Why the fuck is CNN going full HAES all of a sudden?

Why the fuck is CNN going full HAES all of a sudden?


because CNN is fake news and is only in it for the clicks

>They live near a gym.
>They fidget a lot.
>They eat spicy food.
>They live at a higher elevation.
>They live in a big city.
Correlation doesn't mean causation.

the real answer, we have a winner

>"Sure, genetics and a healthy lifestyle play a large role, but there are other, more surprising correlations that may be helping them stay slim."
>"They fidget a lot."
Holy shit, so that's the secret?

because HAES is fake news user

(((take a guess dumbass)))

reassuring and comforting people makes more money than challenging them

>be skinny
>get Veeky Forums
>tell people its all genetics
>mfw they believe it
>mfw they dont know how much effort I had to put in

They are probably fat too. Fat people are a clan now.

>Cream cheese on toast

but it's fat free cream cheese

>Make it Fat free
>Taste like cardboard
>Add sugar to make it taste decent
>Twice as many calories

yea there is personal gain in making it seem effortless to the uninformed
if you're a charismatic guy though you could make a point for hard work and persistence and change a few lives for the better

but if you're ugly and babbling about SS and GOMAD you'll look like an autist

yeah but it's still fat free and fat is bad because it makes you dat

It's the trickle down from bullshit fat tumblrinas to the mainstream. Much like every retarded movement that starts in the universities and affects society in general after a period of time.

it's skyr tho

>eating fat makes you fat


they don’t know the way

Wow dude, that's an epic meme!!


Do you really have to ask?

Dietary fat doesn't translate to body fat you mong.

(((Science))) says cico isn't real and people are fat just because no matter what. But if fox news says cold weather in winter is normal and goes against global warming (((cnn))) would be all over it saying fox and republicans hate science.

Go back to /v/, faggot.

Because actual journalist are expensive and it's a waste to have them write clickbait.
It's better to just hire cheap young, dumb idiots who believe the stupidity they write themselves.

Capitalism at its finest. Be glad at someone is providing jerbs to these overeducated idiots

liberal news outlet
why are you surprised? their staff is prob full of sjw that fight for haes and black lives matters

nowhere in this article did it imply that these things were causal, in fact, it specifically says it isn't.

"The study was observational, so it does not prove cause and effect, but it does reinforce the impact of the built environment, including city design, on body weight."

It's so strange that you retards are lambasting this article when it didn't offer a single opinion on any of the things it reported on. The article was literally just citing the findings of different studies.

The last paragraph of the article states that if none of these studies apply to you, you can still be a healthy person by

" including daily exercise, less sedentary behavior, better sleep and a healthful diet -- will help keep you lean, regardless of your environment."

read the whole fucking article you inbred idiots.

hello cnn if the article is so useless and will contradict itself in the end maybe try not making them

Plebs have always existed
It's just that they can read now and afford luxuries so now you can cater to them with this shit

since being so anti trump, anti white
they need to get back some of the heartland audience, by making them feel good about obesity

There you go

this place is a cesspool for keyboard wizards drenched in cheetos who like to feel superior about their """" superior intelligence """".

They lack the self awareness to consider, "hey! maybe I'm actually not as smart as I think I am!"
You know, like actually intelligent people do.

holy fucking shit. I really hate normies. "Muh not being a fat landwhale is literally impossible, looking normal is an insane beauty standard". Normies drink a lot of beer, eat a ton of sugar, exercise twice a week and then bitch about how strong people are all on roids and are insane. Being fat, weak and dumb is the new normal, CNN makes articles like that just to get clicks from normies who want to reinforce their wicked view of a world where effort is insanity and being pathetic is normal. Anyone with a very very basic notion of nutrition and who is not ultra-lazy is able to achieve a non-pathetic body, but CNN and others are making more money by lying, so they do it.