Girl here

Girl here.

Came over here to let you guys know we do not care about much you squat or deadlift. All we care about is arms, chest, and abs. That's it. Work on that only. Some of you look goofy with t rex legs.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post your dick with time stamp and I'll follow your instructions

i like guys with cute butts...

please keep squatting. please.

Made for big bogan cock

>listening to roasties

I don't care

>girl here
fuck off

I still hate women

This makes me gush. Bloated men who can lift heavy do not

Obviously not a girl, but yeah, no shit. Anyone with half a fucking braincell who goes outside more than once a year or follows popular culture, knows this already.

>lifting for girls
what kind of faggot does that shit? begone thotious maximus

I lift to get a nice butt and hams. Male.

This, thot thoughts don’t matter.

we dont care what you claim you like, you like guys who are dominant. I impress and intimidate other men with my squats and deadlifts and you fall in line.

I definitely care if a guy has chicken legs, it looks comical. I don't care if he has perfect, sculpted legs, but a nice booty wouldn't hurt.

Post tits and pussy with timestamp or else fake

pls be true i need a way to cope after blowing my back out squatting

Get over yourself, sweetie. 90% of this board is gay. Crawl back to your IG shithole

This guy gets it. My legs look like they could crush your head because that's how I want them to look, period

You do realise that once you got a good face and muscles you're not holding any value since you can get quality women with zero effort

Tits or GTFO

Also were all gay here.

jokes on you, we only fuck men. women do not deserve these bods

literally everybody in the world knows this


Bitches love shoulders, traps, and lats, as well. And glutes. Also women don't know what they like.

can confirm

my last gf was a 8/10 slut and said her favorite muscles were arms and abs

>implying a lift for girls
>implying i lift at all

Can women please stop posting on Veeky Forums? I know most of them are probably larping men but still, this is just embarassing

Beat me to it user. Implying we give a shit about one skanks ideals Have fun with slow pump mc-chicken-legs

tfw I had girls looking at me like that when I was a late teen
too pussy too talk to any of them. still am

Legs are good for mobility. It help us escape predators, and hunt down prey. ...and with prey I mean you. Good luck outrunning us "unattractive ones" the next time you're out alone in the dark, moahahahaha!

ass too honey (m)

show tits you filthy whore

My last gf was pretty hot as well and she told me "man-butts are underrated"

>lifting for girls
get this gay shit out of here, faggot

I exercise for health reasons. Impressing girls is not at the top of my priority list.

>Girl here.
Stopped reading. Experience has taught me you have nothing to say.

Guy here.
All we care about are big tits.

>t. peasant (Resource Security Impacts Men’s Female Breast Size Preferences)

>lets use socioeconomic factors and hunger!
>Malaysian manlets for socioeconomic and white British men for hunger!
lol @ that sample selection.
Those men are not American and therefore their opinion doesn't matter.
Try again, chestlet.


>what? "Girl here"?? This is no doubt an ACTUAL female visiting my Guatemalan avacado carving forum to steal my gains!
It's obvious bait, boyos. Why do you take it?

>implying I don't just like lifting big weights

If it means I can chestlet-shame, I'll take the bait every single time.


Stopped reading right here.

Girls don't care about any muscles. If you lift for aesthetics you're only going to attract the attention of gay men. All that matters to girls is facial structure and height.

>tfw shit skin genetics gave me stretch marks and i wasnt even fat
i just want to not hate myself

>Implying i care about what you like
Fuck off my tree trunks bitch cant you see im squatting?

You cared enough to respond.

Nothing you can do about it, so why worry? If people a dicks about it, tell them to go fuck themselves.

Oh you're American.. Sorry my healthy pecs don't size up to your nippled burger-fat sacks, bro. Remember not to train too hard; you don't wanna look out of place among your "full-figured" countrymen.

>healthy pecs
The delusion on this chestlet.
You know there are plenty of girls in America who are skinny with big boobs.
I'd reckon even more so than where you're from.

Whatever helps you sleep at night hun ;^)

I think you guys may be a bit befuddled; I'm a dude, not a qt smol tiddy grill, though I am a fan of them.

>wat is amerifat meme? surely this foreign boyo is honestly mistaken in thinking all americans are fat, i must unironically inform him of the truth
Excellent 'tism, fren.

>thinking we lift solely for women's approval



>implying anyone actually follows the advice given here
you done fell for the meme

I care about how much I deadlift tho.

>girl giving advice on anything
sure sweetie...

>posts a twink
leave this board now

How did I never think of this back when the meme was strong. Fuck cunt

And women still hate you

>Girl here
You know the drill.
>All we care about is
Women are notoriously awful at identifying what they like.

i WISH females would dissapear

They know exactly what they like. They also know that nobody would take them seriously ever again if they told anyone.

1) Become gay
2) Keep squatting
3) ...???

>Not caring about shoulders
Come on roastie

made me chuckle