Prolonged Water fasting
Good or bad idea?
Prolonged Water fasting
Good or bad idea?
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Fucking retarded idea
yea bad Idea
>only drinking water
Look up pic relateds video. He went on a 28 day water fast and came out great
>only drinking water
one month apart. yea dehydration
Water fasting isn't terrible if you can stick to it and don't mind not really lifting at all.
Imo a PSMF or a modified PSMF with ~20-40g of carbs pre and post workout is much better.
In any case make sure to get enough micronutrients and electrolytes or you'll run into some general unpleasantness.
In my experience fasting is significantly easier, faster, and kept more muscle than PSMF.
just do intermittent fasting (eat breakfast at 12 only cofee tea and water inf the morning)
Sounds like a good way to give yourself an eating disorder.
You're supposed to be using roid with psmf
Ulcers are the result of bacterial infections. You control body acidity by pissing, sweating, and breathing out acidic substances. Dehydration and *water* fasting: pick one.
I'm a major proponent of fasting and I've used it extensively with people I have trained for weightloss.
I have a problem with extended fasts and the only. ONLY. reason to go on a long fast is to deal with metabolic syndrome symptoms. High blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and high fasting insulin.
Once those conditions are in check regardless of bodyfat you should not be doing long fasts.
When metabolic symptoms are handled you should be focusing on putting on muscle and pifting heavy. Something you can't do when you're not fucking eating.
With those I work with I promote intermittent fasting, generally eating in an 8 hour window, and only from the perimeter of the store with a few exceptions and excluding grain and liquid dairy.
For more expediant weight loss I also encourage one day of fasting per week and I will permit 2 non consecutive days, wednesday and sunday for example.
I myself fast two days a week and eat only two meals a day 95% of the time. Fasting days are cardio, and eating days are weights.
The biggest benefit of fasting is you can integrate it with any diet plan. Except those that are like "eat 12 high carb zero-fat meals a day to keep your energy levels stable" diets. Your best friend's birthday? Drink the beer, eat the wings, polish off the last of the pizza and celebrate with your friends. Just fast tomorrow. Mediterranean diet? Works with that too. Chicken breast, rice and broccoli? Yeah.
But dont go for weeks on end because you cant add muscle.
Im on day 3 of 22-2 fasting.
feel good but my sleep schedule is fucked.
I have no fat to lose, am only doing it for the Autophagy
anyone else not a fatty whos fasting? I keep running out of time to consume my calories.
It's a terrible idea. If you're not eating you'll have no energy to work out, and if you don't workout and eat protein your body will just burn through muscle instead of fat.
You'll be a skinny fat and then have to cut again down to a low bf% before coming back up to a healthy combined level.
seriously, ffs you morons, atleast watcch shit before making stupid fucking comments.
He couldnt remain hydrated, becuase he fucked up his electrolytes, without salt your body litrially cant retain water, and you dehydrate, needing to drink water every 2-3 hours to avoid symptoms like headaches, cracked lips etc.
don't listen to this user.
"you need to take a vitamin for natriantz"
no disrespect but;
the whole point is to deprive yourself of nutrients so that your body turns to your own stores of useless/broken cells
taking a vitamin while fasting shuts off autophagy.
You shouldn't tell people to eat pizza and beer and garbage bro. You're a trainer. That kind of habit leads to food addiction and relapses
can you post a current body pic? I agree with everything you're saying but doing as you say has kept me at like 10-12%. I've been at 6% and shredded before (but was miserable) so it'd be really fucking inspiring to see someone at 8% living a normal life.
Define long though. I've done a month long fast every spring since 2013 to cut for summer. Doc hasn't given me any shit on my yearly physical which I go to a few weeks afterward. I think the longer fasts have more tertiary benefits than dailies. Autophagy doesn't really kick in under less than a week in my experience and that is one of the best benefits of fasting generally.
Just started day 4 of 28. Last water fast I did was for 11 days straight with no preparation and lost 7-8kg. I only drink from evian water bottles as they contain some minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Once I finish my fast I will clean bulk and gain steady muscle mass by doing PPLxPP mixed with cardio for two days. I choose to cut before lean bulking mainly because it is described in this video. (
>I've never seen anyone wanting to look like Bane