About 9 months between these pictures
First pic: 5'7 180
Second pic: 5'7 215
post em
About 9 months between these pictures
First pic: 5'7 180
Second pic: 5'7 215
post em
left looks better
right is cartoonish and uncomfortable, arms too big for this frame.. short torso looks like shit and hes a manlet, his delts are ridiculously small compared to his biceps and triceps.. absolutely disgusting, less curls and more millitary press you faggot, the shoulders are the single most important part in the fit body
Why did you include our height before and after?
fit but unattractive edition
Manlets always think they will grow more so they autistically measure themselves every couple months. Surprised he didn't say 5'7.263 like all other manlets do.
because its not his real height
this man is 5'4 but he benches 530 for 12 reps
First picture is 9th November, second one is two days ago. Wish me good luck for my journey.
First pic looks better desu
Just because you stacked your text and said 5'4 twice won't make him grow either. Manlets, I swear.
look man just take tbol or this is gonna take a while
I thought I was on /g/ for a minute.
9 months put on 35lbs what the fuck. What did you run?
My transformation is shit lmao I went from 135 to 175 in 4 years. 4 fucking years.
what the fuck is wrong with your chest
Dude on the left is the most terrifying person I've ever seen. You a serial killer bro...
Was getting fat part of your plan?
Really? You have a nice face
of course!
Only ones I have at the moment. I really need to take some more now that I've put on more muscle. Wish I'd taken more throughout as well.
it doesn't matter what the plan is, what matter is who we are
maybe you should start lifting
You should've eaten more you mong
so you are trying to get fat?
Well, congratulations, you got yourself fat. Now what's the next step of your master plan?
back to the pit
Yeah, I have a lot of fat under my nipples and they're not located in the best spot so they look pretty bad.
Definitely guiltily of that
you lost your adonis
>roiding as a manlet
Was 210lbs. Just did chest and arms with a workout buddy and ended up like this at 220.
Ended up doing a bro split and now 170 lbs. Getting on an AR in two weeks and bulk clean till July.
You look good desu, goals
This is from March of last year, 278 to 185, 6'4. Hoping to start bulking after I lose another 10 or 15 pounds
do you work out?
2018 goals are to get to 185ish and then cut. I'm working on strength right now, because my lifts weren't amazing.
Man, awesome progress losing the chub. Do you have a lot of loose skin?
fucking hell his nipples point down, do u no de wea
Sadly yes, everyone starts somewhere :,)
Surprisingly no, maybe just a little bit around my lower stomach, but it's not really that bad, if I do get some more, I just pray it'll even out once I bulk
Very nice going user, proud of you. Don't give up now.
every time
Bro, you aren't fat anymore, bulk
You did well.
nu/fit/ is utter fucking shit. You're either here to post your body and try to help others or youre here to insult everyone with the same retarded memes over and over and over
Awe man you look soooo much better, but yea I'm not sure you should bother losing anymore weight really. Try and build some muscle, you're not really fat anymore.
Thanks, user. I definitely could've done better in two whole years, but I knew literally nothing about fitness or nutrition and I was incredibly weak.
He's working on his time traveling dipshit.
I really should put the pictures in the usual order.
Both times I've posted this someone has though I was regressing
Mostly a fat to not fat transformation. 6' was 235 now about 168ish
That loose skin will disapper once you start bulking up bro. And if you ask me you are late to start bulking so start eating like you used to(kidding eat clean) and you will be the next pussy destroyer in town with in no time.
That's actually solid progress, if you keep it up you'll look great by June.
good stuff lads, always great to see fat people taking control of their lives and making real progress
>do not stop
Very nice Anonsan
Was at a slight caloric deficit since I started lifting, I also haven't tracked shit, just ate less. Now that my lifts are starting to plateau I'm going to bulk to bulk till around april / may so I can cut for summer.
I'm now going to start making sure I get my body weight in protein since I never tracked that and I figure it'd help my lifts.
Any other tips for a short bulk?
you looked liked a fuckable bear before. now you look like a bug chasing jew.
how did the guy on the left turn into a black dude?
Heavy tanning to get rid of acne on my shoulders
Was that supposed to be an insult or just to make me sad?
Cause you're doing both :(
>tfw looked better before i started using gear
dye your eyebrows slightly darker mane
If you actually lift this month you might see some progress
A lot better looking. Lose the shitty haircut and focus on putting on 5-10 pounds of just muscle this year.
Fuck off user
I know many guys who'd suck your dick
"hey mom can you take this picture for me real quick"
>tfw witnessed your transformation ever since you first posted your pics last year
I'm just observant not a stalker i swear
I'm impressed with how cut your facial structure was even when a fatty. It looks like it didn't change much even after a near 100lb drop.
I was just referencing your tat, isn't it a crusader helmet? It's a meme, I have it on my tinder and art hoes love it.
Ya good.
Looking good.
Y-you too
There's a much bigger difference in person, I make up for it with my dumb fuck love handles
Everyone gives me shit about it, but I like it, it's not done yet. I don't like hoes, I just want that catholic school girl type thing, kills me that I only match with vapid whores and Shrek impersonators
i seriously hope this is ironic. his delts are huge you retard
lol who would joke about being a pre-op trans?!?!?!
Steron infused manlet kek
you're skinny enough to bulk now user, do it
Chad get off the computer
He made the right choice
Wow good job, you're a skelly now. You actually look better with a bit more fat on your face.
Damn you were spooky af. Good work.
Mirin that tricep growth
Eat more, lift more etc
the guy on the left looks like he'd drug a prostitute and strangle her.
the guy on the right looks like he'd light himself on fire and trying to rip people's heads off.
nice work user
that's before gear? it looks as if you've just cut, don't look any bigger.
Not me, but reposting this for skelly motivation.
Down from 280 starting to 254.
I was 220-230 for aloooong time. Actually was putting december numbers on deads, pull-ups and BP.
Ended up going on antidepressants and ballooned up to 280.
Down 30 pounds over the last 70 or so days of cutting. Lot easier at this high of BF, real battle begins around 190 all the way down to 150 or around 10% BF.
Seriously lifting again. Crazy how fast you put on size when you know what you're doing even when running a deficit. Starting yoga next month so I can get flexibility for mauy Thai. Want to be fucking terrifying.
I'll probably be able to do my first bulk december this year. Can't believe I've lost 30 pounds over the holidays guys, can't wait to post.
Thanks user, I hope so
hey mike
How much steroids are you on?
5'11, 151, 174, and 164 lbs on the right
Motherfucker will eat all your goddamn luckycharms
Mirin your calves.
You look like that fat kid in the hover chair off Akira
>When a man tries to look like a woman, and ends up being hotter than 98% of all women
Men do it better
>tfw kinda a babyface
>tfw used that face gender change app and I was literally hot as a girl
bro that's some amazing progress, you're gonna make if you keep up that pace, keep up that good work!