Seriously attracted to this babe at the gym

>seriously attracted to this babe at the gym
>dont want to go up and talk to her because that would be fucking weird to do at a gym where she is there to workout and not meet people
>kill me

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you're right it will be weird. just lift, get aesthetic enough and not be too ugly and she will eventually come to you for dick.

yo man just stop working out with headphones on and meander a little bit more and talk to other gym goers so when u guys bump into one another, you're already sociable, as opposed to just awkwardly breaking your lifting isolation to hit on her.

What if she’s wearing earphones tho?

Finish your workout. Wait for her to finish hers. Wait for her outside the gym. Ask her if she wants to grab a cup of coffee.

>"hey, are you working out?"

Then she's not there for you. Accept it.

"No im from the gym equipment inspection... yes im working out you damn weirdo..." This is a question if youre good looking so bitches will let it slide when you ask dumb questions so most people on this site cant pull it off

Nobody goes to the gym for anyone but themselves to begin with tho

Feeling fit?

>legit 9/10 that goes to my gym
>always mirin dat ass
>too autistic to talk to her
>see her on tinder
>realize that shoes a whore
>find her instagram
>follow her, immediately follows back
>dm her, we are going out this weekend

All girls are sluts lol it shouldnt be hard op

Just follow her car, wait in the parking lot. See where she lives. Return to her home and follow her on the weekend and see if she goes to the bar then just 'appear at the bar and chat her up

Thanks for the contribution chad

Being this new...


jesus dude do not do this

if you happen to make eye contact, smile

>newfag complaining about newfags
it's always the same


just tell her your location a buncha times until she gets the hint
>L O N D O N

tons of girls are there to meet guys
if shes into you, shell walk by you, or go near you atleast once, or try to make eye contact, flip her hair. girls do it to me all the time but i just ignore them

Are you ill ?



I swear i'm not a creep but i'd unironically do this if i was in your position

seems about right.
go for it, user, what's the worst that could happen?

because what you have suggested is pathetically creepy

If you really care that much, wait for a social opportunity to arise. You can force this to happen sooner by saying hi to her or waving when you first see or pass by her when you go to the gym. Make sure to smile genuinely.
Once you or her are confortable with the familiarity of greeting each other, initiate some conversation about a normie-tier topic. If her body language is positive here, flirt and ask her if she wants to do something tonight or tomorrow.
"Do something" actually has to be specific, think of something fun that normies like. Don't be vague with women when getting dates.
Your first real conversation might not build up to you asking her out, so you might have to try another day. Don't try to talk to her every time you're at the gym, but don't wait so long.

We can be really in depth about this process if you like. This all sounds autistic but if you're at the point where you need advice, you are not going to naturally attract a woman doing what you are currently doing.

Just be yourself. The best version of yourself, of course.


This sounds like advice from someone who had good upbringing, has plenty of good friends and is generally mentally healthy = normalfag. Listen to him, OP. Normies do shit like this instinctually, without needing any advice. You gotta get into their mindset, "to be yourself" actually means to have a healthy thought process, which you lack because of some sort of malfunction in your adolescence

Tl dr?

Don't be a faggot

This but go get the coffees ahead of time

Get on tinder when you're there and set the distance to 1 mile. Find her and send her a super like.

are you sure?

Yes. Also, make sure to show her your collection of hands from your past victims. Girls love that shit.

Tear them from her ears and break them to show her how strong you are.
She'll love it

Why can't you just stop her and talk at the end of one of her workouts?


Do this OP

want to ask out a girl from my masters, we are only ten in our group....uhhhhh what do

>seriously attracted to this babe at the gym
>dont want to go up and talk to her because my girlfriend is 10 ft away on the treadmill

>find a girl on tinder + ig
>All girls are sluts lol
fuck off retard

He can do something smillar without being creepy
Find her name, follow her on instegram. She would post where she hangout and go there with your friends.
Also you can just talk her in the gym. Theres no such a place for "meetin people".

Based stalkingposter

Philosophical quandary.

OP here, pls write exactly how I should do it :D

>"Do something" actually has to be specific, think of something fun that normies like.

what do normies do?

t. white knight

Restaurant/bars, coffee, etc. Places where you can comfortably have a one on one conversation without yelling.
Generally you want to use this opportunity to find out a girl's interests if she has any and plan your next date on that. If she has no interests (lel), then you have to project your own. Most women just absorb the interests of the men in their life anyway.
This is where you having normie level interests come into play. Music is a thing, take her to a concert. I like to take them to music stores and book stores, pretty good places to spark actual discussions.

The trick that most normal people inherently understand is that you develop relationships with consistent experiences together. It usually matters not the individual quality of a given experience or date, just if you can keep it going. A lot like lifting, actually. Consistency is key.

autist here will actually do this,dont play with the dumb

Hey Biz I like you guys. Better buy into the Lomocoin before you get the fomo. Great news ahead huge momentum and this is just the beginning!


>seriously attracted to this babe at the gym
>we're classmates but don't know one another but obv know each other's face by now
>dont want to go up and talk to him because he's probably not a fucking faggot

what do Veeky Forums ;_;

Quit being a faggot and go suck that guys dick

are you a girl or a fag

>he's probably not a fucking faggot

what do you think retard

i'll try senpai


Also dog

same species. I hate being black but I can't stand a retarded argument. That's just not how science works, friend.

No lmao.
Faggot, just start a conversation with her. I once asked this random girl to show me how to perform hip thrusts. Then we did them together and i got her number. Ezpz.

If your not very attractive, (be honest with yourself) i would recommend just not shitting where you eat.

I've hit on girls before at the gym, just start with small talk and feel it out from there, You always see those gym "Chads" who talk to everyone (except you) and have a good rapport with all the cute girls.

But yea if you go up to them sweating, stuttering, nervous and staring at the floor they'll probably be freaked out

>cant into race and species
>lives in da guetto,used weird words,low iq and no father or education
pick 3

I think you're attempting to attest that because I'm black I'm inarticulate, uneducated, and raised poorly etc. but ironically I can't even understand what you're saying.
>do you even English?

>tfw i live in small beach town in FL
>tfw 9.5/10 blonde fit babe goes to my gym

>tfw her bf/husband is 5'8 and yoked as fuck

>tfw Im leaving them gym and see them leaving with 2 kids

this girl cannot be older than 25 years old, and has the best female figure I have ever seen in my life. If she gave birth to those kids, this is the hottest milf I have ever seen. Life isnt fair.

>husband is yoked as fuck
>life is not fair
user, I don't think you understand what fair is.

>every damn day I go to the gym I'm ignored or reminded of how futile things are
>work out quickly, take breaks as quick as possible to avoid the pain
>watch guys talking to other girls who just lift 5 pounds and text or are at best cardiobunnies
>browse Veeky Forums and see everyone complaining about no gf, tinder is a waste, etc etc
>grit teeth over poo in loos and gooks swarming the gym or social media with their soft doughy bodies
>can't fucking stand normies anymore after years and years of being so desensitized to shit and browsing this site. can smell normalfags from a mile away and always feel a lack of interest towards them if they don't share a mindset at least somewhat like mine
>realize that even if I make it for myself, who would I make shakes for and clink them together victoriously in celebration of self improvement and not fucking dying alone
>go home
>sad post every day for like a week now

I will LITERALLY not make it

>there to work out and not meet people


>for some reason not understanding that you have ingested a toxic amount of chan and need to leave
The normals are flooding in anyway. No clue what you plan to do once this last safe haven is gone

user he is 5'8

This is actually the best approach. It isn't easy but just start asking everyone how they are going if there is ever a dull moment and both of you aren't wearing headphones. Get to know the people in your gym and it'll be much easier to socialise with girls there as well.

I had these two girls basically following me around the other day at the gym it was really fucking weird if I had to be honest