Who here actually has any education in the life sciences? Biochemistry grad here, am I the only one who knows how to separate memes from reality?
Who here actually has any education in the life sciences? Biochemistry grad here...
Other urls found in this thread:
I took anatomy in college, got a B
sauce on pic
she deleted her instagram because of Veeky Forums
in college i've taken general bio, micro bio, and anatomy.
english major here lol
med school here, about to start m3
Lmao what did she expect to come out of putting pics on the internet like that
>literally asking for it
How much does one have to lift to bed pic related?
I have a bachelors of SCIENCE in kinesiology. I am very, very intelligent.
RN student here, passed Anatomy and Phsyio, taking Micro Bio now.
it's naive maybe, but it's not her fault there's tons of sad lowlifes on Veeky Forums
education in fixed sciences, that are sponosored and constructed to fit and aid huge corporations, does not make you any clever, neither does it make you efficient at seperating memes from reality
>tips fedora
>it's not her fault
nice trips mr edgy
Biotech major, chemistry/human physiology minors. Currently a cancer researcher at UMN. Hopefully grad school in a year or two in an immunology/oncology program.
Amazing how much horseshit gets posted on here. I've given up trying to help.
amazing how much horseshit and endoctrination you've been fed at cancer school by the pig pharma shills
Hey i was in that thread kek
bro lend me your smarts, how do I chelate soy out of my bloodstream and replace it with onion testosterone?
biochem degree and current med student
Came to post this
>t. high school dropout
thousands of billions into cancer research. no cure or even a mention of preventative diets.
thousands of billions in profit for cancer "treatment".
1+1 too hard for you to understand? think your smart ?
PhD in medicine
gender science here, your biology doesnt mean as much as you think these days LOL most of it is patriarchy bullshit, but congrats if that piece of paper makes you feel any better sweety
she's silly for being upset about her pictures and instagram being spread around, but to be fair the people in that thread took it a bit far and were sharing pretty personal information and finding things about her irl
>he thinks cancer is just one illness
Please post highest education attained.
>>he thinks cancer is just one illness
did i ever say that?
He graduated from the school of hard knocks and the university of life
everyone on Veeky Forums is either a computer programmer, engineer, software engineer, or in medical school/a doctor
No matter what job/study people on here do, they are all geniuses and rich as well
you're your potato potatoe
who gives a flying fuck about spelling on a vietnamese vegan noodle image board?
because us neet faggots have nothing to add to those threads
People should be held responsible for their own actions. She posted half naked pictures online for attention. I'm not sure how i am edgy.
find than your an returd
>no cure
>implying a universal cure for a singular disease
why are you typing like fat neckbead?
exercise sciences & nutrition
where do you think you are you vapid brainlet
UMN grad here. You lift at the rec center frequently? If so, we've likely crossed lifting paths.
You're projecting. Can't handle words with more than two syllables?
>The perfect cure doesn't exis...
Question for you: what pushes one to get a PhD in medicine, as opposed to an MD?
Similar levels of work required to obtain the degree, but one makes far more than the other over a lifetime, I imagine.
Do you love research and bettering human lives through science? You must be a good person.
jewshill land?
I've spent 6 years in junior college and have had - $5000 since last summer. How's that?
I'm a marketing technology consultant, so you're only 50% correct.
no desu
Yeah I greatly prefer research over dealing with people, unsurprisingly I have poor people skills. Additionally I am very good at what I do and I feel that I will make a much greater impact on peoples lives through research rather than as a medical doctor even if I don't get the same kind of thanks or recognition.
Money isn't really an issue for me, if all I wanted was to be rich I would have studies something completely diferent
Biomedical engineering student.
Thanks for following up with a thoughtful response.
I'm neither in research nor afield related to medicine, so my opinion is worth little, but I believe medical researchers are some of our society's greatest unsung heroes (at least those whose wages aren't being paid by pharma). A doctor may save dozens or even hundreds of live through emergency treatments or surgeries, but advances to medical research will literally benefit all of humanity from now until our extinction.
Keep up the good work, friend.
but exercise is medicine user :(
Dev Bio here working in a neurobio lab. I can detect any meme relating to body or social gains. Feels comfy.
Here's pro tip from an actually pro: Onions are a meme. Garlic powder isn't.
>Promiscuous tyrosine inhibitors
Kek. I took a few classes with Daley (the guy who develop Imatinib/Gleevec) and even he will only prescribe it for CML/AML.
I was enroute medschool but had a stroke. Couldnt focus during mcats and gres and would run out of time. Tried coming back into it 6years later but cant get any referrals. Really sucks
lmfao stroke
thats what you get when you eat american food
but do go on about how corrupt science will save you from your own stupidity
Is being a male nurse gay? I ask because it seems like a great field but doesn't have that shine of being i.e. an accountant or lawyer.
Strokes are lol but not as funny as your baby dick lifts
no profession is gay if you're good at your field.
whether its sucking dick or shoveling shit. Be the best at it user.
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Just want to say, please educate yourself. The reason that a perfect cure hasn't been found is because cancer is unique to every individual. It's a mutation of YOUR genes, therefore the treatment that works for me probably won't work the same for you.
The "magic bullet" for cancer, if there is one, is in personalized medicine. This is a relatively new field that is growing rapidly as techniques become refined/cheaper. Personalized medicine is the future of all health imho.
"Test enhancers" that likely change your testosterone levels +/- 20 ng/dl won't make any difference. If you're really that worried about test, supplement it.
Just got this job and will start lifting there soon due to how cheap it is. Ever been to Los Campeones? How is Recwell? Have never been there.
Should I get a MS in Education (Social Studies) or be a Librarian MS in Library Science
do you like students?
do you like playing with your balls/curating and exhibiting?
Who the fuck cares, do you have a mega or something?
Assuming you're the third one, if you're serious about lifting I can't recommend Los Campeones more. A third or more of the people there compete in something and the amount of equipment they have is unreal. Great atmosphere.
I've been stalked 3 times and I'm not even a cute girl, so I can imagine she's been through hell after this.
Can't say I've been to Los Campeones. If you're working on West Bank, then LC will likely be more convenient for you. No free street parking at RecWell.
RecWell is great though, lots of good equipment and won't ever have to wait for a bench or squat rack except at absolute peak hours.
Additional pro: lots of other amenities like sauna/rock climbing/indoor track/basketball if you ever want to use them.
Additional con: mostly populated with undergrads, if that sort of thing bothers you.
I'm actually this guy But following that recommendation, may have to check it out. Only problem is I'm living in the other part of the city, these days.
you got any more of those mixed candy's?
I'm a male with a crazy stalker ex who started stalking and harassing me 2 years ago, and we broke up 6 years ago so it's fucked.
My quality of life had plummeted
Thanks for the advice friendo. The most attractive thing for me about recwell is that it has all of the extra shit, I prefer to do more than just lift constantly. Also, undergrads are fun because most are dyel freshman and I'm a big guy (4u).
Worth it if you're ever near either of their locations. Costs about the same as most clubs but 50x the quality.
Memes are reality
She's actually done a pretty good job of removing herself from the internet. All that remains are like 6 pictures circulating on the chans and a Youtube account with animal videos. Impressive.
up until a couple months ago she had another instagram called potatohog but she up and deleted it a couple weeks after I found it. she also deleted her old account. before that she had just renamed it and put it private but left all the followers on there so I could still access the old pictures
you think I would have backed them up but I didn't.
Damn you user, you could've been a fucking hero.
and all are +6’3 and lift 1/2/3/4 and got a 7 inch dick, men who lift weights are insecure
Sociology student here!
History minor
Fellow scibro here, good to see some educated fuckers on this board.
I'm a medical student who dropped out of a biochem master's program at the end to go study mcat. I studied largely in bed and am now weaker than when I went into med school.
lol no u can directly save lives on the daily as a doc. most scientists never contribute anything that reaches practice
Classics degree and I teach English in Japan. Maybe you're just lashing out at anyone who you perceive to be better than you
you can, sure, but most of the specialties are just dealing with old people or fat people or drug users so I'm happy to leave that to them. I've already contributed to clinical medicine so even if I stopped now I'd be content
>took it a bit far and were sharing pretty personal information and
So you're a pipette bitch. Stats grad student master race checking in.
It's not her fault. It's yours. Why do you fuckwit's act so creepy and disturbing? Why didn't your parents straighten you out and explain to you that this kind of behavior is not normal.
You belong in jail desu
>said user
Good thing you're here to be the moral guidance in this den of depravity
lmao a numbers monkey talking shit to a lab monkey
theoretical complexity postgrad here
>pipet bitch
t-thank god I do quantitative work, r-right?
I bet you still hook your condenser up backwards. Stay pleb, leave the labwork for us.
Pharmacist here
Basically a BTEC doctor, my profession is worse but I don't even get paid that much less in UK.