How do I continue?
Also uhhhh what's your deadlift PR? Mine is 420
How do I continue?
Also uhhhh what's your deadlift PR? Mine is 420
"Don't be shy. Come hangout."
I do 420x5 haven't tried 1rm in a while but estimated is between 470 and 490
ayy gurl wachu do with dem bananna an mouf
"let me get your number"
Make those emojis real and come suck on these nuts
>my place or yours?
Or ask for her number. Everything else is autism
You are already fucked with that response. Your only chance is try
Really hope she doesn't say my place because I live with 5 other males
Run a train
"Open your goddamn eyes."
Help bruhs
Nigger basic thot, how dose that even work?
In line for the rope
In he meantime while we wait for Emma's response, let us try being blunt
"Yeah, baby, we doin' the conga!"
Never give in to the shit test. Never surrender.
"send 3 nudes"
I got a large hook that needs a to be up a cavity
if you're gonna be blunt you need to be more aggressive than that. she should feel slightly violated by your message
>are you an archeologist?
>p-pls respond
Yeah tell her "if you feel violated let me come over and show what a real violation looks like ;^)"
Please respond
My bio is “I lift weights, I work full time, and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks”(subtle anchorman reference)
I haven’t had sex in 3 years, help me
"You wanna help me take them off?"
Boys is it normal to lose an erection and not get it back if the willy isn't in use?
Had a girl grind me like mad today but couldn't fill her up with my william cos she was on her period, and boner just died eventually and never came back...
Bit worries boys...
btw I'm a virgin but thanks Veeky Forums cos im getting "action" now
you'll love it even more when they're off
Go with this
Your pussy better not be slack
If you'll love me in slacks you're in for a treat when I take them off
you probably just psyched yourself out. I wouldn't worry about it.
godspeed bro
She hasn’t responded yet
Okay so here's the deal:
I matched with a Romanian 8/10 4 days ago. My initial plan was to start talking to her by the end of this month.
Why? We're having our semester finals right now and at this university everyone basically locks himself up for at least one month. It's insane. People hardly study during the semester so in January and June we're studying 10 hours a day. When the finals are over by the end of January the bars and clubs are packed. My plan was to meet then and fuck her brains out, since she too locked herself up since December and is probably craving human contact
So what's your judgement: start talking now or wait ?
"pls respond" now
Definitely make first contact, something about going out and destressing after finals
You're over thinking it, message her now
Yeah definetely but I'm afraid the conversation will bleed out if we don't meet soon enough, that's why I'm delaying it
Get her number quick like and hit her up proper after. Or just message her when you finish.
I don’t speak this language help me out Deutsch bros
Wew laddy
She's saying basically "so sexy, I know, right?"
Just write back in English. "I think we can have fun. :p"
I swear some of you guys are actually autistic and it isn't just a meme.
Slow the fuck down. If you don't have the social skills to fuck somebody you just met, don't make your opener sexual. Worse yet, if you are a virgin, DO NOT even take the conversation there until you have met the person and you have felt them out. Half of the girls on Tinder who are actually down with meeting to fuck are subs, looking for doms. You are not a dom, you're a disappointment and you're setting yourself up for rejection and depression. Start picking the low-hanging fruit to build up your confidence and then take a shotgun approach to the attractive girls.
She basically wrote "Its very sexy, I know"
Deine bussoms on meine cocken gespanken
Dude. The fuck made you think autism was a meme?
Blasen mir.
this desu
heil hitler
>Start picking the low-hanging fruit to build up your confidence and then take a shotgun approach to the attractive girls.
What if you consider yourself too attractive to start fucking below average chicks? Should I burry my ego for a little while? I just think it's out of balance. Hot girls mire me but I have zero social skills
or blas mir ein...
>Blasen mir.
No. Don't ask her to blow you this early in the convo.
She might be fake, cause she linked an instagram that is obviously not her own
Fucking uggos will lower your status. And your lack of social skills will reinforce bad behavior if you get laid using them. Just practice talking to people.
> I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks
you don't have to run around and actually fuck the less attractive girls
if you ask me it's a lot more about personality. get practice being around and flirting with people that you get along well with, or who are a little below you and you wouldn't consider fucking. that way you learn how to interact with them as as if they are regular people. girls actually like this because they aim for guys generally above themselves on the social ladder, and by acting this way, they see that you are not being "needy" or "desperate" and overly pursuing them. this demonstrates to them that you are higher up on the social ladder, and then they start to see you as a potential mate. learn to be comfortable in social situations like this, and learn how to flirt and tease like this.
and hey, if you get along well, and they aren't hideous, why not give something a shot?
anyway, after you familiarize yourself with being at ease and confident because you aren't steering the ship with your cock, start approaching the hotter girls that you see eyeing you. eye contact is a necessary precursor to interaction/attraction, so if you see them actually looking at you, which is more than just glancing at who/what is around them, try approaching.
don't try to hit a home run the first time. just an introduction and trying to strike up some kind of convo is good, be friendly, and play as if you don't care what happens, because you don;t they are just some rando you saw one day.
practice practice practice, and don't get discouraged by negative responses, always maintain a positive attitude, and work the numbers game until you can approach someone and lead with solid flirting teasing at which point you should be able to make friends, and get the interest of lots of females that you meet and approach, and should be able to hookup without much difficulty when you initiate in the right setting such as a club or festival
you know how google deepmind ai thought itself to play chess in 4 hours
what if there was a self learning ai for maximizing tinder success?
Back to /g/ dyel
>For science. XDDDDD
>what if there was a self learning ai for maximizing tinder success?
As in
1- has made one and you should ask me about it
2- so I mentioned the idea, please please make it?
that question about photographic evidence was a shit test.
she said jump and you said how high
the game is over, she has you, and the fun/excitement of the pursuit is gone.
next time try and continue flirting for a bit until you feel like you are the one in control of the convo/direction of the interaction and then get her info.
she starts off very judgy and defensive hear, so you need to open her up (parden the pun) and get her to relax and be a bit more playful/flirty before you try to go anywhere further
if she isn't worth the effort, just fuck around and have fun with the convo
How do I continue?
Do you really need an ai when having good pics is all that matters
>*tips soycup* mlady?
bitch, lasagna
Listen man I'm not reading what you said but you are an actual fucking autist.
I came here to get generic responses not retarded advice. So please fuck off
Write: Wenn du dieses Toast bist, wäre ich gerne das Stück Butter
>tfw shit at flirting
My current flirting style with this one girl basically amounts to us both accusing the other of showing off our bodies for each other's viewing pleasure.
seal the deal
go for something like:
"I'm sure I can change that"
but only if you can actually deliver in terms of being a dom. she just told you that she's attracted to you enough to tell you she's such a submissive slut, and want's you to do some dirty kinky shit with her so go for it and set up a time and place
LMAO. Ur 1 rep max
DO NOT DO THIS, it creates mustard gas
chill bro,
just trying to help you out for next time.
best thing to do is wait and see what she does instead of hitting her with the triple text like a desperate sperg
nigga, you better pick a good word for her to use as her safe word. something like "cattywampus," which means "fierce"
*bla mir einen
I don‘t even lift lmao
just straight up said that I‘m not looking for a relationship, no pickup lines, easy mode
Still better than me.
Also next time Shen accuses you of showing off your body for her just say.
>yeah, so what? What are you gonna do about it?
>I dont even lift lmao
get out,lmao
Damn, how good looking are you? What kind of pictures did you put up?
what app is this
All you bros need to stop escalating things so quickly. Get them on a date, have a few drinks, read the signals, and then make a move. If you're not getting the vibe from them, lay off and play it cool. Some girls are hung up on not seeming like sluts, so it might take 2 or 3 dates.
Once you fuck, make sure you let them know you're just looking for something casual. Some will ghost immediately, but if you keep playing the game you can have 2 or 3 casual things going at once.
So many dudes with so little game. You guys make it too easy.
I don't want to fuck with the dynamic. It's a nice back and forth of her accusing me of trying to flirt with her and me accusing her of trying to flirt with me, that somehow ends up as flirting.
It's Germany, dude. Shit's like a thousand times easier there. American girls have no chill. At all.
Does anyone else get depressed when they see a girls profile pic and they’re having fun with a guy, or they’re hugging a guy or something.
Why put that in there, also what does looking for friends really mean?
Socially retarded girls think guys want the same thing girls want, just with the genders reversed. Those are pics she thinks guys would find attractive because she finds them attractive.
Same reason guys think being explicitly sexual with girls they barely know is a good idea, basically.
"looking for friends" means "I want to fuck someone hot, but I'll let you buy me shit if you're not hot"
Too many cucks spoil the broth
you must be brown
Came here to post this XDDD lel
The madman
oh god why
what the FUCK
You are children
>Well I'm gonna make you wish you had one
She wants the d licious meal I will prepare especially for her
>schreib mir mal
>pls respond in german