>be me
>no gf
>friends have shitty physiques
>most have a girlfriend
What am i doing wrong?
>be me
>no gf
>friends have shitty physiques
>most have a girlfriend
What am i doing wrong?
have you tried TALKING to a girl?
Dont skip personality day.
word probably got around about the results of your last penis inspection
Are you actively trying to get one and fail? If so, then you either are mental or not as fit as you think.
You're here for a start.
>uses tinder , okcupid , shit ton of other dating apps
>barely get any matches
>the few matches I ever get they ghost me after a day
>too much of a pussy to approach women
>Friends all have their own families meanwhile im sitting alone in my room all the time.
get a hobby that requires you to be social
>be socially inept weeb
>meet some guy that takes cosplay pictures
>decide to pick it up as well
>turns out that I'm kinda good at it
>getting more known per weeb event
the first step is to become more social
Your focusing on what you don't have instead of focusing on what you do. Get rid of the victim mentality. Your life will change.
>What am i doing wrong?
You're not using the superior Toshino Kyoko version of this picture
A woman won't drop on your lap while you're shitposting anons.
Some people are gifted, they grab a guitar and in 10 minutes they can make music, some people spend months learning just to reach the same level. if you aren't gifted you have to work for the shit you want, being social and having charisma is the same, some have it, some develop it.
Go out more, talk to people, don't know how?, read on it, lots of fucking material on small talk, conversing, pick up, etc, just talk to men ,women, whatever, take the piss, it's like shitposting IRL, then work your way to getting numbers and making friends.
Went 6 years since my last gf and found one. It was by a strike of luck as far as I am concerned that we crossed paths at an alarmingly similar point in our lives which is really what fueled the bond
Are their girlfriends even hot?
>girl asks me, a guy she's been drinking with twice, to her formal
>say yeah, ask her to mine, she says yes
>she comments tagging her best friends on fb on pic related
Am i getting close to having gf?
She's not talking about you senpai. You're not the center of the universe
Fuck that hits home dude. I'm 31 and a lot of my friends have children. Few of them have successful families though.
You're being yourself.
You have to fake a personality user. Make an instagram profile and make up shit up. Plus you have to interact with more people. Force that shit up. Oh. and stop watching porn and manchildren stuff.
Any recommendations for reading material?
The fact that you posted this does not bode well
dont fuck it up
There are plenty, Book of Pook for insight, The fine art of small talk, crucial conversation, etc.
You can't fuck a personality
are you older than 25?
im 28 and all the single dudes my age are in the same situation. don't wanna raise someone else's kid and every chick that doesn't have a kid is some used up slut or fat
>girls my age are married, workaholics or cat ladies
>younger girls are completely unrelatable, shallow, aspiring instathots
>tfw missed the boat
Evidently, you can
all women are titanics user, missing the boat was the correct choice
do you even personality, hobbies and do productive shit besides lifting?
>What am i doing wrong?
You're dumb and pathetic and that's why you're alone
You're dumb because you think the gym will fix all your problems. Where you got that idea in your head is anyone's guess but I'm here to tell you: all you're doing by spending countless hours in the gym is running away from your problems like some clueless kid (which you likely are). You're pathetic because you keep believing something as simplstic as *physical* training is magically going to change things about your that are *not* physical. It could even be argued that you're insane, because you compulsively keep doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different result.
You want to stop being dumb and pathetic and potentially insane? SPEND LESS TIME AT THE GYM running away from your real problems. IDENTIFY AND FACE your real problems in life. MAKE A PLAN to fix your problems. EXECUTE the plan. COMMIT yourself to sticking with that as compulsively and you've been going to the gym lifting up heavy things and putting them down again *ad infinitum* for however many months/years.
If you can't do this then you'll never be succesful or happy in life, you'll always be a dumb, pathetic loser. Your choice.
Oh and before anyone starts trash-talking me? I'm an old dude, at least 2-3 times older than the average denizen of Veeky Forums -- and for once in your young lives you should fucking LISTEN to someone older than you when they take the time to give you advice -- unless one of your 'problems' you're avoiding fixing is 'rebellion against authority' to the point where you fuck yourself up instead of thinking things through.
is this yoru dog? what kind
what's a good personality routine?
>*rubs belly*
do you even take effort to connect girls
talk to them
hit up
I like your advice user, but the whole rant about being older makes you look like a giant old salty faggot.
Age doesn't make a difference, experience does nigger. If you're in your 50s and as always been on welfare and never worked a day I ain't gonna take any of your advice on how to get a job.
God looking at most you guys saying you have no gf at an age higher than 25 is making me worried. Im a virgin at age 19 so the future isnt looking bright partner and sex wise.
You're still young but know this: NOTHING will just come to you. You have to make everything happen. When a girl says "blah blah blah and see what happens" it means she's waiting to see how far you'll push and then she'll say yes or no.
/pol/ is a containment board not a lifestyle.
they are willing to settle down for less
most reddit post on Veeky Forums right now
Think about it: If I'm some 18 year old trying to give "sage advice" to another 18 year old, how seriously do you think I'm going to be taken? So I mention how old I am because, in all seriousness, you can't survive to a 'ripe old age' of your 50's without having had something going for you.
Am I a billionaire with a fashion model wife and a perfect life? Hell, no. But I am living the life I chose for myself, and I have, of course, learned quite a bit along the way -- which includes learning from my *mistakes*, which is what you make "wisdom gains" from. There's a word for people who never learn from their mistakes: "fools". So you (and whoever else is reading this thread) can have the benefit of my hard-won experience or not, your choice.
Note I'm not saying "abandon your body, it doesn't matter"; being physically fit and healthy is a necessary life-skill that is too-often ignored in our current times. But don't obsessively pursue physical perfection above all else. Keep a balance between your physical development and the development of the rest of your *life*.
/pol/ is just more fools running away from their real problems. Most of them are so scared of change and so insecure about not measuring up that they transfer all that onto minorities and women, make them the 'cause' of all their problems, real and imaginary.
>someone says faggot
>soyboys start seething about /pol/
yeah they are the insecure ones
Dude he prolly lifts cuz he is shy and inconfident like most people who start going to the gym.... Youre not going get a girlfriend just by looking more joocy but because you know you look better you will have more confidence which translates more interection with people. Lifting for like 1,5 years now and i just see now how stupid i was for being insecure about my body. I realized i missed so many chances because i was afraid of being ridiculed and thought people gave a fuck how i looked.
Improve your social skills and work on your personality.
Change it bro now. Dont become ine of us. Put yourself out there. Dont be afraid of failure
I am 35 and most my friends have kids that hate them and are divorced with a gross dad bod. Sure I don’t have a wife to come home to, but I am way healthier and have money.
This made my day. I am prob oldest on here and worry I missed out by not getting married. I just fuck them until one of us gets bored.
>Think about it: If I'm some 18 year old trying to give "sage advice" to another 18 year old, how seriously do you think I'm going to be taken?
Depends on the experience, life choices and overall situations of both.
5x talk to someone every day, hold for 2+ minutes
bonus points for strangers and increase reps or time every week
Maybe you have standards...
Which one of your friends girls would you date given the opportunity ?
I turn 25 this year and still haven't had a gf. Am I running out of time?
Tinder is not a good way to meet worthwhile individuals or form long-lasting relationships. If you want to cultivate a relationship with someone, you need to do it in person, and while it is more difficult, it is much more rewarding and intimate, even with casual interactions.
like most men who bitch about not have GFs, you most likely never actually tried and expect beautiful women to show up at your doorstep to fuck you
I used to ask me the same thing.
Then I realised that I never actually tried to get a gf.
So then I tried to get one and, well, surprise, I got one.
>tfw 24 years old and still a virgin
I just don't know how to get a GF. I read some PUA stuff but I'm still not sure.
yes its over for you sorry anons
>use tinder for a whopping 2 days so far
>lots of likes but all from normies and weird looking flesh bags
Where are the Veeky Forums guys
Your pic related is what you're doing wrong.
Draw up how your picture of life should look and work towards reaching it. You'll attract people who want the same.
If you don't like your life, don't expect anyone else to like that life with you.
contrary to popular belief girls go for personality first. fix your personality
seconded for the Book of Pook.
True story: There was a cute girl in my gym that i was being a pussy about approaching and talking to. "I'll do it this time" i kept telling myself, but still never did it. It was no different than any other girl that caught my eye.
Read The Book Of Pook.
Three weeks later. I approached her and talked to her. one month after that, she's my girlfriend. Still is.
kill yourself niggerfaggot
Book of Pook is gr8, also Models by Mark Manson.
redpill mgtow shill plz go
>boomer giving boomer speak
>thinks the world is like it was when he was 22
classic boomboom
>anyone who says nigger is from /pol/
2x1 meditation and introspection daily
2x2 talk to other people and actually be interested in what you're talking about, also daily
>27 yo khv
>"I'm sure plenty of women think you're cute, you're just not approaching them like you should! Just download Tinder, user! Then you can see how many women in your area find you attractive and you can talk to them without the pressure of doing it in person! It'll be great for your self-esteem!"
>3 months in, not a single match
>Finally get one
>She immediately messages "Oh hey I saw your profile said you were a bartender. Do you work (craft beer bar)?"
>"No, I work at (brewery). You into beer?"
>"Oh nvm I just applied there and hoped you could help me out."
>Ask her again if she's a beer geek, but get error message. She unmatched me.
When I kill myself I'm going to make sure to do it in front of the fucker who told me to download Tinder.
>"user why aren't you dating anyone? You're such a catch!"
>you can't survive to a 'ripe old age' of your 50's without having had something going for you
older people generally know what theyre talking about more than young people but your statement here is not true. its not hard to survive to age 50 in this age. literally just put food in your mouth every day and be not braindead enough to have a simple job. not difficult