I have a small as fuck waist and wide ass girl hips and narrowish shoulders from my shit tier genetics. Probably cuz of my moms bitch ass womb pumping estrogen into me. Honest question, should I an hero? I don't see a way out of this pathetic life and body I've been given. Fucking christ I'm a soyboy or whatever that is aren't i? That's me. I'm going to fucking kill myself. Pathetic "man" that I grew to be. I didn't choose this life. I look worse than pic related.
I have a small as fuck waist and wide ass girl hips and narrowish shoulders from my shit tier genetics...
put on a wig and some thigh highs and embrace it
No fuck you.
Thanks for the laugh, OP. Suicide is your best bet.
get big
the answer is always get big
once big it won't matter
pullups all day
dude you have been blessed. Start taking estrogen and become a top tier trap. Succ some rich guy's dick and enjoy life on ez mode
stop feeling sorry for yourself. go lifts some god damned weights and see the improvements in your body
Focus on having big lats
>acting ultra masculine in a way that makes us know you're really not that naturally masculine/ dominant
>Yeah bro fuck gays I want to fuck women not look like one
>fuck you I'm really straight faggot
I look forward to seeing your transition.
Sorry bro you look like absolute shit
This is a prime example of why I hate the culture of online fitness/bodybuilding boards. They've become such a good place for people to spread their insecurities to others that instead of wanting to lift, newcomers are just left paralyzed by insecurity and self-loathing. I can only imagine how many people started browsing Veeky Forums because they wanted to look better and improve their lives and now they're depressed because of the size of their wrists.
nah kill yourself.
Yeah, please keep responding to these posts you little bitch. Keep denying you over compensating closet case.
you really trying too hard with your troll efforts kid. git gud. I bet your unhappy with yourself or you wouldn't be trying to break people down over the internet. Kill yourself. No one would really care.
I'm helping you blossom into the flower you want to be. If I was unhappy I'd be a wide hip closet trans asking an anonymous shitposting board what the autists there thought of me and trying to act way harder than I really am, like a woman.
Lmao, womblets all around. I had a lot of testosterone exposure in my mother's womb which made my face and jaw super sharp and strong and made me all around hardcore and masculine. Yeah, you get a bit of autism but autism actually isn't a bad thing if you eat right and don't wank.
So redpill me on how and why men are literally this retarded. You just know that this slut posted here for narcissistic reasons in spite of the fact that he looks like an obese 50 year old who has been abusing his body for years and has never done so much as take a single step off of the couch. This slut actually thought that her body was good enough to show to a bunch of people online rather than just asking for advice. This fatass subhuman, who likely weighs upwards of 200lbs, actually believed that. All because of betas like the cucks telling him he looks fine. No, OP, you look like complete shit and make me wanna vomit. Seriously. Don't eat for the next 3 months, then maybe come back here for a reevaluation.
Gonna give you this clapping gif, because I am absolutely astounded at your narcissism.
nah, just an insecure male who was wondering how to improve his proportions or if it was not possible. I'm not acting hard. You must be a soft little bitch if you think I'm acting hard. Never said I was a hard man.
>inb4 stupid ass troll reply
Just go away.
you look normal with an underdeveloped upper-body
go lift and you'll be alright
t. knower
Top tier thigh gap become trap
>implying you have any fucking idea what he looks like
pretty much pic related minus all the extra fat. my waist is even skinnier though. I look terrible.
Post butt
what do you want us to say op ?
if you want to know if you are doomed to be a trap or if there's some chance of fixing yourself then yes, everything wrong with pic related is fixable.
if you're anything close to pic related then start lifting now or fuck off my board
Just the way you're talking, like you think you're a fucking Chad looking like a preop trap. You really a narcissistic little bitch, if you were really insecure you wouldn't whiningly post your body on a board that could dox you.
just pat some dogs
>you wouldn't whiningly post your body
And he didn't, you fucking retard.
post pics of your mom she seems like a milf
Dude, lets be honest here. OP will look like shit no matter how much he lifts. Dude barely looks human.
Firstly, I'm aware this might be shitty copypasta, if so, well done, you got me.
If it isn't though, then stop whinging about "muh genetics" and stop being a little bitch.
Your body shape is admittedly awful, but it's relatively easy to fix.
You have that most terrible of male afflictions - skinnyfat.
Poor diet, lack of exercise, sitting on your arse all day in front of a computer - you've got no muscle definition to your upper body, and a build up of fat in your lower body.
You do NOT have narrow shoulders and you do NOT have wide hips. What you have is a total lack of muscle on your shoulders, and a fat arse/thighs.
Get to a fucking gym, do SS or SL (for NO MORE than 3-4 months), get form perfect and be CONSISTENT. After 3-4 months, do something like PPL.
EAT properly - eat over maintenance in terms of calories, and work out you macros. Aim for 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fats, and aim for good clean foods - no shitty junk food and sugary shit you presumably subsist on now.
And finally, get your testosterone levels checked. There's a good chance with that fat distribution and your whiny defeatist attitude, that you're low-test. The answer is simple - inject test. It isn't hard, it's perfectly safe if you've got more than half a brain cell, and if you live in the developed world, it's perfectly legal too. Changed my life.
OR just keep fucking complaining, blaming abstract concepts, and enjoy your shitty life. I'd say just kill yourself, but if you don't have the motivation to take my main advice, you certainly don't have the motivation to do that.
Stop it, get some help.
Bruh, you look fine (this is coming from a girl). If you lift and bulk a little bit you'll look great and the bulk of your abs will likely give you a straighter, more masculine form anyway. You've got a good sized dingle donger. Don't listen to these Epson BrightLink 536Wi Interactive WXGA 3LCD projectors
>a girl
Yeah, sure. A girl definitely wrote that post....
pull ups are what you need to exit skinnyfat
*sigh* the LARPing accusations get a bit irritating after a while. What about my speech makes you think I'm a dude?
Daily fucking reminder that Eric Aka the Bugezzz has hips wide af, and that didin't stop him from having a manly and glorious physique, suck it up and lift fag.
Post your titters
Why ur gonna an hero try being a homo u high e fag
sorry are you getting hips mixed up with quadriceps femoris?
Don't worry about it OP. Firstly, it's not even that bad. What are your goals anyways?
to look like a male. i literally look like i have kleinfelters except technically i don't.
No bro, look at his belly button, those handles that pop out are from big hips. Much like the Op photo, but Eric has so much upper body mass that it blends just nice.
I don't have a mom
The Bugezz has the mindset, OP doesnt.
lol wtf
i'm not OP but stop deluding him. i have a similar problem and i've come to accept that i'll never have an attractive body. don't give him false hope. it's like telling a fridgemode girl that she'll look like a cute instagram model one day. it'll never happen
what is OP supposed to do, give up and be as miserable as you obviously are? Nah fuck that, OP should fight for a body that he wants. He doesn't have to be a male model, but surely he could look at least decent if muscle is gained and fat lost in the right places.
grl here, most girls don't give a shit about hips if you look like you put tiny bit of effort into body you'll be fine
Just hop on roids. It'll solve all your problems in 3-6 months
not be miserable, more like acceptance. to not be lied to about his situation. you can still make the most of what you have, and enhance what you've been given. but I'll never have that nice taper and masculine frame. just stop striving for the impossible, and come to terms with your genetics.
small ribcage
normal ribcage
Jump on some testosterone and get some tats
been considering this apporach unironically for a while. Idc if i die when i'm 60
You can start getting big, focus mainly on SHOULDERS and LATS.
Pullups, lateral raises, OHP are your friends. Big lateral deltoids and big lats, along with a fit body can vastly improve your perceived width, even if your frame doesn't help.
Godspeed user
yes I'm skinny thanks I didn't know.
You are low test. Injecting 150-200 mg test E once a week will put you at the top(maybe a little higher) of the 99th percentile of naturally obtainable test-levels. You will most likely live a longer and happier life.
your subhuman ribcage is the problem, not your waist or hips
Post pic pls post pic
It's the OP, are you blind, or just retarded?
build lats, chest and delts problem solved
I also have wide hips. Been lifting for 7 months and now look like this. Fuck my life man.
roid hard
no you definitely don't
>looks like this
>waaahh my wide hips
stfu, I'd fuck the shit out of you if you actually look hygienic
You're deluded for thinking you can't change things.
I bet you're a lazy unmotivated NEET who hasn't done any of the things I suggested in my post. Fine by me, I'm just trying to help the guy.
I have wide hips. It might show a little less because I try to focus on shoulders and lats the most. But the wideness of those hips are still there. They ain’t goin nowhere.
Believe it or not, OP has roughly the same skeletal structure as the guy in that picture.
Difference is that guy put some effort in, a lot of effort, and probably some roids too. He also got a tan, looked after his skin, and got a semi-decent haircut.
It is perfectly possible, it's just most people don't even bother trying.
>7 months
come back in 7 years. Jesus, 7 months is a blink in the eye of lifting.
no one cares that's the thing, most girls don't give two shits about your hips unless it looks comical l
yes I know. Probably going to kill myself. You can know that you helped make me feel just a little bit worse today. Thanks.
Pls don't
you have zero muscle, so you can't really judge. anyone with that physique would look bad, unless they had really broad shoulders.
>waaah I feel bad im going to kill myself you made me feel bad
confirmed beta
what's your point?
I didn't mean tonight. Just soon I guess, whatever. I just wanted to let that guy know he did a good job of hurting me. His comment hurt. When I read it i felt a deep sadness in my chest. My subhuman one. He done did good.
you're weak and stupid, you post your body on fit and knowing you're out of shape then cry when you get picked on, you're weak, and I don't mean just physically
good thing natural selection is weeding you out though, what are you, 12? did mommy spoil you as a kid?
thanks for going out of your way to tell me? You must be real happy yourself.
Just start lifting and you'll feel a lot better.
yes because spending a few seconds typing really made me go out of my way
what's next hunny ? do haters make you famous too? are us big bad 'bullies' just insecure and sad?
calm down
You really trying to compensate for something huh? Not every bully is insecure but you sure are.
Dude, look how one of the best fighters in the world if not the best looks, do you think he fucking cares about his wide hips? He is manly as fuck, strong as hell and can kick 99.9% of the world population.
Do you think this guy goes to a board full of autistic dyels to cry about his wide hips? Grow up dude, you need to stop with your victim mentality and start doing.
I can list a lot of ppl like Fedor, the point is that you are a bitch, if your biggest problems are your hips, then you must have a very privileged life.
>You really trying to compensate for something huh? Not every bully is insecure but you sure are.
what am I insecure about exactly? I couldn't give less of a shit about your body, I just hate attention whoring men, attention whoring women are one thing, but the guys are even worse, at least when women whine about being made fun of they don't gloat about how they're gonna kill themselves, and that's coming from a woman myself
the issues a little bit bigger than "my hips are wide " shit for brains. Look, I just wanted to know if I was fucked permanently, and I got mixed answers on that. Then people started calling me subhuman. Guess I'll start eating a lot and start dealifting, pullups, squats and pray.
My point is you're a retard.
For some reason I think this is my girlfriend posting. Did I call your dog an incel?
I came here because I was depressed at the size of my wrists. Now I just want to look better
How can you be fucked? Because you have wider than average hip bones? You are just looking for excuses to not train and justify the fact that you will never have the discipline to train and get better. Simple as that. You look for ways to justify your inaction, nothing more.
I don't have have a dog
Start lifting weights user. It will get better!
Ok, good.
>Hello, welcome to Chili's!
You seem to be shrugging a bit in that photo. I don't know why skinnyfat dudes always do this. But actively try and relax your shoulders and improve your posture as often as you can, it'll make you look much better. I had much the same problem and it worked somewhat for me.
Focus on back, chest and delts (upper-body in general)
dw OP, iktf.
I'm part of the wide-hipped masterrace too. My leg muscles are too fucking tight and my achilles tendons tear really easily, so I just do a few squats, leg presses and stiff-deadlifts and my legs are bigger than most people's.
If you're like me, you'll find that the majority of your fat stores in your thighs and ass. Basically, you can look lean all year around, even when you're at like 25% bf.
When I was on steroids, my legs grew so fucking huge. I literally trained them 3 or 4 times in the entire cycle, yet they were like 37 inches.
No, OP's ribcage is small. The guy I posted has a ribcage that is in line with his waist and hips
so wut is op to do abut it?