How do I achieve lion mode?
How do I achieve lion mode?
Lmao those dingleberry nuts
>tfw incel
Sleep for 16+ hours, fuck any woman in your social group that's receptive up to twelve times in a day, take the majority of food that you may or may not have helped said woman prepare depending on difficulty, and fight any male or males that roll up to your house looking to fuck. If you win, announce your victory to the world by screaming as loudly as possible, if you lose, leave the group until you find a new one, beat the male of that group and murder all of the kids he sired so you can fuck his women. For further inquiries into achieving lion mode please consult your local zoo or African nature documentary
This looks like a Conan story.
For the love of god, just look at all the pictures of lions on google images, you will see so many lions with arms built lion pencils, you almost never find any tigers like this! Lion fans bias post the best lions they can find after 4 hours of searching and ignore the hundreds of average lions.
Here is just a few pictures of typical male lions/lionesses. Just look at the arm! Can these really be compare to the tiger? Its sad really that even the best lion pictures lion fans can find barely rival a typical male tiger we find in india.
Pencil arms... WTF are lion fans smoking?
Most of that is just normal behaviour for niggers.
Honestly, how do lions even compare to tigers? Lion fans are mentally retarded idiot who live in a fantasy world were they worship the lion so much, they would rather kill themselves then believe otherwise. Nuff said
The fact that I've actually seen many many unironic forum posts devoted to lions vs. tigers debate
Post your nuts, big boi, nah didn’t think so
Tigers are bigger but lions have strength in numbers as well as being tough fuckers on their own.
Tigers are like Nappa whereas lions are like Goku.
>that aesthetic choreography
fuck I miss when DB was good
Man I used to masterbate over fucking a lioness. I don't know why it got me so hot. I was about 14.
Nala was hot dude.
No shame.
Tigers have a higher power level than lions though.
/pol/, go home.
Tigers aren't specifically built for fighting like male lions though. All that strength means fuck all if the opponent you're fighting has more experience fighting and an armor that prevents most of your standard lethal attacks.
Tigers are like retarded powerlifters that can't run a mile without having a minor stroke.
I think it's the primal aspect of it.
>i want to fuck a girl like a lion someday
i know you're just shitposting, I hope atleast. But I've seen so much of these same comments in literally any lion or tiger video. And you can always tell it's illiterate street shitting niggers. Just admire the animals you fucking dumb pajeets
Lions are manlets?
>tfw manelet
the Romans used to let lions and tigers fight for sport and experience showed that the tiger wins most of the time
I would rather be stud stallion mode.
Nah. If I said I had bigger nuts, I'd be lion.
Speaking of stupid pajeets, these fucking Neanderthal faggots have taken to social media to locate leopards to beat to death for sport. They’ve had to launch media campaigns discouraging this behaviour as it’s endangered the leopard population in india. Fucking morons.
Funny how if I wanted to round up people in my city and beat these cunts to death I’d be a criminal... honestly Indians and any Arab are the biggest cowards on the planet, can’t 1v1 anything but in a mob they’re all hard cunts.
kek shut up you stupid nerd
African or asiatic lions? What subspecies and locality? These are very important questions as asiatics are on average smaller and less aggressive and African lions vary in size based on subspecies and locality with the now extinct Barbary lion being the largest. Males of that subspecies were capable of growing to the same size as a large male bengal tiger which would more or less remove the main advantage that the tiger has.
fucking disgusting CIS males
Oh my fucking god...