Why aren't you using VR to replace boring and often harmful cardio ?
Why aren't you using VR to replace boring and often harmful cardio ?
Because it’s full of ugandan knuckles
Wii fit 2.0?
Reminds me of myself being a fucking fag trying to lose weight through wii boxing at age 14 (even had a wii balance board for yoga)
I tried BOXVR today and just 10 minutes of that game on hard difficulty got me sweating like 30 minutes of jogging couldn't
The game rewards you with extra multipliers if you swing wider and faster so the game gives some incentive to not just imitate movement, but to pay atleast some attention to form.
Had to put on a sweatband to keep the foam padding on the Vive from getting soaked.
>let me just do 300 arm extensions holding 0.01lbs weighting controllers
>i'm sweating because i'm moving with contraptions on my fucking head it must be working!
it's literally more pathetic than that fat kid that posted "workout progression vids" shadowboxing without ever learning boxing
at the very minimum do weightless bodyweight only p90x fags
like goddamn kys
>I tried BOXVR today and just 10 minutes of that game on hard difficulty got me sweating like 30 minutes of jogging couldn't
you also burned less calories and worked your muscles less
you were just in a shitty ventilated place not breathing properly out your mouth like you would during running
>dude running is just a few thousand leg extensions with 0.01lbs weighting shoes
enjoy your no progress and ocular degeneration
for literally the shittiest "boxing" game i've ever seen
>VR causes ocular degeneration
you are fucking retarded lmao
like a grandma telling the kids not to get to close to the screen
>enjoy your no progress
it's almost like the point of cardio is to increase your heart rate not train muscles
>it's almost like the point of cardio is to increase your heart rate not train muscles
that's basically the retard's understanding of it yes
you're missing out on tons of benefits i won't get into for you because you're a literal waste of time
keep doing your boxing game thing
enjoy your shit eyes and no progress in a few months
hey maybe you can sue them for a thousand dollars in a multi-lawsuit when the time arrives when your eyes are literally piece of shits
so kys
I lost 40 lbs when I was 15 years old using nothing but Wii Fit and eating a deficit. I used to do that "step-to-the-rhythm" game for hours on end.
I might be an autist but I'm not a fat autist
that's nice.. so you're the equivalent of someone flailing around playing videogames made for autistic simp children and eating less who lost muscles with their fat
enjoy being a weak autist with your gay VR chat
You understand how VR works right? it relaxes your eyes ciliary muscle like you are looking at an object at a distance, it's not like staring at a screen close up you uneducated boomer.
the reason they recommend using in short duration is because many people develop motion sickness, not eye damage lmao
how can you be this dumb
>bane mask meme
Literally does nothing for the body unless you are training for high altitude cross country. Stupid as fuck.
enjoy your eye diseases
You realize that they use that to accurately calculate calories burned, right? That's not how you play the game dummy
is fit full of literal high school dropouts or do roids destroy braincells?
I go to Zumba class for my cardio.
When the Rift 2 or whatever comes out i'll hop right on it. I feel like it's too late to pick up the first gen headsets.
but that's wrong, because you can't accurately assess non-steady state cardio. Boxing has an anerobic component and that really fucks with calorimetry. They're basically just guessing and it's probably wrong.
the only accurate Calorie measuring tools in this world is a heart beat monitor strap that goes across the chest
everything else is inaccurate you fucking retard
do some basic research fucking high school drop out autist
i mean you're literally playing "pop the imaginary balloon" like i hope your parents are dead so they don't have to suffer the regret
? heart rate monitoring does not measure caloric expenditure. You need a gas exchange mask to accurately measure caloric expenditure and it only works on steady state cardiovascular tasks.
>Why aren't you using VR to replace boring and often harmful cardio ?
Why not replace my boring and often harmful life while at it?
Wow great that they also measure the dudes heart rate in the video I posted