>Deadlift 1x5
Deadlift 1x5
>Deadlift 1xfailure
Greyskull boii
>see gym friend doing diddlies
>walk up to prepare stretching and work in with him
>me:"watcha working with"?
>him: I'm doing 10x20 for hypertrophy
>deadlift 3x10
But muh CNS drain
>squal 5x15
What is ideal for strength/mass?
If he's doing them with proper form at 60%, so what?
1x5 is fine for a novice lifter
1 x 5. OP is a dumdum.
thanks friend-user
my deadlift day was today, my tested 1rm is 180kg but that was a while ago, my new program has been focusing on my squat and bench but my deadlift is slowly growing I feel, hitting 3 rep PRs every week from now on, and fatigued 1rm as well
Some people actually go to the gym and do this routine and then leave
>5x5 squats
>5x5 deadlifts
>5x5 bent over rows
lmaoing at strength lifters
whats wrong with it?
Nothing he's just memeing
>AMRAP is the same as to failure
lmao at you
It's barely a routine.
How often do you deadlift? Also why just 1 x 5 seems hard to know how much you can do if you only do one set
better then nothing
>5/3/1 intensity 2 pls leave
the last rep should be controlled, not a failure. so when you stop the set you think “I really couldn’t of done one more” not “oh shit I couldn’t do it”
Non the program works fuck fit and their shitty ass ss variant with no accessories
That's not even Stronglifts retard...
What the hell is the point of 1x5? Literally useless unless you're dead lifting 600+ lbs
you did 38 deadlifts today?
Personally I do DL on Wed and use the same set-rep rotation that I use for SQ and BP as main lifts, but that's the program I'm on. On the days I DL, I warmup with Cleans and then after DL I'll do Dips, Pullups, and Overhead Press as accessory lifts. I don't do SQ and DL on the same days.
DL 1x5 is for people who do SQ and DL on the same day, like Rippetoe's programs do. He stays away from lots of volume on the DL because he says it's easy to overwork them, but that's really because his programs SQ every day on full-body and every lower day. Programs that do them on separate days have more DL volume. Also, Rip's intermediate and advanced programs will sometimes add in more DL volume via backoff sets after the 1x5, or speed deads, etc.
Im on a percentage based high volume system, but deadlifts mostly rely on a lot of squatting to make them go up. I do roughly 3 times that volume of squats weekly.
it's used in squat-focused beginner routines mainly, works just fine for the demographic it's aimed for