Can we please have one fucking FAST thread where we actually discuss Autophagy. just ONE thread, ONE that isnt obsessed with weight loss.

every thread is overrun by fatties taking multivitams and supplements in their fast effectively killing autophagy.

>hurrrr gotta have the nutriance cuz im not eating and will die


This thread is for lean and otters who are in it for the Autophagy.

>inb4 weight loss PLEASE for the love of god there are other aspects of Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

is that where gay guys fuck themselves?

still OP

Im on day 3 of 22-2 schedule. Eating feels really great , and I feel great. But im having trouble squeezing in my calories to that small window.

Autophagy goes up 300% in relation to "normal" eating schedules after 24 hours and to 330% at 48hours so I don't want to ease up on the eating window for the sake of those HGH gainz.

when I do eat im eating a lot of calciferous veggies, salmon/chicken, rice, avacados, coconut milk, peanut butter, potatoes ect.
also have some pic related with some brewer's yeast (B vitamins) fish oil, magnesium, and some extra fiber.

just looking for any guidance on mazimizing autophagy and not turning into a skeleton (I havent lost any mass yet)

awe-TOPH-a-gee not aw-toe-FAG-ee

*cruciferous srry

I don’t mind the weight loss aspect so much as the relentless questions repeated every single thread that are all answered in the sticky.

Regarding autophagy, I don’t know how physically noticeable it is except possibly mental clarity, although that might just be the lack of shitty processed junk food.
I guess I’ll see how long I live naturally and report back here.


>only listens to Dr.Oz

Berg was going to be a guest on Dr. Oz but when they found out Berg's info and advice was accurate and would effectively help people, prevent people relying on Pharma and fad diets they cut him.

if youre going to shill go to /pol/

Yeah I think the physical appearance effects (hair skin nails) are residual from increased HGH, lower insulin , lower cortisol which stops collagen from breaking down. adding Bone Broth to your diet is really going to help with that stuff

>appeal to authority

>starting the argument
>shying away from the argument after relevant topic brought up
>arguing at all

greentexting in general is pretty soy of you

OP maybe you can answer something for me. I practice IF (16hrs) and I'm thinking of taking exogenous ketones. Is there a benefit to me doing this if I'm going to maintain a non-keto diet? I'm trying to achieve keto like benefits through fasting and not derailing my diet otherwise. Should I just stop being a faggot and try to lower my carb intake? I don't consume sugary drinks or anything like that, but I definitely don't avoid bread/pasta either.

>ad hominem

you want people to take you seriously, kiddo, make an actual argument.

Hmm, my skin is already pretty clear because I’m careful with it but I’d be keen to work on scarring and stretch marks.
Did you capitalise ‘bone broth’ in reference to a specific product or do you mean bone broth in general will help?

In any case it’s nice how quickly I got used to OMAD, I rarely even feel hunger when doing 48-60 hour fasts anymore.

Not trying to be rude or anything but 16 hour fasting really is the bare minimum to see any results at all, and they’ll be negligible. Once a day is a simple routine to get into and you adapt quicker than you’d think.

Stock is made from bones, but also meat and vegetables and herbs. Bone broth is literally just made from bones. The emphasis was probably accidental.

Will this suffice?

>Veeky Forums buys into autophagy
Can't wait to hear about an influx of DYEL's getting sent to the emergency room

True, fatties shouldn't be allowed to post on Veeky Forums
If you don't have the basic level discipline to not be fat, you have no business being in this board, and posting here only contributes to shitting it up


The problem is that this boards definition of fat is anything above 10% BF

Kek, you dont have below 10% BF? Fucking Fatty