I fucking hate when beginners do 5x5. I fucking hate Stronglifts.
It is entirely inferior and ONLY exists to differentiate itself from Starting Strength. It leads to less strength gains than 3x5 linear progression absolutely 100% of the time.
5x5 at 90% (Texas Method style) can be a good training tool past beginner stages, but I utterly loathe seeing a beginner do 5x5
Have I been memed into doing 5x5? Only been in the gym 2 and a half months, but my compounds are going up pretty well with it. Is 3x5 really more optimal for strength?
are you totally retarded? for a begginer not all is about strenght, they gotta get the technique. 15 reps vs 25 reps, you tell me which one ingrains better the movement pattern
As long as you're making gains everything is fine. You might want to experiment with different rep / set ranges as time goes on to see if you like something else better but no one combination is the magic one that will make you swole instantly.
Personally I did 5x5 until I started stalling, then switched to 3x5. I found that if I wanted to complete set 5, I had to choose the weight low enough that sets 1 and 2 were no real challenge. With 3 sets I can set the weight so that set 1 I really feel my muscles, set 2 I struggle with the last rep and set 3 I struggle on rep 4 and have to give the last rep my all.
Also remember to switch things up if you stall. Try lower reps. Try higher reps. Experiment. Don't just listen to troll advice on a Siberian rock climbing forum.
You don't mess with success, son.
Although SS actually advocates for greater exercise variety and accessory lifts if you do it by the book which makes it a better program than SL
>counting reps and sets
who /3x8/ here?
Huh. I've done 3x10 for a few years and put on plenty of mass. But I follow Arnold Schwarzenegger encyclopedia deal. I just stuck with it and do 6 days a week.
Works for me.
Both suffice more than adequately, however 3x5 is superior for his strength progression as a beginner
honestly this, gave it up after 3 years, its a meme
I do a 1 x 15 warmup set followed by 4 x 8-10.
Every once in a while I mix it up and do a 1x10 warmup and 3x5.
Seems to be working pretty well for now.
Even 3x5 strikes me as too much. Ramping up 5x5 60%/70/80/90/100, really a 1x5 w/ heavy warmups took me from 2pl8 to 4pl8 squat in no time.
(That said I had residual gainz from lifting when I was in HS/college and was basically just getting old strength back)
the strength and conditioning "coaches" at my college unironically make the football players do 1xF with their estimated 30 rep max on hammer strength press and call it a day
modern S&C is a joke
6-10x3 masterrace
4/6-8(10) ^2master race
>not just lifting to failure
>thinking taking every set to failure is an optimal way to train
post routine
3x8 - 5x12 on pretty much every lift other than squat masterrace reporting in.
>tfw 5x12 dumbbell bench followed by 4x10 incline bench followed by 5x12 tricep extensions and 4x10 skullcrushers
feels fuckin good man, especially with challenging weight that makes each set super rewarding.
>not cycling between going 3, 2 and 1 rep from failure
Dont worry, everyone here gets memed at one point. I mean theres people here that believe if they stop masturbating and eat onions that they will get super powers lmao
whats so bad about 10x10?
There's nothing wrong with it. Most of the idiots here think volume is bad, but what they don't understand is that you volume goes with strength. The bigger you are the stronger you get - hypertrophy (something like 10-20 reps in a set) is good to throw in. Ideally if you're trying to be well rounded you would rotate between compound/isolate lifts as well as rotating between strength/volume training. It's very effective. I love doing 10x10 deadlifts it's helped me drastically form wise, and when I do go for my 1rm (very infrequent because it's dangerous, and I'm not trying to compete so why risk injury) I've never not seen progress.
ye i mostly did 1 10x10 on volume day with shoulder based exercises and saw the most growth in them than ever before
3x a week alternating heavy and volume except been doing 20 rep squats every session
if you do it with any intensity it's impossible to recover from without roids
i tried GVT once and woke up hungover
I do 1 rep or until failure
Who FxF master race here