Reminder that if you don’t start your cut now, then you won’t make it for the summer.
Reminder that if you don’t start your cut now, then you won’t make it for the summer
How do you cut OP? Only eating on a caliric deficit while checking macros? Or is there more to it in your way?
Keto Master Race
I can't cut down to single digits bf in about 7-10 weeks so I'm fine. I'm also only 12 of so bf right now anyways
>losing muscle and strength
no thanks
>implying anyone here has enough muscle to benefit from cutting
>implying i'm not already cut enough to get mired
>no muscle to cut
>feel miserable
I'd rather be 18% with decent numbers than a lanky faggot at 11% right now.
It's already summer user.
northern hemisphere btfo
You can go from 12-9 in two months at a 500 calorie deficit easily.
>not enough muscle to cut
>too fat to bulk
B-but if i cut now, ill probably die (pic related)
Shaming fetishists GTO!
fuck me mate, I just started lifting again after being out for 5months
this summer is all about being buff
Summer bulk 2018
Will i have some decent size at july/ aug if i keep bulking?
yeah dude, just be sure to track your cal intake
if you take in around 3000 daily you'll be on the right track.
also be sure to lift properly, best for bulking is doing a low-rep high weight workout schedule
I'm following the stronglifts schedule atm and I put on roughly 1.5kg a month doing so
Been cutting since September
Tfw not ever making out of snikkyfat mode
I hate the beach and i hate summer so im good op
Wtc dnp?
>hurr durr anyone above 15% bf is an obese powerlifter
cope more, weakling
no thanks, I ain't no twink
you're probably not at enough of a deficit (500) and/or not tracking your calories right
>"""""SUMMER"""""" in Germany
lasts like 20 days, not worth a cut
Doing a bulk now for 2 more months then cut for 2 months, have a trip planned in May, should be at around 15% bf at the start of cut
>20% BF
>no muscle underneath
>look like I didn't even lift