could he have been saved if he lifted?
Could he have been saved if he lifted?
Lifting doesn't change your face.
how was elliot even an incel, he was at least a 6/10. Bit feminine looking but that's not strictly bad.
His personality was the problem. Tried to buy his way to popularity without realising that if you're a fucking cunt with 0 redeemable factors it wont matter what you wear.
Lifting wouldnt have saved him because if he *did* get into lifting he'd be doing it with steroids and hgh as it'd be beneath him to spend so much time when he thinks he deserves the ladies because of who he is.
He was a solid 3 and asian, delusional fucker.
Pic related is an example of an actual 6.
Lol no
Go back to lookism incel
Kill yourself serious. Elliot was ugly as fuck.
>decent looking
He could have gotten girls easily if he’d actually spoken to one at any point during is life, but he literally never did.
How can you go your whole life thinking that 4 inches is the average? Don't most people believe that the average is 6 inches and are then are surprised when it's slightly less? There's no way anyone can honestly think that the average is less than 5, let alone 4.
>good face
If he lifted he would have been able to achieve a great physique in a very short amount of time because of his manletism, that + face + money and he could have easily become a 7
SeeAnyone who thinks elliot had a good face is a legit incel.
Agreed. I feel like his mom’s posting on this Ancient Ukrainian dance technique board.
fuck of samecunt
roger was definately above average looking
> good jawline
> prominent cheekbones
> good hairline
> no jew nose
The only thing was effeminate lips, he was fine otherwise
He was far below average. You're just coping because he looks better than you, and you don't want to accept that you're below average as well.
fuck off back to /r/incels you fucking reddit tourist
Kill yourself low IQ ugly subhuman.
We know what “average” actually looks like you doublenigger, we have been outside before.
He was so far in the closet and psychotic he didn't realise that a) he didn't like girls 2)the reason he couldn't get any was a) and D) he blamed the world and all women for his inability to get any.
There's people with 10/10 aesthetics who are complete chuckleheads and resentful about the poor treatment that gets you.
This too.
it actually does it will make you lose face fat and your physiology will change thus also changing the way you look.
No and anyone who has read Elliot's manifesto (if you haven't, you should, it's a piece of art) would know that his problems were mental, not physical. Not once did he make a single attempt to flirt with women. Once he said hello to a girl and she said hello back but she didn't fall on his lap so he sperged out about it. That was as far as I know his closest attempt to getting laid.
It wouldn’t have mattered. Elliot had insanely low self-esteem, you could tell by the way he talks - pretends to be extremely arrogant and acted like Patrick Bateman to cover up for his numerous flaws and insecurities. I’ve seen guys uglier than Elliot pull girls so his biggest problem was how he viewed himself.
>half chink mutt
He looks weak and effeminate, which he was.
This is all academic anyway as if anyone here has read his suicide note/manifesto/autobiography it's clear he had severe emotional and mental issues
e.g. when he moved to a new college and shared an apartment with a chubby nerd. The nerd was nice to Elliott and was understanding of his socially awkward ways, this was his opportunity to get in with a social group even if it wasn't with the Chads and Staceys, but instead when his chubby nerd roommate banged a chubby nerd girl, Elliott sperged out and went on an autistic rage, telling him he should be disgusted with himself for banging a pig like that and why was he allowed to get pussy anyway he wasn't as cultured and classy as Elliott and anyway Elliott would never lower himself to fuck any girl but a 10/10. He seethed and screamed all this at a baffled teenager who he had only met a week before.
Rodger was mentally unstable.
he was abusing creating user.
the boy had some major fuckups sure, but his father is the one who ultimately failed him
It's an incredible piece of writing.
I particularly liked the documentation of how he slowly destroyed his only friendship, by turning what started out as discussion of sexual fantasies into an insane rant on torturing women for not being attracted to him.
I also like how he tries to move schools or colleges like 4 times to reinvent himself but utterly fails within the first day and falls into despair again immediately.
His fallout with James is Kino. James represented what Elliot could've been hadn't he given in to anger and hatred. James remained by his side almost until the end and it wasn't until James left him that he started to plan the day of retribution.
> I started going to James’s house a lot more, since I was now able to drive and the two of us could play WoW together again. Seeing James was always pleasant in its own way. He was my comrade in virginity, for he too didn’t get any attention from girls, and I’m sure he suffered from it, but not as much as I did. I was very perplexed as to why he didn’t feel any anger towards girls for denying him sex. He should be just as angry as I am. I supposed he didn’t have a very high sex drive, or he was just a generally weak person
>I supposed he didn’t have a very high sex drive, or he was just a generally weak person
Someone, somewhere, make a Taxi Driver style movie with about Elliott Rodger, with his manifesto as narration.
It would be great. His manifesto has so many good parts.
>We then proceeded to walk across the long
black carpet as cameras flashed at us from one side, and a crowd of pathetic fans who reminded me of sheep cheered from the other side. I felt extremely gratified at walking on the black carpet with father and Soumaya, and I cockily smiled at all of the stupid fans who had to remain on the side, rubbing it right in their faces. There were some actors and celebrities on the carpet with us, and the paparazzi yelled at me a few times to get out of the way as they were taking pictures of some cunt actress. I discreetly gave those paparazzi pigs my middle finger. Elliot Rodger will not move aside for a stupid, good-for-nothing, over-glorified actress, whoever the fuck she was. I didn’t see.
Basically sounds like someone who never had friends
pretty sad desu
getting laid requires being likeable. Just look at that photo. He doesn't even like himself.
No, he needed a good male father figure type psychologist (not psychiatrist) to talk to him and teach him how to move through life. His ego probably wouldn't have let him get the help he needed though
Taxi Driver is already about male frustration and alienation. Making it Eliot Rodger would defeat the generilisability of the original message. Scorcese got letters from random cab drivers and guys with families asking him 'how the fuck did you write me so well in this film' with a few death threats saying 'if you tell anyone about me I will shoot you, etc.'
No, he's above average looking- he's just very femme looking; He s not ugly, but he's not a masculine looking dude. Some girls really dig the femme look. He looks better in the face than most anons I've seen posted on this board