How often, if ever, have you seen one in real life?
What does a 10/10 male look like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just be yourself bro
face like pic related
Height around 6'3"
ripped/athletic physique
this is literally the perfect male specimen.
Idk Jeff Seid imo is the most good looking man alive atm
shit hair. plus roids. yeah nah
Hi Jeff
The golden one's brother
A 10/10 male or female is a 8-9/10 that meets the raters preference.
jeff pls go
all these model guys have as much photos where they look shit as they have photos tthey look like demigods
this guy. Jaw legitimately looks like a jet plane wing
But Uncle Adolf was a manlet
stay jelly
He almost looks alien.
he's so handsome, his retarded looking cousin would still be a 10/10
In this picture of jeff I can spot pin marks
Confirmed 666
>asymmetrical face
>lips a little too big
>wide nose
>forward facing ears
>nappy hair
>brown eyes
i understand he looks good but definitely not a 10
>Adolf was a man-
you delete this
looks like a date rapist
my girlfriend saw this and was in shock, shes mirin brah, fuck gonna hide her.
he's goofy as fuck actually
Oh nvm fucking lmao
No fucking way that's the same man
I am 666
they don‘t even call it rape they just obey
guess what
better looking black male
ayy lmao/10
goofy as fuck kek
not best looking but not bad looking either
also reminds me of val kilmer
Holy shit, I'm suddenly grateful to be unphotogenic
This is the thing about models, when you look at a specific photo they look really good but when you see them as a whole they usually look odd and lanky
my god, he looks like that chad you retards draw all the time
My sides
would still smash/10
>t. Fag who actually follows that autistic chart
You forgot, black skin
>incel shitposting
>No prison guards intervened during the time the helicopter was on the prison’s roof on March 17, 2013. Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau
legit 9/10. If he had lighter eyes he'd be on the cusp of a 10/10
Nice try, Schlomo. Black men are actually the least attractive demographic out there.
nigga who cares
in my opinion
>eagle eyes
>aquilifer or straight greek nose
>sharp jawline and pretty rounded chin
>noticable cheeks/cheekbones
that's about it.
I have yet to see a man who has ALL of that.
I'm mostly a /k/ poster and a Veeky Forums lurker.
But every time I'm out with my buddies a 10 for me is like an 8/9 for my friends and vise versa.
Omegle doesn't count as "Real Life" but I came across a hottie who looked very similar to pic attached only with even more piercing blue eyes and smoother, tanner skin. Oh my god he was so hot and actually came to me, and his dick was big. *oneitis intensifies*. Still no idea why he didn't just skip my ugly self but glad he didn't
He's ugly, and I'm a girl. Jaw not wide enough, shitskin, really bad hair texture, poor brow definition, huge nose, sticky-outy ears, eyes too small and not narrowed. Not attractive in the slightest.
How has nobody posted The Bloat GOD?
true, but I wouldn't report it to the police knowhatimsayin'
Not a 10/10 in general but a 10/10 creepyfu
Why is this board so god damn accurate
how can anonymous people literally be spot on describing me what the fuck
Its the eyes ,pal.
Looks like a lesbian.
is this the facemogg thread?
They are completly black
Sucks the soul out of other people if I want
I like
Thanks for comment brah
this guy looks like a big deal, think someone could give me a
>>>>>>>quick rundown?
not the perfect face or anything, but remember
>this guy is 6'5
>trust me im a girl
Polfag detected
Online dating isnt tinder thats alpha fux....thats beta bux
No way in hell this guy is a virgin
I'm just trying to make guys who've fallen for the BLACKED meme feel better. To a lot of girls I know including myself there's nothing attractive about this.
christian bale
I'm surprised none of you have posted the real 10/10 man. Mike mew 10/10. Name one thing wrong with his face.
and a Jew
tiny bidge into fatass nigger nose
pencil neck
p old pic
i wonder what the fuck chad thundercock is doing with his life
>inb4 banging stacy
i dont have the source but some anons found him
>millionaire ceo
>hot as fuck wife
>chad sons
>still facemogging everyone in a 300 mile radius
Emo face doesn't automatically equal good.
fuck did you just say
pocock is a beautiful man
as a pale-skinned rugbyfag who's the same height as him, he is my goal always and forever
It's subjective, and a 10/10 would imply perfection, which is unattainable as it is undefinable.
You underestimate the power of autism
i mean just look at this sexy fucker
>no homo
Why don't you fuck him then?
All these examples of "God tier aesthetics." Are just really delicately featured. More in line with the taste of younger women.
haha why would i do that lol im not attracted to men why would you say that hahahah
lmao this is why the whole jaw hype is just a meme
a strong jaw is good to an extent but this dude just looks like a fucking frog
>clenching your jaw as hard as you can in literally every picture ever taken of you
how insecure can you be
my jaw probably isn’t even half as good as this dudes but at least I don’t look like I’m an amphibian lmao
Harry mallinder is definitely up there
6’5 and a rugby player too
are you fucking kidding me
>these are the people posting Manlet threads
Dolan twins thooooo
*Resolve to continue noschlick weakens*
See, idk why gingers always think they're ugly when absolute beauties like this exist.
I want to impregnate this fine specimen.