what works best for you for increasing abs size?
I feel like planks and bodyweight stuff really don't really hit the rectus abdominis
what works best for you for increasing abs size?
I feel like planks and bodyweight stuff really don't really hit the rectus abdominis
Other urls found in this thread:
Abs are mostly made in the kitchen.
If you're not feeling leg raises hitting your abs you have shit form.
abs are either genetics or steroids
Weighted crunches
Anything other than that is a meme.
> Abs are mostly made in the kitchen.
when I get lean I do see my abs but I want big bulging abs, like it is visible at 15%
>If you're not feeling leg raises hitting your abs you have shit form.
yeah, I feel it but it's more like soreness from doing for too long than really hard effort
Ab wheel rollouts (you can also just do them with a barbell). Anything else is a meme.
actually roll outs are the biggest fucking meme there is
it shows stabilization not direct ab work you fucking retard
I tried weighted cable crunches the other day
it does feel like lifting
how many sets reps you recommend?
rollout just feel like sports warm-up stuff, it's hard bc you got to keep stable, get whole body going etc but it doesn't feel like you moving any weight tbqh
in this order, all 5x(8-12):
>weighted leg raises
>weighted crunches on decline sit-up bench
>cable crunches (flexion/extension only i.e. hips stable, cat/cow variation)
>dumbell side raises w/ flat angle bench
>weighted twists
>planks, except do for only 1 min focus on perfect form stomach vacuum
enjoy destroying your back
>spinal flekshun r bad
what do you guys think of this lift?
landmine oblique twists
As long as you're not a retard, none if this will damage your back.
no retards, you're literally grinding your back with putting weight on it and twisting on it
Will Sit-Ups hit my obliques?
I had an accident as a kid and surgery on my back, sit-ups and crunches are the only things I find Comfortable
>Abs are mostly made in the kitchen.
who /mcgill big 3/ in here?
Abs are only revealed in the kitchen. As someone who has been training 10 years now I can safely say that the difference between someone who works abs and someone who doesn't is as significant as a person that trains arms and someone who doesn't.
Sure you'll get residual gains with abs as a stabiliser in your other lifts, just like you'll get residual biceps from working back. I just feel like the whole abs in the kitchen is a pseudo meme created with the right idea in mind, which was to remind people that ab definition is largely related to bodyfat which is dependant on said kitchen. However the kitchen is only one part of the equation.
I spent my whole life thinking I had terrible ab genetics and no adonis belt (which fit convinced me was 90% genetic) much to my dismay I thought was working them via deadlifts and squats once again thanks to Veeky Forums advice. I dropped down to 84kg and I had barely visible abs.
Shortly after I started working abs every day, day in and day out and I found out my core was actually one of my genetic strengths both strength and aesthetic wise. 6 or so months later of gruelling ab workouts daily and I had amazing abs and friends telling me that I was lucky because of "genetics".
Now I grind abs down harder than any other muscle in my body and only work them 3 or so times a week for actual repair, as someone that didn't have abs at 84kg, then bulked to 104kg later only to still have very visible abs, I can safely say don't fall for that bullshit yo. I'll dig up a pic on my phone for reference.My favourite ab workout is HEAVILY FOCUSED hanging leg raises, despite what I used to believe I now have a sexy ass adonis belt.
My lower back always hurts when planking. Even if my core can still take it, I have to stop because of the back soreness. Anyone else experience this?
I think it's because of back problems from sitting all day and/or anterior pelvic tilt (lordosis). Makes my ass look huge though and bitches love that.
Post pic, but I believe what you're saying
Do you add weights to hanging leg raises? If you, how do you do it?
He didnt ask for any of that, he said size.
I’m somewhere in the middle of the same story you’re sharing. Thanks for the write up.
>stabilization not direct ab work
>warm up
yeah tell that shit to this guy
The current picture is me on my current cut down from said 96kg, my core isn't engaged like the other pictures but it's still super defined. At 84kg I had striations in my chest delts and back and my core was hard like one big plate. From there it progressed to horizontal splitting with no vertical split through the middle and no obliques and "side abs", and I thought I had reached peak development and oblique definition was genetic, lo and behold after adding a lot of oblique exercises I saw amazing change and even at that stage I thought I didn't have the "required genetics" for a decent vertical split. Now that I'm on my way back down to sub 90kg after bulking by abs have split vertically and they show significant change from the last time I was this lean.
Tldr don't skip abs. Don't settle for abs via low bodyfat. Most importantly though don't sell yourself short when it comes to genetics, especially if you haven't even put in any effort yet.
>Cut down from 104kg*
I meant to say.
No added weight, just added more range of motion for progression, I can't stress the focus part enough though, when it comes to abdominal workouts outside static holds mental and physical engagement is crucial for making those reps count.
If you don't just sit-up in a straight line, but rather off to the side, your obliques will be engaged during sit-ups.
There are better exercises for obliques though (e.g. barbell side planks)
that's loaded ab rolls man, I thought user was about the regular ones
I don't have a gym bro so I'm not able to do that anymore
What you're doing for heavy obliques?
Fuckin' hell, nice mate, mirin
Think ill start doing some more abs myself, hopefully they'll stay during my bulk
holy shit is that u
u look like buakaw *_*
Dumbell oblique crunches only but religiously, I choose to ignore Arnolds theory on muscle confusion. I'll usually warm up with a few different ab exercises, just so once I get to my oblique crunches and hanging leg raises I can get that prime mind muscle connection, then I just pump those out non stop. For side crunches I either line up by the rows of dumbells, start on 50kg for 15 alternating between each side, then moving down to 40kg and 30kg after that, all the way down to the 10kg dumbells without resting, one side after the other, keeping that focus.
I've also been doing them with the preset curl barbells, it feels like it works a lot better having to hold a longer bar in the center and balance it really keeps your core following the same line and ROM with each rep, it just feels like a lot more engaging but it can tax your forearms a bit.
This is one guys experience though it definitely pays to do your own research and experimentation.
recommended workout m8
They'll find out soon enough
>a strong back prevents injury
>don't train your back because you'll hurt it
you're as bad as the delusional fatties who say they can't lose weight even though they "eat low calorie"
This pls
Decline weighted situps
Weighted hanging leg raises
Weighted planks
Eating like a pig then cutting
That's plenty.
How would any of that except maybe, MAYBE the cable crunches hurt your back?
Weighted decline sit-ups
Weighted hanging leg raises
Ab wheel, start from crouching and once you're advanced enough start them from standing
These three, along with the heavy compounds done regularly, will give you great ab development.
how do I get more core activation? when I do certain ab exercises like hanging knee raises I feel like I'm hinging at my hips too much. How do I take my legs out of ab exercises?
>no flex
>clearly flexing and even pulling down on skin under bright overhead gym lighting
Cable crunches are the only abs exercise where I can feel my abs contracting really hard
Tbqh cable crunches make me go like the cat in your pic fuark
I started doing dragon flags, and I'm going to do them everyday. They seem like they hit a lot more than abs though
>abs are made in the kitchen
I'm sick and fucking tired of this meme
SO many guys in CBTs are shredded in all parts of their bodies, arm veins to the max but they don't have visible abs because they've never done a fucking sit up
If you have a crunch machine in your gym hold the position when you are bent over.
>no homo
I don't do his routine but I used the same principle to create my own big 3. I do 3x30sec side planks leg elevated, 3x30sec decline back bridges with several hundred lbs of resistance band tension and 3xFail ab rollouts twice a week. My core stability has improved a lot.
The sad state of Veeky Forums
FWIW, I had the best abs ever, ever, ever when I did 150 sit ups daily. Straight legs, feet not put under anything.
I had an extremely skinny waist (28" or so at 6') and better abs than the guy in OP's pic, better abs than Bruce Lee, it was fucking awesome. I also did hours of Karate per day as cardio and didn't even run. No special diet.
There you go. And I repeat, the abs were the fucking best muscle group I ever had in my whole life.
You're completely right and I've learned the same thing. If you want abs you have to fucking destroy those fucks otherwise you won't have them when you get lean. You just get leaner and leaner and wonder WHEN WILL MY ABS POP OUT. They won't, because you don't have them.
saved, thanks for inspiration and knowledge
Whats genetic about abs is their form and shape and how they are positioned. Everyone can have nice abs. Just work for them :)
how deep the cuts are genetics because it's cartilage not muscle
Are you actually retarded
you are obviously a first year lifter if you don't realise how bad weighted spinal flexion is for disc health
>pic unrelated
>trying to clue in brainlets that spinal flexion is bad
Don't bother. They'll soon herniate their discs and then proclaim how deadlifts are bad for the back.
no dedis then?
jesus christ just prove my point, when you dead lift or squat the greatest thing you want to avoid is spinal flexion or you get a one way ticket to snap city or herniations on your discs, why would you assume lower weighted INTENTIONAL spinal flexion is suddenly ok?
lmao 0 chance this guy is natty
Who let the mongoloid out of his cage?
You have to actively recruit your ab muscles and keep your back STRAIGHT. Your back probably looks like a giant "U" when doing planks. Don't do this.
His abs kinda make me hungry, they look like bread.
wtf mate
i'm triggered
Cable crunches are god-tier. Only direct ab work I do now.
Hanging leg raises don't do nuffin for me on dyel kcc
>Abs are mostly made in the kitchen.
You have to do some fucking ab work too.