This guy could destroy anyone on Veeky Forums and he's 70kg/155lbs
What's even the point of lifting if that manlet would take your lights out in a mere 10 seconds
This guy could destroy anyone on Veeky Forums and he's 70kg/155lbs
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Yeah, it clearly looks like that guy doesn't lift at all. Guess lifting contributes nothing to his abilities, right?
He doesn't lift, he only does bw exercises
I'm sure. Totally natty too, right? Just like all fighters.
then why does he tie a dumbbell around him while doing both pull ups and neck raises you stupid fucking liar?
I'm a buakaw fan and no, he can't beat anyone up. He's a muay thai and kickboxing champ.
He loses in MMA
He loses in boxing
He loses in turkish wrestling
He will lose to any mad man with a weapon
Muay Thai and Kickboxing is his ring, and anyone who enters that domain will lose.
Also he lives in a tiny fucking room with 3 other fighter in a sweaty ass gym for most of his life.
Zyzz lived a life 1000 times better in quality with cocaine and sluts and friends.
Not fighting.
Zyzz never knew the high of what it felt like to completely dominate a mans soul in hand to hand combat.
Sorry OP, kicking the bag or going to your shitty recreational muay thai class once a week doesn't mean you can beat up people who lift weights and are bigger than you.
Unless you're a semi-pro prospect from amateurs with over 10 wins
or a current pro fighter.
You're worthless in the eyes of the ring/cage/world.
So enjoy your blood and sweat for no gains, because others in the ring/cage are on steroids.
This guy could destroy anyone on Veeky Forums and he's 84kg/185lbs
What's even the point of lifting if that lanklet would outdribble you in a mere 10 seconds
This guy could destroy anyone on Veeky Forums and he's 2812 FIDE rating
What's even the point of lifting if that slav would outsmart you in a mere 10 seconds
Seriously though, Buakaw would crush 99% of Veeky Forums. Your 600-pound deadlift means nothing in a fight. And if you think you'll start grappling like in muh MMA, realize that your blue belt skills from your shitty mcdojo aren't enough to take out a world champion fighter.
Are you legitimately insane? Nobody would fucking argue that you could easily win vs a world champ in ANY discipline you fucking piece of shit retard. Go kill yourself RIGHT NOW.
Nice samefagging btw.
>Lives in a tiny room with 3 other fighters
Is this true? Someone post a pic
Yes, most fighters live in their training camps
His training camp has a shitty sweaty small room that he shared with 3 other fighters to sleep in. And his manager that threatened to kill him with a pistol if he stopped fighting.
>His manager reportedly stole 95% of Buakaw’s earnings and refused to return it to him.
>stating that the gym had mistreated him for years.
There's another site where there's an actual video of him talking about it
>a trained fighter could beat you in a fight. What's the point of lifting?
This recurring thread is so gay.
You get better at what you do. Lifting heavy weights = good at lifting heavy weights. Train to beat people up = good at beating people up.
Of course, everyone has a genetic predisposition which limits ones ability to do certain things, ex. lift weight x or KO a fit fighter 60cm taller than you.
This guy could destroy anyone on Veeky Forums and he's 10K MMR
What's even the point of lifting if that uzbek would outplay you in a mere 10 seconds
This faggot posting like a chess match or soccer game could break out at any second. They cant, but a fight sure can.
>the absolute STATE of Hedonistic lifestyles
You are not a man, and never will be.
What's the point of learning martial arts when my gun can kill him in less than 1 second?
He can't outplay me because I don't play fucking autism pit games.
>doesn't understand satire
Brainlets detected
there you go OP, if your man is so bad ass how come the little beta lives in a sweaty little shithole while his manager takes 95% of his earnings?
Jackie chan in his prime vs Zyzz 4 weeks before he died. Who wins?
>lifting to beat up manlets
>not lifting for your mom
I have done plenty of karata as a kid. One Kudo chop and he would die.