>inb4: use gloves
But you guys said gloves are for faggets...
>inb4: use gloves
But you guys said gloves are for faggets...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would you want to treat your calluses?
you can either scrape them off with a pumice stone in the shower or bite them off
although ideally you should grip the bar differently
your skin will get thicker over time and the calluses will become less prominent
Chew them off and eat them for extra protein.
gf is complaining about them
Because at one point they get pretty fucking painful during exercises like pulling up
why do you want to remove them
calluses are good for lifting and fun to stab with pens
>gf doesn't want thick manly hands
leave her
>had a qt girl tell a classmate that he wasn't a real man because his hands were soft and weren't callused
You don't
Guys like rough hands when you give them a handjob
They are a testament to not being a pussy. Appreciate them.
Never act on irrational bullshit from girls, doesnt even matter if wife or your Mother. Those are shittests, if you statt treating the callus she will just lose respect. Which you cannot afford since you seem to not have any balls anyways
If your GF has one of those stupid diamond sole scrapers use that
idk how to treat the but here's how to prevent them
You're gripping stuff wrong.
Using proper technique your hands will have much smaller and less obnoxious calluses.
You eventally may need to cut them down a little to prevent ripping them, but once every few months is better than once a fortnight.
Mine are nowhere near as bad. Make sure the bar is seated in your hands properly and not moving around. Use hookgrip for things that aren't deadlifts.
soak them for a few hours a week and moisturize, they will still be there, just like thicker soft skin, don't cut them if leaves you open to all types of gym germs.
The real question is what the fuck is wrong with your thumb? You break your carpals/metacarpals or something?
>wear your battle scars with pride dude I'm proud of my disgusting cauliflower ears I got from BJJ, they prove I'm not a pussy!
>gf doesn't like them
she makes you shave your body hair too doesn't she?
>not ripping them off and eating them
u shouldn't get callouses there- your grip is wrong. should be on your fingers
>callouses on fingers
Are you retarded?
Dude WTF that looks gross as hell. Did you not drain that shit like a reasonable human being?
My ex loved it
Your a faggot
kys u fucking beta
ya learn how to hook grip, amateur.
He's totally right though
False equality.
This desu senpai
Don't listen to these larping numale faggots who think calluses are anything special or manly. Once you've been lifting for a couple of years you realize they're just annoying. If they're too big or if they become torn, they will start to scratch bitches.
You want a reasonable sized callus, it protects you, but you don't need it to be needlessly large or prone to tearing because its out of control. I grind mine down at least once a month with pic related.
Get the one you can use in the shower, if not, it gets too hot after a little while and it takes longer to do. In shower, you hold the thing right on the callus while under the water and take about 50% off and smooth out unnecessary roughness.
What the fuck is wrong with your damn not enough manlyness paranoia?
I love my strong but soft hands and my gloves in my homegym and i also love telling others I just swim sometimes to look like that
my husband touched my hands and freaked out skin became tough over the years of lifting
you can exfoliate with something like alpha hydrox aha body lotion 14% but not on raw broken skin
When I was 14 I had extremely deep callouses, helped with grip though
If your gym allows it, you could start using chalk on heavy lifts. Helped me a lot with my calluses. Bonus is the extra grip.
I bet your boyfriend also loves when your soft hands grab his cock, faggot. enjoi ur glovez
If you have open wounds on your hand and you're touching gym equipment you could end up with a staph infection, or something similar. Also nasty to leave your pus and blood all over the equipment. Go get some gloves ffs
Post feet
>he thinks callus are filled with pus and blood...
ask me how I know you don't lift.
calluses are hard skin you mongoloid
>learn to grip properly
>pumice stone
Thats all youll need as a beginner
>hold bar wrong
>blame others for your silly fuck ups
Go get your test levels checked. You are fucking stupid.
Never gonna make it.
Does your gf(male) want you to be a twink?
>thick skin from adaptation to having to grip heavy things
Good, useful, and makes you seem manly and like youve actually done something besides sit at a keyboard your whole life
>Rough, jagged callusses that scratch and tear open
Bad, causes injury, scares away women, however open bleeding hand wounds may attract crossfit chicks
Know the difference.
it's literally not the same you crackhead retard
Nobody else uses nail clippers?
This or a pocket knife work. Just make sure to cut from the base of the finger down to the palm and not the other way around otherwise you'll have a wound on your finger fold that will keep opening every time you deadlift
I do.
I use tweezers to pinch them then nail clippers to clip them off.
If you have calluses like those you're holding the bar wrong, retard.
Grab the barbel like the green line not the red one you retard. This shit is common knowledge for not retarded people
DYEL faggot? go read the sticky
I hate myself so I cut/rip them off, then carry on lifting to cause maximum pain
Don't develop them in the first place. Hold your shit properly.
You don't. Lift until they bleed. The blood is in the iron, the iron is in the blood. It's your sacrifice to the gods of iron.
you only get bad callouses when you got a weak grip and/or don't know how to grab the bar.
If you aren't baiting then you must be a dyel.