I wish i had started working out sooner.
Not going out for drinks with a normie (but also kind of nerd playing vidya and such)friend in HS when i was literally invited bunch of times. i could have met new people , make new relationships. Now i dont even have real friends let alone a normie one.
But mostly giving a fuck what others thought of me, always thinking i wasnt good enough and that people didnt like me
What do you regret the most Veeky Forums?
I wish I never started playing video games
I wish I never just lifted for the sake of lifting and instead did it to get into sports while I was in school.
listening to all the fags on here saying "dur lift big weights" instead of just focusing on real health.
Wasting so much time on animu. Gf broke up with me when I was 25, and I spiraled into depression
>quit job
>8 hours/day of anime and other shit on YouTube
>now a NEET at 30, living with my parents
Making decent gains tho
Bro going out for drinks is bait. Even if you control yourself you're still surrounded by people who drink and there's always fucking drama or other shit going on. You want to meet people who have their own lives, try to connect through hobbies and shit
I wish my father was there growing up.
i wish i was more outgoing and sociable when younger
i wish i had started dressing better
i wish i hadnt acted so fucking beta with my ex
i wish i hadnt put her in front of everything else all the time
>wish hadn't been so fucking beta
>wish had started self-improvement about 5 years earlier
>wish I hadn't dressed like a fucking autist until i was 21
>wish I didn't live in England and had learned a language to study abroad
Ah well. There's still time
based London binge poster?
>I wish i had started working out sooner.
This thought is holding you down. The fact that you actually work out and keep a routine is something 90% of people never achieve. Sure you could have started sooner but do you want to get depressed and waste your time thinking what could have been? Stick to working out and don't think about "what ifs".
I wish I joined the wrestling team and became chad
But the past is the past
How can you even survive?
getting into a massive relationship (house & engaged)
bro i used to chill with is living it large in NZ travelling, banging QT's, adventure
seeing his insta makes me want to kill myself
might risk it all, leave fiancee and fuck off around the world
Basically from the ages of 16-20 there is a huge hole in my life. I became extremely depressed, lost all of my friends, didn't make any new ones, lost interest in all hobbies besides Vidya, and eventually lost interest in that also. I did awful in school, didn't know what I was going to do with my life, and was honestly pretty close too suicide. About a year and a half ago I started making an effort to change. Lost a bunch of weight and got in shape, I'm dyel by your standards but not bad by normie standards (girls love a six-pack). I became more social and made freinds, started doing better in school ect, found a part time job. Im 21 now and while I'm on the right path, at least compared too where I was, I still feel like there is a big whole in my life, especially in terms of social development.
Also I should have invested in Bitcoin.
fapping my test into old man territory
Apparently you need to actually ask out girls to get a girlfriend. I always thought I was ugly, but apparently I'm not, I was just too afraid of rejection to make a move.
Keeping my feelings of attraction bottled up most of the time.
I think a girl from middle school put a curse on me to act retarded around every girl I liked because I rejected her.
I know, sounds like a terrible movie cliche but I really don't want to actually find the girl and cut her head off.
I wish i had been more social with girls when I was little. Hanging around boys till I was 16 made me retarded with women.
Not being the best for her.
I regret doing drugs,heron and others,i regret almost goint to jail,i also regret not continuing gym and i regret not punching my child psychiatrist in the face when i had the chance
outswimming that other sperm
delet this
are you me?
too bad it took me 25 years to figure out
I wish I appreciated my family more, left for college this morning, done it 5 other times but for some reason this one was the hardest one. Realized i love them so much, and spending time with them made me more happy then ive ever been. maybe im lucky to have a family thats there for me and supports me, and it only hit me recently how appreciative i should have been
and started lifting weights sooner
Why haven't your parents stopped you from playing vidya all day and destroying your life in general?
>parents were divorced
>lived with mom
>she had to work abroad
I lived a lone pretty much since I was 14 so I had no supervision what so ever. What about you Veeky Forums?
Regret not caring about dieting earlier so I wouldn't have to go through my teens being a fat chick.
>hank hill was never your dad
Feels bad
I wish I started learning about day trading sooner.
I regret not doing football in highschool instead of being an autistic loner. The coach actually approached me and said I looked like I'd be a good fit. It would've drastically changed my social life, which could've changed my life trajectory as a whole. No biggie though, we recognize our mistakes and move on from them
I regret being stubborn and caring about other people.. man, life would be so much easier without friends and family and relationships..
I wish I had eaten healthier and more/exercised more, actually did sports during my childhood and teenage years instead of focusing on academics at such a young age. Wish I wasn't so arrogant and actually talkek to people.
I don't regret anything
Meditate and find faith in something. Humble yourself.
i feel mean for saying this
>wish i did not have an alcoholic, mentally ill parent
>wish i did not inherit said illness
>wish i did not hate myself/had more confidence
>wish i was more charismatic
>wish i was more sure of myself and not panicking about every aspect of my future, and cringing at the past
At least i have friends, even if they never really want to go out.