the bait everyone
>roiding for 2 plt bench
>roiding to look like this
Biscuit Oliva?
I got to 105kg bench in 2 months at 80kg kek. Literally just eat 1k over maintenance and you will make insane strength gains.
LOL. I got 225x1 after 1 month of lifting. hungry skelly detected.
>>I bench 2 plates for reps
fuck dude
>for reps
Looks like someone hasn't been forcing muscle adaptation like they should have been.
Haha wow once again the cut ottermode physique is proven to be for absolute retards and manlets
Fucking lol.
Just kys bro it'll be easier.
nothing wrong with his routine he's just got bad genetics for bodybuilding
Yes, I'm sure that trash routine and OP's dad-bod are completely unlinked.
Roiding for this..... I'm 6'1, 230 and bench 405 for reps, 450 max. You need to cut not juice, your just gonna get fatter. I didn't hop on the sauce till I was about 12% which is as lean as I intend to get because my performance drops lower, I do strongman and need some bf or I have no endurance
explain how it's trash
>legs once a week
>back once a week
>isolating traps
>30% body fat
>Uhhh wath am I doing wrong guys
Is this achievable natty?
Roiding at 30%....... Higher fat equals higher estro, no business being on gear without the basic discipline to stop fucking eating.
You must be benching around 4pl8 now then?
Wow you got shit genes I started at 1pl8 and literally 2.5 weeks later I hit 2pl8
What's your diet like
Just fucking cut and you'll be ripped, fatty
Calories gotta be low
U cunt
Theres your problem
t. DYEL manlet twinkshit
>eats 4,000 calories a day
>trains each body part once a week
Fucking LMAO.
>imma do steroids and only work out 4 days a week
>roiding to lift less than me, who is a lower weight at the same height
Sorry Op, but I actually cannot imagine that level of subhumanity. End it.
LMAOing at your life m8. I started at 0.5 pl8 and the week after I already hit 3pl8 for reps. What's WRONG with you?
OP, I had the same situation.
What fixed it was eating less calories (I went down to 3000 a day), lifting six days a week, and going for 20-40 minute runs three or four times a week in addition to the lifting.
That and you also need to make sure your lifting routine consists of more than just heavy compounds. Start spending more time on accessory and assistance lifts in addition to the strength work.
Finally, eat less carbs. Try to eat meat as often as you can and stay away from sugar.
Do all these things, and you'll drop weight quick while maintaining muscle and after you settle at around 180lbs or so you'll be able to slowly build up strength and you can fiddle with your diet and training to get desired results.
You eat too much. What does your diet consists of at fucking 4k calories?
It's not your fault you were born a nu-male, blame your parents.
You look realy good man
No hombro
small frame
2 plates for reps isn't that impressive desu
Also you roided way too fucking early, the better you look off roids, the better you'll look on.
all the top physiques in bb'ing and men's fitness train that way...
let me guess SS and GOMAD?
Bloated fattycakes
Bunk gear?
So you get the lightning fast recovery from roids and still decide to do each lift once a fucking week. Motherfucker you're supposed to be lifting 8 fucking days a week on roids.
Lol it only took me 45 minutes to reach 2pl8
>8 fucking days a week
holy fuck Veeky Forums is the most retarded board, there are 7 days in a week not 8 fucking idiot
you lift with low volume (probably 3x5 or 5x5 all the time), you neglect accessory work, you have abysmal genetics
you look like i did benching 135 for reps srs time to flushmaxx
Its entirely possible, hell theres guys with an untrained max of 2 plates.
my sedentary father put up 205x3 his first try at lifting in his early 40s, no athletic background at all but did some landscaping in his early 20s
>roiding for that
But in all seriousness if you have been lifting for years AND roiding you should be twice as big, the only logical conclusion is that you have 0/10 genetics, or you are a lazy retarded faggot in the gym
this man deserves some sort of a special reward for actually being this stupid
up the calories to 5k if you want to make some real gains
this was actually written by a LARPer with a sub 500lb deadlift
How do you mean?
unfortunately for OP, yes, very.
isolations absolutely have their place
My first bench pench was 2pl8, i locked out with one hand sat up and put 2 more 2pl8's on in one motion